Every news of Shenwu can affect the hearts of a large number of powerful people, making it impossible to ignore them.

Cross the day.

"What, there is another person from Shenwu who broke through and achieved primitiveness, called the God of Time and Space. How can their national fortune be so prosperous, and so many powerful people have emerged."

The three-day strong gathered together.

The stronger the Shenwu, the worse it is for them.

Even Long Shentian, far away from Shenwu, felt that the situation was very bad. Last time the ancestor of the Phoenix descended, he had a heart, and after Shenwu was strong, he would unite with Wan Yaotian.

Looking at Shenwu, their heaven and earth are being promoted, just like a mortal world is being promoted to a stronger **** realm.

This sacred dynasty, the wild ideas of expansion are too great!

"This Shenwu is the time when the nation's fortune is prosperous, I think there will be a blowout!"

A woman from Yanshentian said: "Look at it. Next, there will be more powerful breakthroughs. The Shenwu Divine Emperor is very weird and has infinite fortune."

"The great world has arrived."

Suddenly sat coldly on a **** seat.

Suddenly, on him, there was a sound of breaking the shackles, and a catastrophe came, as if the floodgate was released, and he actually broke through to the original third stage.

He has been trapped in the second state for a long time.

Breakthrough in every primitive realm can bring one's own divine body closer to the eternal divine body, accumulating more eternal matter.

"Trouble, you broke through."

The strong for three days congratulated him.

"Yes, I broke through."

If it is normal, it will be very happy to overcome the disaster, but there is really nothing to be happy about at this time.

After all, a small breakthrough will not affect the overall situation.

"In the great world, infinite luck condenses diversity, and then the entire world of multiple masters will appear. The era of the human emperor is an incomplete era. The emperor has fallen too fast, and now long years have passed. This is to make the world be born. Dominate plural existence."

Crossing: "My three-day strong must unite, share this fortune, and exist forever in this storm."

Qi Luck is like a vague fate. Mysterious and mysterious, it is not clear that the Tao is unknown, but it is real. Some people with great luck can break through with their eyes closed, and they can hit the treasure when they go out.

But unfortunately, drinking cold water can stuff your teeth.

They believe that Shenwu is the kind of person with great luck.

"Yes." The Emperor Guanglong said: "This is necessary. My three-day God has entered the path of eternity, looking for opportunities in the sixth realm. We must also unite to make us stronger."

"I heard a news."

Yanshentian powerhouse said: "It is said that the Fengshen Great Emperor is going to do something on the Forbidden Area. There is already chaos."

"If the Emperor Fengshen really takes action on the Eternal Forbidden Zone, we have to keep up." Du Dan said: "Unite together and gather stronger strength to share the greatest benefits."


They all agree.

"Also pay attention to the martial arts." The Earth Dragon Emperor also said: "Since they cannot be exterminated now, then they can only restrict their national fortune. I also know that there is no limit to all, but as much as can be limited."

They quickly made a very fair agreement.

"Shenwu has another primitive god, called the **** of time and space, we should make a decision."

The multiverse is too huge. In addition to the strongest forces such as the 33 days, there are still a large number of scattered forces, scattered and seemingly not strong, but when gathered together, they are a terrifying force.

"Chen Qi, it seems that you have decided to join Shenwu."

An old man looked at a powerful middle-aged man.

Here, there are more than a dozen heavenly gods, all of them come from the same heaven, and they compete with each other.

"Yes, I decided to join Shenwu."

This middle-aged man named Chen Qi has made a decision and firmly said: "Although we have been fighting for thousands of years, it is meaningless to continue fighting. The world has changed, and the peace brought by the ancient war will eventually pass."

"Joining Shenwu is indeed a better choice. I heard that many people have already gone to Shenwu."

The old man is the highest state among the people present: "Now the Shenwu Kingdom is at its strongest time, the Shenwu God Emperor issued a recruitment order, and now, we will immediately be the great heroes who assist Shenwu. If Shenwu does not die, we will continue to be strong. You can get this kind of luck, and if they lose, we have no good end."

"They are now holding the Empire Competition. I can see that they are using the name of the Competition to make it easier for those who join to blend in."

"Yes, it is better to take refuge in Shenwu. They need the strong, and join them to have a great future."

"Those powerful world, even if we join in, what's the use? Don't get paid attention, but just as their cannon fodder, all dangerous work for you to do."

"I'd rather go to Shenwu than those Qiangtians. Only when you are there, you can get attention!"


The opinions of these people are very unified.

Shenwu recruiting talents is an opportunity for them to join.

If you ask this multiverse, who is the most powerful now, then it is naturally Fengshen Great, but Fengshen Tian is too powerful, and all primitive gods are willing to join and assist Fengshen Great to open up the era.

Although they are not weak, they are all heavenly gods. Without the primitive gods, it would be meaningless to enter the consecrated gods.

In the past years, you can still live in a corner, but once the great world arrives, every day, there are wars everywhere, there is no safe place, and their weak and weak are the most extinct.

There is no way, you must find a big power to take refuge.

Shenwu is a better place, not thirty-three days, but it has the strength to fight for hegemony for thirty-three days.

The most important thing is.

Shenwu mysterious, all kinds of methods are emerging one after another, so many crises have not crushed them, but the more wars have become more courageous.

The other thirty-three days have been too long for development, and the internal forces are very stable. They suddenly entered and easily become cannon fodder.

There are not a few people who hold this kind of thinking. Some people set out to go to Shenwu because that day Chu Yuan broke through the primitive gods and completely raised their power.

Of course Chu Yuan knew what this group of people thought.

His empire is broad and broad, and all come from his people, especially those above the Great Master must leave the stars of the nation's fortune in the empire to examine their loyalty to the empire.

The more you contribute, the more you get.

He has already set up a series of systems.

And in the Coslight Alliance.

"Everyone, the situation has changed drastically now. It's not what it used to be. Shenwu and Duertian have formed a battle against rituals. You have seen the previous battles. I don't need to say more about UU reading www.uukanshu.com."

The leader of Guangyu was sitting on the seat of the leader, and there was vicissitudes and fatigue in his expression.

He would not have thought that in a short period of time, the situation would become like this.

He and Shenwu have also formed an alliance to explore the island of time and space together, but now the strength is not equal, there is no way to continue the alliance.

"Leader, what do you think."

The Coslight Alliance has grown a bit during this time, mainly because of Space-Time Island.

Suddenly a **** of heaven asked.

"From now on, the Guangyu League is disbanded. I, Guangyu, is not a primitive god. I am no longer qualified to continue to be the leader of this alliance. With my strength, I am not qualified to continue to fight for the hegemony of the world. You are not my subordinates. The decision cannot represent you."

The leader of Guangyu League said: "I decided to join Shenwu and take refuge in God Emperor. I have cooperated with them many times to understand God Emperor, and whether you plan to leave or join me with me, I will not force it, everyone is good to get together."

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