This time, the scale of the contest of the gods is very large, all realms have been taken care of, and the rewards are particularly rich.

If the Supreme Five Heavens, every realm is better, the top three can get Heavenly Dao artifacts, and the top ten can get Half Heavenly Dao artifacts.

The realm of the heavenly gods also has competitions with each other, as long as they get the first place in their respective levels, they can get a reward of a primitive artifact.

This reward is very high.

Not to mention other levels, this time there were a lot of heavenly gods who had just joined the dynasty, and they secretly understood that these tempting rewards need to be seized by them.

We all know that there are some special reasons for this good reward.

The ringing bell of the empire.

Suddenly, a large number of powerhouses from the dynasty were gathering towards the Imperial Martial God Square, which was a place of little soldiers, temporarily transformed into a place of competition.

This time, the powerhouses of all realms will compete in Wushen Square.

"In the competition of the supreme four heavens, I must get the first place and obtain the heavenly artifact rewarded by your majesty!"

"Shen Chao has given out a lot of rewards this time. Who can get the first prize is not only rewards, but also remembered by His Majesty."

A large number of God's people, gearing up for it, are waiting for this day.

"Go, this time I will enlighten the Mingyu Shenwu Academy, and I must be the number one genius!"

The world of Shenwu is too big, there are many domains, and there will be competition between each domain. Those ministers and generals who manage each domain want to achieve excellent rankings in their domains and show their abilities.

There is competition to have passion.

And in the Martial God Square, there are also a piece of God's seat emerging, in the middle is the supreme Emperor's seat.


Outside Shenwu Tian, ​​a monstrous battle is beginning, which is a wave of primitive gods.

"Divine emperor, there are primitive gods fighting against Shenwu not far away."

Xinghuo was going to follow Chu Yuanqian to the Martial God Square, but suddenly saw the fierce battle of the primitive gods.

"A giant wolf, a Jinpeng, and a giant whale, a bull demon."

At this moment of Chu Yuan, the four primordial gods of the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens were fighting against the dragons of the Dragon God Heaven.

"It's okay, it's not an enemy." Chu Yuan said lightly.

"Hahaha, I won't play with you this time, let's go into Shenwu and visit that Shenwu God Emperor!"

The bull, demon and demon master yelled happily, they got rid of the four giant dragons, entered the moment of Shenwu, went to the countryside and changed into human form.

Generally, they don't like to transform into human form, but they will transform into form for convenience when they enter the territory dominated by human race, otherwise it will be too inconvenient and too eye-catching.

"Bull demon master, wolf greedy demon master, sky whale demon master, Jinpeng demon master."

Chu Yuan directly led them in.

"Haha, this time I came to visit the **** emperor. I heard that the **** emperor held a big contest. I also brought some demon children and grandchildren to Bibi."

The Bull Demon Demon Lord laughed, and he felt the dominance of the world from Chu Yuan.

This person is a domineering emperor, and he is domineering and suits his appetite.

Moreover, what made all the demon masters of Wan Yaotian look at Chu Yuan very pleasing to the eye was that Long Shentian was also their enemy, and the enemy's enemy was their friend.

Just right.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, they simply came to Shenwu once to see how extraordinary the empire that the ancestor of the Phoenix had mentioned.

Although they are monsters, they are also wise, and they understand the principles of unity, distance and close attack.

"Only by communicating with the powerful of the heavens can we detect the true strength."

Chu Yuan welcomed them, even invisibly, did him a big favor, saying: "The big martial arts competition is about to begin, a few demon masters, take a seat."

"The powerhouse of Ten Thousand Demon Heaven is here, and the powerhouse of True Sun Heaven!"

"This time they also brought elites. They want to compete with us. The elites are extremely powerful in these two days."

"Hmph! These rewards are prepared by the **** emperor. They cannot be taken away. Remember, we can't lose face in front of the **** emperor this time. We want to play my **** and martial arts!"

"Yes, if we lose to them, the face of the empire will not look good."

"Compare with them!"

Seeing the strong men of Ten Thousand Demon Heaven and True Sun Heaven also entered the Martial God Square, the eyes of the strong men of the gods ignited a raging war, and they even quarreled with the enemy for the face of the empire.

Originally, because of the recruitment order, the number of people who came to the empire greatly increased.

But the impact of external forces came to win their rewards, which made them care more about their identity, and they could never be defeated by foreign powerhouses.

A sense of belonging is cultivated through one thing.

Wars, competitions, treatment, etc.

"Everyone, sit down."

Chu Yuan's voice boomed.

He descended on the emperor's seat and looked down at the vast expanse. The entire Martial God Square was shrouded in his gaze, the kind of majesty to control a country, with boundless power.

He is the **** of martial arts!

"See God Emperor!"

In the entire Wushen Square, countless people looked at the **** emperor, excited, he was the glory of the **** martial arts, they all drank together, welcoming the arrival of the **** emperor!

Many people who have just joined the empire not long ago, heard these cheers, their hearts were also affected, and they even started drinking.

This martial arts contest, the **** emperor personally presided over, is of great significance.

"This Shenwu National Destiny!"

The four demon masters also took their place.

That day, the whale demon master secretly transmitted: "He has a humane and majestic aura on his body, just like a human emperor. You see, how stable the national fortune of Shenwu is."

"There is a humane supreme power, but he is not the emperor, but more domineering!"

Lord of Greedy Wolf, the strongest among them, the Primitive Fourth Stage.

He said: "I have met the emperor of humanity. The emperor is kind and loving, like the sky and the earth, but he is different and too domineering. He is not only the emperor of humanity, but also the emperor of all living beings."

"Such a person is extremely terrifying, and he is a powerful and domineering emperor."

They transmit sound.

Of course, Chu Yuan knew that they were transmitting voices and did not spy on them. He had done so many shocking things by himself, and countless people had long been studying his secrets.

Just let these people study No one would have thought that he would come with the system.

"All the people of the gods, as well as the friends of Wan Yaotian and Zhenyangtian, I am holding this competition for the purpose of communication. All players on the field must display their own strength. I hope to see your superior performance. "

His voice rolled and passed to everyone's voice.

It seems to be just talking, but it is different in the ears of the four great demon masters. It seems to see the existence of a dominating prehistoric, all secretly speculating that although it is the first stage, its true strength is unpredictable.

"All the demons of the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens, compare well with the powerhouses of Shenwu, and show me your strength. This time it is a friendly exchange."

Greedy Wolf Demon Lord also spoke.

"Qiling, this competition, I will personally host it, you announce the rules of the competition duel, as well as all the rewards of this competition, let them let go of their hands and feet to fight, with me here, no accidents will happen."

Chu Yuan asked the Lord of Spirit Enlightenment to announce the rules of the Great Competition, and with the impact of external forces, let them compare not only with themselves, but also with others, and unite the centripetal force of the empire.

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