Although the gods have cultivated into the eightfold divine calamity, they can desperately exert the power of the ninefold divine calamity, and their strength is stronger than some heavenly gods.

Extremely evil.

But the most fatal thing about him is that he hasn't cultivated to the realm of Heavenly Dao, and he hasn't created the long river of Heavenly Dao, and there will be no Heavenly Dao God's strongest and most difficult life-saving ability.

In Chu Yuan's eyes, he was better than the weakest Heavenly Dao God.

And the most wrong thing about him is that he dare to provoke Chu Yuan without practicing to the heavens.

I don't know what he was thinking at the moment when his life was about to end, whether it was fear or regret.

But all this is not important anymore.

At the moment God died.

Gods heaven.

Inside the ancient temple.

The flame representing God went out, completely extinguished.

"God is dead!"

When a **** of heaven saw that the **** was dead, his face was shocked, "God went to **** to experience within days and honed out the final nine-fold divine calamity. Who killed him? Could it be the **** of hell?"

An incarnation of divine power also appeared in the temple.

You know, the status of God is very high, his death is no less than the fall of a **** of heaven.

"The gods of the **** are cruel and innocent, but with the strength of the gods, it is not easy for the gods to kill him, and he also has the mark left by the gods, and it should not be, unless the master of the hells takes action."

A **** of heaven speaks.

The gods, the strongest day of the thirty-three days, there is no doubt that even if it is as strong as hell, it is not as good as the gods.

If it is said that can challenge the gods, only the human world of the year.

"Impossible, the masters of **** can obliterate gods, but with their status and status, they will not lower the godhead to kill a god. This is a default rule, and the existence of the **** level will not take action."

Tiandaoshen shook his head.

"Huh! You can believe the gods in hell, they have no credibility at all. In the ancient wars, it was not just shredding contracts and shooting at will."

The flame is beating, this is the **** of fire of the gods.

He irritably said: "I think we need to check to see who killed the god, and find out the real murderer behind the scenes. The **** can't die in vain, he is very likely to break through the nine-fold divine calamity!"

He has a good relationship with God.

"When he embarks on this road, he must make good on the possibility of his midway fall. The nine-fold divine calamity not only represents the heavenly calamity, but also the human calamity. When he meets the human calamity, death is his destination."

An indifferent voice came out slowly.


The gods all looked at Thor.

This was the first success in cultivation since the opening of the Nine Layers of Divine Tribulation, and created the existence of the Tenth Tribulation, which was extremely powerful.

"What do you say?" Vulcan said.

"Death means that he is on the road of cultivation, and if he wants to succeed, one step is wrong, it is the abyss. When this **** is dead, let the next **** replace him."

Thor's tone was cold.

"Haha, I think you want your disciple to take the place of god." Huo Ancestor laughed.

"Are you going to fight me?"

Lei Shen looked at Lei Hai, looking at Vulcan so coldly.

Vulcan is extremely jealous. He knows that Thor is very powerful. Even if he is the top **** of heaven, he can really stand up and still has no confidence to beat Thor.

However, in front of the gods, being challenged face to face, if he does not take it, it will be very shameless.

Just as he was riding a tiger, a louder voice resounded.

"God is dead, Bantian Dao ranked first, only the gods can occupy it."

It was a divine lord of the gods and heavens who spoke, his position was like the lord of hell, and said: "In the temples of the gods, all the gods can be fought, and the next **** can be selected."

Thor's eyes flickered and didn't say much.


This is a noble title, and the selected gods can break through the heavenly gods, and occupy the number one existence on the half-day Taoist list.

Hell day, in the ancient ruins.

"Divine Emperor, he killed God so easily!"

Ye'e was dumbfounded, unable to believe his eyes.

Even if he fights with God, there is no certainty that he will be defeated.

But in front of the **** emperor, the **** died easily, not as good as the heavenly gods he had encountered before.

"Although the **** is strong, in my eyes, he still has a long way to go. If the long river of heaven is not created, he will die."

Yes, the most difficult thing for the gods of heaven to kill is that they have the long river of heaven and their lives have also been greatly improved.

No matter how strong Jiao is, he is just Jiao, not a real dragon.

The death of the gods was miserable and unjustly wrong. He miscalculated Chu Yuan's strength, thinking that no one could kill him with the strength that his gods were hard to kill.

This erroneous estimate cost his life.

"The cultivation method of the Nine Divine Tribulation."

Chu Yuan put away the divine objects left by the gods and discovered the cultivation method of the Nine Layers of Divine Tribulation.

He glanced at it, very mysterious.

Cross the ninefold divine calamity, achieve one's own heavenly body, and lay the foundation to become the foundation of God.

And it's amazing, you can survive one calamity, two calamities, or the most difficult nine calamities.

The cultivation method of the Nine Layers of Divine Tribulation is not a secret, as long as you can get it with the heart, the real difficulty is the success of cultivation.

Think about it, it is already extremely powerful for many people to survive the Heavenly Dao Divine Tribulation, and there will be a few who will fail on their own initiative and give up the possibility of becoming a Heavenly Dao God.

"Keep in the gods, as a strong heritage."

Chu Yuan put away.

The **** also had a heavenly artifact, but a square halberd, but he didn't even have the opportunity to use the artifact, so Chu Yuan was obliterated.

"God is a wealthy boy, not to mention his death, he also sent a treasure."

Ye E sneered.

The dead **** counts nothing, not as good as the treasure he left behind.

"Tumeng appears, I know you are here."

Chu Yuan said suddenly.

"The **** emperor is really powerful. He covered the sky with one hand, and wiped out the **** with a wave of his hand. This strength makes me tremble. This **** is the most powerful **** of the gods in the ancient times. He just died. In the hands of the **** emperor."

Tu Meng appeared in front of Chu Yuan.

But this is still not her real body.

" What do you want to do? Don't give up!"

Ye E knows that Tu Meng is too difficult to be entangled, and she has been famous for a long time, but no one has ever seen her in real body, nor has she really seen her hands. Every time she uses some means, many gods and gods suffer greatly. .

"I don't do anything, just marvel at the strength of the **** emperor, and want to communicate with the **** emperor. How can I not make friends with such a powerful existence."

Tu Meng smiled.

Except for herself, no one knew what she was thinking.

"You are kind of interesting."

Chu Yuan said: "Your real body should be in the extremely mysterious time and space, covered up with the secret method of the heavenly way, your heavenly way is weird, even I don't know what power you are, but I don't like guessing. "

"You don't need to guess, I don't have a primitive heart this time, but I really want to see the wise martial arts of the emperor."

Every sentence of Tu Meng seemed to be deceitful and cunning.

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