With the inheritance token, Chu Yuan stepped into the final inheritance time and space without hindrance.

He looked at the deputy leader.

His will is greater than that of the Lord of the Sky, and his power is unprecedented in the world.

His strength is comparable to the existence of God who controls the day.

In the heavenly alliance, the three deputy leaders are all powers of the **** level, and their leader strength is beyond the existence of the **** level, and can compete with the founder of the gods and the giants of the emperor.

This day blood mining area.

The strongest common people dynasty, to this day, no one has broken that magnificent **** city.

"The Celestial League, including all the forces here, has been annihilated for eternity. They do not belong to this era."

Chu Yuan stared at him, such a powerful force would disappear, making him sigh at the difficulty of eternal road, destroying one era, countless times of power.

"Creditable owner..."

Suddenly, it seemed that a voice rang in Chu Yuan's ears, that figure, like crossing a long river of time and space, was actually going to appear real, erupting with extremely bright brilliance, pushing with both hands, a torrent swept towards him.

This force, immensely vast, contains countless runes, it is his perception of the original way.

Chu Yuan was in it, and he also knew that although this was a manifestation of inheritance, if you could not accept this power, even if you had a token, you would not be able to obtain the most precious treasure here.

"It came just right."

Chu Yuan stood magnificently, no matter how the force impacted, he remained motionless, his eyes burst out with ancient divine light, deducing boundless sentiment.

The will of the deputy leader is also fierce. They left it here, not wanting their own existence to be annihilated in the years, hoping that someone can inherit it, but they also have the power to inherit them.


Beams of light, one after another, are all the powerhouses who left the inheritance here, blasting towards Chu Yuan in an instant.

This was caused by Chu Yuan deliberately.

He wants to comprehend the mystery of all laws, the infinite epic, from which he can control, and walk out of his own primitive way.

"The original way, the promotion of the heavenly way, the sublimation of the epic!"

These forces are like mountains and seas, crushed in a moment, even some primitive gods dare not be so bold, otherwise their souls will be burst and plunged into endless chaos.


Chu Yuan was not afraid.

An epic blueprint appeared in front of him, with countless inscriptions entangled in it, and the text turned into a ribbon around him, flying around him.

"My way is infinite, my power is infinite, and my infinite power converges on infinite way..."

Chu Yuan suddenly grabbed the Sky Wing with a palm.

This huge wing did not have the power to resist him, and apparently recognized him in the shock just now.

Boom! The wings were urged by him to control this artifact, and the boundless divine light burst out violently. The huge wings splayed open and traveled through time and space, sacred and majestic, with unparalleled power!

"Well, well, with the wings in hand, the spiritual background has increased dramatically!"

Chu Yuan smiled.

After he urged this wing, the entire time and space, all the treasures, all the inheritance, and even this universe were collected by him and swept away.

There was a loud noise, and just as he took away his wings, the Tianxue Mine area shook.

A shocking explosion occurred in front of Chu Yuan, and a dusty ultimate time and space was being opened.

The three divine lights shot out at the same time, and there were three portals that opened the heaven and the earth in the sky above the Tianxue Mine. They were located in three directions and quickly rotated along a circle.

In the middle of the three portals, a huge vortex was formed due to power.

Tianmeng finally inherited!

Chu Yuan looked up at the sky, no surprise, there was an unimaginable world communicating within the whirlpool, he did not step into it, and he knew that it was impossible to enter the heaven at this time.

"It will take a while, but during this period of time, countless strong people will be attracted."

Chu Yuan watched, the whirlpool was like a heavenly gate, connecting an ancient time and space.

The Celestial Alliance token in his hand was emitting a hot light and violently vibrating. Obviously, other forces with the other two tokens would also be aware of this fluctuation in the first place.

And this vision is too vast to stop.

"That is! The gateway to the three heavens, is it the inheritance of the heavenly alliance!"

"The three doors go out side by side, opening the final time and space!"

There are also many people exploring in the Tianxue mine area. There is no lack of heavenly gods. Shocking sounds are heard in the ears, and there are magnificent visions in the sky, converging towards this side.

"Who opened the third inheritance!"

In the past two inheritances, there will be endless fights. ,

But this time it was extremely weird. They didn't see any vision of treasures, as if someone had taken away all the treasures directly.

Who gets the treasure temporarily becomes a mystery.

Chu Yuan looked at this vision coldly. He didn't appear there for the first time. Otherwise, with his powerful and mysterious in the eyes of the world, he would think that he opened the treasure space and time.

He is not afraid of trouble, but there is no need for such unnecessary trouble.

"In the end, the inheritance is present, but it will take several months to get in!"

Many people have red eyes and are very excited, knowing that there must be countless treasures in the inheritance. The appearance of the two former deputy leaders is the best example.

"Introducing all the powerful together, the final inheritance will inevitably be very different."

Chu Yuan ignored it.

An ancient and huge day, exuding the sky and the earth, the universe is a great sensation, and the strength is extremely powerful.

"Tianmeng token!"

A gaze across the ages crossed to the Tianxue Mine and saw the final inheritance, "Finally, the inheritance is opened. Who got the last token, why there is no warning? In that final inheritance, the Heavenly Alliance leader remains the most Great heritage!"

This turned out to be Ushentian.

They also have a token of Heavenly League heritage.

"The Great Emperor, the Celestial Alliance inheritance has indeed opened. We have people in the Tianxue Mine, but we don't know who started the news. However, there are already a large number of powerful people gathered in the past, and there is no lack of primitive inheritance."

There is a primitive **** returning to the greatest existence in the universe, UU reading www.uukanshu. com U God the Great.

"The black coffin of the Era of Annihilation, the island of time and space, the relics of the heavenly kings are now, and now there is the ultimate inheritance of the heavenly alliance, the air fortune is shaken, everything is directed to one person, the Conferred God is his return, causing the shock of the multiverse, appearing All kinds of incredible things."

Emperor U God is speculating.

"The Great Emperor, what do you mean, it is very likely that the people of Fengshentian got the inheritance of the third deputy leader?"

"It is very possible, but not certain, but they have the greatest possibility. They will hold a Conferred God Conference with a clear purpose, create the world, gather endless luck, and let the treasures of heaven and earth enter the Conferred God Heaven."

The Great Emperor Yushen continued: "For those with great luck, there are boundless opportunities."

"No matter who it is, we have an inheritance token that we can't miss. This emperor will guard Yushentian and let us who are strong in heaven explore this ultimate inheritance, whether it has a chance to get the approval of the heaven alliance.

Even though Emperor Yushen was not in the Tianxue Mine, he could also feel that the inheritance of time and space would be extremely strange.

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