Fengshentian was domineering and greedy, and even wanted to take away the entire bones of giant beasts, and after the collapse of heaven and earth, a large number of treasures rushed into the gate of Fengshen.

"The Gods Array!"

As the strongest heaven, the gods and gods appeared together and gathered together. They ran the big array of gods, turned the world upside down, and smashed against the gate of the sealed gods, playing the most peak power of the world.

"Insatiable, you are more greedy than us and can't stand it anymore, demon masters, bombard them!"

The demon masters of Wanmotian also joined forces to form a great array of Wanmotian.

Many masters of Hell Heaven also slammed out.

Not only them, but the mountains, seas, sky, yin-yang sky, five elements sky, good fortune sky, and so on, all the strong people present bombarded the gate of the Conferred God.

This scene is so brilliant, rare in the ages, together, the sky and the earth can be broken, and a huge sky can be destroyed.

During the Great Ancient War, the Emperor of Humanity received this treatment, and now the Emperor Fengshen has also encountered it.

For the treasure, they must all unite.

Wow... Wow... an epic impact, but a boundless source of divine power circulated within the gate of the gods, immortal and immortal, and a great existence sits in it.

Facing this kind of power, he didn't panic, the torrent rushed into the Conferred God Gate, and it was impossible to destroy it.

This supernatural power seems to be cultivating something for the Fengshen Great Emperor,

"No, the Emperor Fengshen had long expected that we would join forces. He didn't make any moves until now. He has calculated us correctly. He is taking our power, running a sacrificial array, and sacrificing our supernatural power. Up!"

The face of the second **** of the gods changed, and he had seen the clues.

In fact, why the Heaven and Earth appeared, Fengshen Great Emperor did not immediately make a move, but let the powers seize it for a while, because he was preparing to sacrifice the big formation.

"The Conferred God Formation!"

The voice that shook the soul, the Great Emperor Fengshen personally controlled the great formation.

"It is impossible to stop the Conferred God Emperor. Although there are many strong people on the scene, they gather in each day, and the number far exceeds the Conferred God Heaven. However, every day is a group. It looks magnificent, but the power is scattered. !"

Chu Yuan is dazzling!

"I dominate Conferred God, canonize the gods of the heavens!"

The giant beast's body was flying, completely flying into the air. At this moment, Chu Yuan saw a blood-red substance inside the skeleton, like a red crystal, like a heart.

The value of this blood-red substance is not even under the bones!

Bang bang bang!

The power of these strong men was shattered, and the giant beast was about to fall into the gate of the sealed god.

But at this time, the change reappeared.


A golden arrow came through the air and hit the position of the red crystal fiercely. The erupted position was infinite, actually blocking the speed of the bones.

Chu Yuan saw someone at this moment.

This is a young man with sharp eyebrows, but with white hair. His eyes are endless vicissitudes of life, seeing everything in the world, the vicissitudes of life.

He is holding a big golden bow.

"It's you, you really are not dead yet." Fengshen Great Emperor knew.

"You are not dead, how can I die?"

The white-haired man responded. He opened his bow and pulled arrows. Nine arrows fired one after another, all hitting the red crystal. Suddenly, the extreme destruction caused the red crystal to explode, and many scarlet liquids flew around.

This turned out to be a drop of blood!

Under the power of the white-haired man, none of this blood was destroyed.

"You are ruthless!"

The Emperor Fengshen was not angry.

Although the white-clothed man smashed the red crystal, he used a more powerful mana in an instant to collect the bones of the giant beast into the gate of the gods, and he still had more than half of his blood.

Blood flew in all directions, falling everywhere, Chu Yuan and the sword **** immediately shot, and also caught sixteen drops of divine blood.

"The blood!"

Chu Yuan refined his feelings a little, a source of power was surging, and in his eyes, an incomparably long eternal path had evolved.

This drop of blood can reflect the universe, the sun and the moon are eternal, eternal and immortal, as if every drop of blood can evolve into the universe and create all things born.

"This blood is the blood of the original seventh realm!"

Chu Yuan was shocked.

The Conferred God Emperor is only the sixth realm.

The powerhouses of the seventh realm can be called the invincibility of an era, the ruler of the era, they have comprehended the origin of heaven and earth, the creation of truth, and the immortal power of the cycle of era.

As for the multiverse, the seventh realm is most likely to be the founder of the God Realm.

Why the Conferred God Emperor wanted to start the Conferred God battle was that he wanted to gather a wave of epoch-making luck to make himself completely break into this realm.

"The bones of giant beasts have entered the gate of the Conferred God!"

The second **** with a cold face, said: "I know his intentions, he wants to enshrine the gods, use the means of sacrifice, gather stronger power, and let the sealed gods break into the sixth realm!"

A Conferred God Emperor is terrifying enough, if the Conferred God God breaks through, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

"The seventh realm is sealed in that heart. Fortunately, the blood of the era ruler is broken and scattered everywhere. Otherwise, it is very likely to become the sixth realm."

A god-level peak giant Dao.

Who doesn't want to achieve the sixth level?

The sixth-level giants can walk sideways when placed in the eternal road, and not many people dare to provoke them.

"The Conferred God Emperor has been planning this situation for a long time. I can't completely stop the gathering of the power of the Conferred God for a day. I can only choose to break the heart and destroy half of his plan."

The white-haired man has a calm tone, indifferent and detached, he knew the result of his shot.

"Why bother to reappear, you are already my defeated player. I lose one game. Even if you reappear, it is not my opponent. It is nothing more than losing again, and you may even lose your life."

The Emperor Fengshen was unmoved, "Yi Tianjun."

"Yi Tianjun!"

The words of Fengshen Great revealed the identity of the white-haired man.

"Yi Tianjun, it's him!"

Chu Yuan was also a little surprised, he had heard of Yi Tianjun.

The age of Yi Tianjun was extremely long, and he was there when the founder of the God Realm was still in the multiverse. He was cultivated to the sixth stage, and with a bow, he could shoot into the heavens and all realms.

He had a brilliant record and once shot and killed a god.

Originally, Yi Tianjun was also expected to dominate an era, but he was defeated by the Conferred God, and then he disappeared, and he did not expect to return today.

"You are also defeated by the human emperor."

Yi Tianjun is very calm, completely different from his fierce bow and arrow. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is as calm as a water channel: "Failure is nothing to me. Every failure will make me stronger. The Great Emperor, you To become a conferred god, to pass me."

He was very calm, but he revealed his domineering.

"It's nothing more than defeating you again." Fengshen Great Emperor doesn't matter, "And this time, this emperor will seize your Dao Fruit and become the Emperor's Conferred God!"


Yi Tianjun responded with only one word.

He pulled up the silver bow and aimed it at the gate of the Conferred God!

"Yi Tianjun now, the situation is changing."

The second divine master said: "Even Yi Tianjun, although you are in the sixth state, the Conferred God Emperor has a Conferred God Heaven, and it is difficult to defeat him by your own strength. We gathered here every day to break his ambitions in one fell swoop. !"

"Yes, he is my old enemy."

The power of Yitian Jun restrained everyone, his eyes locked on the Fengshen Great Emperor.

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