Although the ferocious animal is dead, it itself is the existence of the Primitive Fifth Realm.

Its flesh, its flesh and blood, and the primitive origins in its body are all precious things.

If it weren't for it was annihilated by a terrifying law, in ordinary times, in addition to the ancient wars in the multiverse, how could it be possible to see these huge wars.

Sure enough, at the moment when the alien beast fell, a powerful person from a closer distance came quickly.

"Mountains and seas!"

The first ones that came were the primitive gods of Shanhaitian. They laid down a huge array of mountains and seas, an endless stream of mountains and seas, and they were about to take away the strange beasts in an instant.

"I still want to swallow the strange beasts alone, Shan Haitian, with me, you Shan Haitian can't do it, all this belongs to me!"

A destructive force, the ruinous lord of the **** sky unexpectedly appeared. With a slight movement of him, all time and space will be destroyed.

He is the existence of the Primitive Fifth Realm, as well as a master in the **** day, and his strength is stronger than many Primitive Fifth Realms, and the sword **** can't take advantage of him in fighting.

The vast array of mountains and seas is shattering.

"Destroy the Lord, in hell, you have the power comparable to the Lord of the Day, but this is not in hell, and we are not afraid of you!"

Although Shan Haitian is not as good as the **** sky, it is also a strong one. On the top day, eighteen dominates. They are not afraid of facing one.

It can be said that for this trip to the Forbidden Zone, a truly strong team was dispatched every day.


The Destroyer Lord’s eyes shot out the divine light of destruction, he was bound to win against the alien beasts, and his cultivation base had already reached the original fifth stage, but his realm has not been promoted to the fifth stage peak.

He needs the power of refining alien beasts, perhaps to break the shackles.

"Yin and Yang Sword!"

Several yin-yang-sky primitive gods descended at the same time. The black and white colors formed a yin-yang Taiji diagram. Among them, a yin-yang divine sword was torn down in the air and hit the alien beast with a heavy blow.

Huh huh!

A powerful figure appeared constantly, all staring at the corpse of the alien beast.

"Destroy Master!"

A will suddenly locked onto the Destruction Lord, causing the Destruction Lord to feel a sense of fear in his heart. He suddenly saw that a domineering and powerful supreme swordsman slashed at him with a wide giant sword.

The master of destruction immediately fought against this person.

Boom! Although the Lord of Destruction resisted this sword, his divine body was also shaken back, and the power in his body surged wildly.

He looked extremely ugly, staring at the burly figure, and said in a gloomy tone: "It's you, Jian Cangtian!"

Jian Cangtian, a powerful God Lord of the Gods, his position is like the eighteen masters of hell.

The Hell Heavens have eighteen powerful and terrifying masters, and the Gods and Heavens, who are the strongest in the heavens, certainly have more and stronger existences, more powerful than the Hell Heavens, otherwise how to force the heavens.

The power of that sword just now, Jian Cangtian even cut out the unique power of the sixth realm.

The sixth state, that is epic.

But the Destruction Lord knew he didn't. If it was the sixth stage, he would turn his head and leave. Jian Cangtian was just a blow that had condensed to the limit and completely broke out.

"It's really lively."

This is a demon god. When he arrives, time and space are freezing, sinking into the extreme cold, and he is the famous North Ming Demon God of Ten Thousand Demon Heaven.

His status is comparable to that of hell.

The top five giants such as the gods, the heavens, the hells, the ten thousand demons, and the ten thousand demons are like clouds.

And the Emperor Fengshen wanted to crush these many powerful giants, just imagine how powerful his strength is.

"Can't delay, the longer the time, the more powerful will come!"

Although the Lord of Destruction is not afraid and wants to swallow it alone, he also knows that he can't get so much. Right now, he can only shoot directly at the alien beast, and how much he can grab.

"Great Destruction!"

The Destruction Lord didn't do anything against the powerful. No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't be so many opponents. The Great Destruction Technique directly destroyed the alien beast.

The strong on the scene, in fact, have no idea of ​​a deadly fight with each other.

The Eternal Forbidden Zone is not a place where they will fight for life and death, but a place for treasure.

A large amount of power instantly bombarded the body of the alien beast, and they were all the top powerhouses in the multiverse. No matter how strong this alien beast was before it was alive, its body was blown up, and various fragments were flying around.


Naturally, Chu Yuan had to take advantage of the chaos and make a large profit.

His appearance also immediately attracted the attention of the strong on the scene.

"It's him, Shenwu God Emperor!"

Although Shenwu Shendi has become a primitive **** not long ago, his name is no weaker than some ancient strong ones, and he is famous in the multiverse.

Some people want to test the magic power of Shenwu Divine Emperor, but in the chaos, forget it. If you offend others, it's not worth it.

The body of the alien beast exceeded one million feet, and Chu Yuan locked in a position. He wanted to grab food in front of these powerful men, and immediately cut it off with the World Destroying Great Axe, and immediately a large piece of flesh and blood mixed with bones was cut down.

"The supreme primitive artifact!"

It has long been heard that the Shenwu God Emperor has a lot of primitive artifacts, and today it is true that the giant axe is extremely powerful even if it is placed in the supreme primitive artifact.

"court death!"

Suddenly Chu Yuan slashed away with an axe, and suddenly heard a scream, and a person was slashed out, his body blurred.

"That is a primitive third realm from the Ten Thousand Demon Sky. It was slashed by him with an axe, and was directly seriously injured. He needs eternal material recovery. He is very strong!"

"Don't fight with that divine warrior emperor, it's not worth it, it's not worth it!"

This axe also stunned some Xiao Xiao. Although it was the original first realm, this human right was in hand, controlling the empire, and fighting power cannot be viewed in a pure realm.

Even if it is a strong person like the Destroyer Dominator, if you want to attack Chu Yuan, you don't just have to worry about the Divine Martial Emperor himself, there is also a primitive fifth-level sword **** beside him.

The same is the fifth stage, unless there is a real crushing strength, otherwise it will fall into a fight.

Besides, there are also Beiming Demon Lord and Jian Cangtian.

Chu Yuan also knew that there were many people spying on him. UU read Therefore, when he seized him, he ordered the sword **** to be sharp without any scruples, and showed his powerful strength.

Only if it is strong can it be scrupulous.

The Heavenly Sword of the Sword God slashed through again and again, each light of the sword traversed, cooperating with Chu Yuan to divide the corpse and the alien beast.

In the end, this alien beast was divided into corpses. It was a powerful existence, but in the end it couldn't maintain a complete divine body and was divided into countless pieces.

After the strong men divided the alien beasts, they all left one after another, restraining themselves, trying not to break out a large-scale battle.

Chu Yuan also got a full tenth of the body of the alien beast.

Don't underestimate this tithe, you must know that the alien beast is over a million feet long, what a huge monster.

"Very good. With so many alien beasts and gods, I can extract a lot of **** blood from its flesh and blood. The eternal matter extracted can be used for cultivation. Its bones and skin can be made into divine tools."

Chu Yuan temporarily put these things in his system space.

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