The other side of Shenzhou is indeed very ancient and mysterious, containing many secrets.

Its location is not a secret, it just fell into the depths of the dimension, but there is a terrible and great danger, even if the Lord of the Day wants to break open forcibly, he will face extremely great risks.

Chu Yuan thought about it, not surprising.

The other side of Shenzhou contains great detachment and great mystery. It is very likely that an ancient civilization used all its strength to build it, but it ultimately failed.

Even the remains cannot be humiliated.

"Okay, let's not worry about these for now, and continue to walk in this ancient market."

Chu Yuan has not yet been promoted to Heavenly Dao God, nor is he interested in paying attention to these secrets.

He continued to walk in the ancient market.

"God emperor, one day's journey ahead, we will be able to reach the Wandao Monument. There are many Taoisms written on the ancient monument, and there are even the insights from the heavenly Tao. When you come to the ancient ruins, you must visit the Wandao Monument. of."

Ye Hedao.

"Just go to this Wandao Monument."

After flying for a few days, the Wandao Monument arrived.

Chu Yuan suddenly saw the towering ancient monument.

Where is the stele, the size is almost as huge as a star, and the grayish aura entangles, it seems to have evolved the primordial chaos, the true meaning of all things.

Around the Wandao Monument, there are already many **** powerhouses who have realized it.

Chu Yuan even sensed the aura of several heavenly gods.

The strange thing is that there are ancient ruins fighting everywhere, and within a million miles around the Wandao Monument, it turns out to be like a pure land.

"I don’t know who built the Wandao Monument. It was swallowed in by **** in the ancient times. This stone is extremely hard and difficult for the gods to break. There is also a default rule. You can’t do it here, or you will suffer. Siege of all the strong."

This is not difficult to understand.

The gods of the heavens and the gods will be able to comprehend the Wandao monument, and they naturally don't want people to fight, and destroy their comprehension.

"Let me take a look at this Wandao Monument!"

Chu Yuan looked over.

At first glance, his eyes were full of gray colors, but in an instant, his consciousness seemed to have come into a vast ocean, and countless kinds of Taoism were performing.

"This is the way of fire."

He saw the birth of a fire, which burned into a raging fire, and finally went out.

Strips of lightning flashed across the void, each of which represented a different path.

It's so mysterious.

In the Wandao stele, it seems to be able to deduce thousands of methods, although they are all simulated, but viewing them in a positive way, especially for the Supreme God, the great deity will be of great benefit.

"Everyone sees a different picture. I don't know what the **** emperor sees? And what he sees has a great relationship with his own Taoism."

Ye E secretly said.

He did not comprehend, but guarded the law on the side. Although there are rules to not do it, it is hard to guarantee that no one will do it suddenly.

at this time.

Inside the Wandao Monument.

Chu Yuan's consciousness was incarnate as a giant, and Wan Dao was performed by his side, but he did not understand at all, but instead exercised his domineering will to control the Wan Dao.

This sentiment lasted for about a day.

"Although the Wandao Stele simulates the Wandao, it is always illusory. If you want to truly control it, you must create your own plane, but this stele can be used for comprehension."

Chu Yuandao.

Some are used, not very big for him.

"Isn't the **** emperor enlightened?" Ye'e said: "There are many relics in the ancient ruins such as the Stone Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, the Land of Silence, and so on. Even I don't know the product of civilization of any era."

Although he is a **** of heaven, he still cannot fully understand the mystery of the entire multiverse.

"The water in the multiverse is deep."

Chu Yuan said: "There is the Tianxue Mine in the distance, the other side of the Shenzhou, the eternal forbidden area, and when the many ancient relics in this ancient ruins were created, and there are ancient wars close enough. What is the purpose of the emperor? , I don’t think you know either."

"I really don't know."

Ye'e nodded solemnly: "Actually, I was also confused back then. The entire multiverse fought into battle, and I participated in order to take advantage."

"Only getting stronger..."

At this moment, Chu Yuan once again walked in the ancient ruins.

He is not looking for any treasures, because many obvious treasures have been taken away, unless it takes a long time, but to observe these relics and enrich his own knowledge.

After walking like this for two days.

Suddenly he saw the space in front of him was chaotic, the storm swept, the laws were violent, and the sound of rumbling came from the ancient ruins.

"There is a pair of wings!"

Ye'e's eyes lit up, and he saw a scarlet golden wing in a storm, which was extremely eye-catching.

"This storm almost possesses the power of the Heavenly Dao God, this pair of wings has not been destroyed, is it a Heavenly Dao artifact!"

Treasure hunting in the ancient ruins is a matter of luck. Sometimes you will have treasures smashed in front of you as you walk.

He grabbed the wing in front of him and observed strangely: "It is not a heavenly artifact, but the material is extremely special. There are strange lines inside. What are they depicting? It seems to be a channel for energy supply, strange and strange."

"Let me see."

Chu Yuan glanced, and was slightly surprised: "Huh? The refining technique similar to runes is used in the refining device. It requires powerful energy to provide urging runes. It is a treasure that relies purely on energy."

He injected a burst of primitive energy, and his wings immediately glowed. Since his ascension, he can travel through time and space.

"This is a mysterious treasure that requires powerful energy as kinetic energy. The original energy is the best. Although it is not as good as the heavenly artifacts, the benefits can be controlled even by the great master."

Chu Yuan smiled.

Special treasures have no other functions, but they are used to hurry.

The original energy is indeed the best energy.

Although endless energy flows in the multiverse, it seems to be diluted with too much water, not as pure as the original energy.

"Put into the dynasty and let the people exchange contribution points for it." Chu Yuan said lightly: "Ye'e, in the future, I will make a map about the ancient ruins, and I will let the strong of the dynasty experience."


Just now Ye'e's ears suddenly heard a number of violent fluctuations in the battle between the heavens and the gods, tearing open the void where the two of them were.

"The **** emperor ~ there is a **** of heaven fighting, this pair of wings seems to be caused by the fighting of **** of heaven coming out of the void!"

Immediately, Ye'e saw it. Five figures appeared in front of him, all of which were the cultivation base of the God of Heaven. Depending on the situation, four monstrous powerful men besieged a middle-aged man in white.

"Looking at this situation, it is the **** **** of heaven besieging the **** of heaven outside!"

He watched the five gods fight.

The heavenly gods born in **** have too many advantages and can be suppressed by the source of hell.

However, this white-clothed Heavenly Dao God was also strong enough, being suppressed by the Four Gods, it was still resisting.

"what should we do?"

Ye Hedao.

"Don't worry about them, it has nothing to do with me."

As long as he can't be offended, Chu Yuan is not a nosy person.

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