After also dividing the matter, Chu Yuan looked at the teleportation scroll that entered Yuan Chentian.

Yuan Chentian is just a force in the multiverse that is neither strong nor weak. It used to be very strong in Chu Yuan's eyes, but now it is nothing.

He didn't have much interest in Yuanshen Tian itself, but he was extremely interested in the evil demon in the Demon Valley.

This time, even if Yuan Chentian was regarded as a demon outside the sky, he could not help his power.

"Heavenly evil demon, I want to see where you came from."

Chu Yuan pinched the transfer roll.

"I am in a big disaster, who can save us, hundreds of millions of living beings a day will be extinct!"

"If the evil demon wants to kill, just kill us, come on, we are not afraid of you, or just die, even if we die, we will not kneel at your feet begging for mercy!"

"Even if Yuan Chentian is destroyed, we will die frankly instead of such a humiliating voice!"

A shrill voice, a scene of disillusionment.

Yuan Chen Tian changed drastically, completely different from the first time Chu Yuan came, shrouded in the terrifying and cold black air all day long, the appalling screams and crying of creatures spread.

Magic Valley.

A tall body shrouded in black smoke, with evil to dark power, cruelly said: "Haha, I want to die so easily, but it is not so simple. Sealing me for so many years, this time I will torture you well, let You die one by one at the most painful and desperate time!"

The evil demon broke the seal!

The entire Yuan Chentian was plunged into disaster!

The boundless black energy of his body pierced into the body of a powerful person like tentacles, grunting and absorbing their origins, including the Yuanchen God, with a sharp tentacle on his head.

The former Lord of Yuanchen was dazzling, tall and burly, and controlled the immortal majesty.

However, now he is thin and thin, and his hair is white, just like an old man, decayed, because his original source has been absorbed too much by the evil spirits outside the sky.

"Don't want me to bow my head in front of you!"

Although the Lord of Yuan Chen was miserable, he was still very tough.

"Haha, don't lower your head, right? I see how tough you are. I won't kill you directly. Killing you is too cheap for you. I will show you how the people you sheltered died one by one. Don't worry. , I will keep you later."

The evil demon outside the sky is ruthless, he pierced a tentacle into the head of a **** of heaven, and he immediately absorbed all the energy.

His will spread, every moment, countless creatures die.

"Ah, the evil demon, I'm fighting with you!"

The Heaven-Splitting Lord who had fought with Chu Yuan before was full of grief and indignation, his eyes were torn apart.

He struggled with all his strength, but a big blood hole was punched out by a sharp tentacle on his Tianling cover, which made him tremble in pain.

"Ants." The evil demon outside the sky disdain.

Too weak, no one will be his opponent.

At this time, all the strong people in Yuanchen days, including Yuanchen God, really wanted to die immediately, but they really couldn't survive or die.

The evil demon outside the sky sucked their origin, but did not take their lives immediately.

He was too cruel. He wanted these strong men to see how all the creatures in Yuanchen days were destroyed, and finally died helplessly in absolute pain.

"Who can save us, even if it is to give us a relief!"

Yuan Chentian was weeping, the world was stained with blood, and all beings were crying.

This terrible voice penetrated deep into their souls. They no longer wanted to survive, but wanted to die happy and to be relieved.

"No one can save you. If you dare to suppress me, you have to pay the price!"

The evil demon outside the sky smiled sharply.

But just when he tortured these people.

In Demon Valley, where Chu Yuan left that day, a teleportation channel appeared, and one person walked out of it.

He frowned: "The Devil's Valley is broken. Could it be that the evil demon ran out that day? What happened during the time when I was absent?"

He suddenly heard the call of sentient beings, hoping that a savior could save them.

"Outer Devil!"

Chu Yuan's eyes were dazzling, and he saw the evil demon outside the sky.

That day the evil demon was like a big tree, his black tentacles plunged into the head of a powerful man, gurgling, like a tree root, drawing the nourishment of the earth, but his nourishment is these powerful men.

"I can save you."

Chu Yuan listened to their call, and the scene of purgatory on earth came to the front of the evil demon in one step.

The heavens are mighty, the supreme divine might, Chu Yuan's overlord's posture descended, and at this time he was shocked and resisted the erosion of the devilish energy.

"It's you!"

Not only the evil demons outside of the sky, but also the strong group of Yuan Chentian also exclaimed.

Naturally, they are not unfamiliar with Chu Yuan. They had been chased by them as the evil demon outside the sky before, but he did not expect that he would return when he was the most desperate.

His vast divine light is like the hottest day in the darkness, dispelling the darkness and bringing a bright future.

He used his own power and the will of his emperor to tell the people of Yuan Chentian that he was not the evil demon outside the sky, but the savior of everyone.

Only he can save sentient beings.

"You can really save me Yuan Chentian!"

The gaze of Yuanchen Lord Wushen burst out a glimmer of hope.

Faced with such a miserable situation, he was actually not afraid of death, but the evil demon from the outside world was deliberately torturing him, allowing him to see the death of all beings, and still humiliating him.

Death is not terrible, but life is worse than death.

"I can."

Chu Yuan only responded with two words.

But these two words have unshakable confidence.

"A black coffin appeared that day, and it hit me Yuan Chentian. The storm of destruction destroyed the restrictions of Demon Valley, and the evil demon outside the sky broke the seal. He can't kill or deal with it."

The Lord of Yuanchen tells the reason why the evil demon broke the Coffin!

Chu Yuan is certainly no stranger to this black coffin.

It turns out that if there is no black coffin, the evil demon outside the sky will not break the seal and appear.

"Boy, I remember you. You dare to show up after you leave. Do you want to be the savior of this group of people? Haha, with you, another prey, I will torture you this time."

The evil demon outside the sky didn't care about Chu Yuan's arrival.

"Out of the sky..."

The Lord of Yuan Chen said: "This demon can't be killed or destroyed. I don't know what a strange existence. I don't know your purpose and origin. But I only ask you, destroy us, and give us a happy relief. !"

He only asks for death, not much hope for life.

Because he has fought against the evil demon outside the sky, knowing that he is too strong and too weird.

The origin of his soul is exhausted, and he holds little hope. After all, he has also targeted Chu Yuan, and in a short period of time, he cannot contend against the evil demon.

"Please give us a relief and let us die happily!"

The sentient beings are crying out in sorrow, hoping that Chu Yuan will relieve them.

"I am here."

Chu Yuan's breath gives people a kind of confidence from the soul.

He is a giant in the world, able to withstand all disasters, all storms in the world.

He was also staring at the evil demon outside the sky.

With the power of his current primitive god, he couldn't see through his true origin, which was weird.

But he also guessed in his heart that this demon from outside the sky is likely to be a creature born on the path of eternity, and therefore has such a weird creature.

But nothing in the world is immortal. The so-called immortality is just that the power has not been reached.

Chu Yuan's eyes, left yin and yang, darkness and light, his power evolved, the emperor's hegemony, shocked like the collapse of the universe, and all the tentacles pierced on the heads of Yuanchen Lord were cut off!

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