Chu Yuan pierced the sky with sharp eyes and saw what ordinary people couldn't see.

He saw that this should be a time and space node.

"Now it's up to the Shenwu Divine Emperor whether he can penetrate it. The average Heavenly Dao God cannot do it. If he can do it, I should be able to take the opportunity to break through the Heavenly Dao God's realm."

Xuan said silently in her heart.

While she was pondering, Chu Yuan suddenly looked at her, and said solemnly: "Xuan, you know what is hidden here. The purpose of your coming to Tianduan Mountain is precisely here."

"I know."

Xuan did not deny.

Chu Yuan did not continue to ask.

It doesn't make sense to ask again, what's the use of knowing if you can't wear it.

"Then let me penetrate this time and space."


Chu Yuan's whole body strength was condensed, and the Human Emperor Sword appeared in his hand, locked a key position with the Void Gate, and a sword of divine light cut it towards a certain node.

This sword slashed, setting off endless waves, and many laws vanished.

His attack this time seemed to have broken a barrier blocking a key node. The fluctuations caused were so huge that the entire time and space was shaken.

Even Tongtian Divine Mountain, at this moment, it is like an earthquake, shaking crazily, and the aftermath of destruction is being released.


Xuan's eyes sparkled.

"I have already felt the blocked time and space, a supreme and infinite energy, show it!"

The gate of the void was blurred, turning into a torrent and covering the sword of human emperor.

The power that Chu Yuan exploded at this moment was almost about to break through the multiverse and penetrate a large hole. It was the most critical blow in the roar of the volcanic eruption.

The node was crushed by him.

The storm that swept down carried the pure energy of billowing roars, and the color was the oldest grayish shade. At this moment, it was so violent that an ocean had crashed down.

"Through it!" Xuan said sharply: "Divine Emperor, this is the original source energy, and it is not wrong with my guess, here is indeed connected to the original world!"

"Primitive World!"

Of course Chu Yuan had heard the legend of Primitive World.

The energy of the entire multiverse flows from the Primitive Heaven and Earth. This is a pure and supreme energy. It is of such a high level that only the Gods of Heaven are qualified to extract it.

In the true sun, he had experienced this primitive energy.

The cultivation of the gods of heaven and the growth of the long river of heaven all use this primitive energy.

But extraction is too difficult.

The impact of the original energy in front of me was fierce, even more turbulent than when the True Sun Heaven was open!

Chu Yuan knew the reason.

This node blocked the arrival of the original energy, and accumulated many billions of years. This eruption did not look like a flash flood, it was the most violent moment.

"Xuan, what you need is this kind of primitive energy!" Chu Yuan looked at her, "and if I didn't guess wrong, the burst of primitive energy is also the moment when you break through the heavens!"

"The breakthrough of the Heavenly Dao God is too difficult. My Dao has already reached its peak and cannot continue to grow. What I am waiting for is this moment. This primitive energy can shape my heavenly path and increase my chances."

Xuan's voice became louder and louder, "Everyone's heavenly path and divine calamity are different, and the process of transformation is also different. The main impact is on their own path. Today, the **** emperor sees me crossing the calamity, and it is my Xuan's return to the **** emperor. "

She is going to cross the robbery!

In front of Chu Yuan broke through the heavenly god!

Her whole body exuded the ultimate silver light, and the place she came to was like the ocean, where the illusory power of heaven was appearing, and she was violently absorbing primitive energy and began to cross the catastrophe.

"Okay, let me see how the calamity of the gods of heaven broke through!"

Want to see how rare it is for others to cross the heavens, and if you don't have a certain certainty, you are looking for death.

Xuan has accumulated countless years and decided to take this step after seeing this raw energy.

"Heaven, truth and illusion, millions of years of hard work, just now."

Xuan is very calm.

Dao Shen Jie also came very quickly that day, mainly because she accumulated too thick, such as the volcano reached the extreme point of its eruption, but it was slow to suppress this step.

"It's a success or failure, and failure means nothing."

Xuan welcomes the advent of the Heavenly Dao and Divine Tribulation.

No matter her strength is terrifying, it is useless to have the strength that the gods of heaven cannot kill.

Heavenly God is a transformation of life level.

The terrifying divine calamity is coming, and all the calamities that Chu Yuan has seen have appeared, destroying the sky, destroying the earth, and destroying people, almost omnipresent.

"Xuan, I hope to see you succeed, so that I can see with my own eyes how a **** of heaven has achieved it."

Chu Yuan made a magnificent voice.

Xuan has not responded to him.

Her whole person has been completely enveloped by the heavens and gods.

"For Xuan, this kind of calamity of killing the body and soul is not her biggest difficulty. The biggest difficulty is the transformation of the long river of heaven, from illusion to reality, the transformation of essence."

In history, one-third of the great lords who dared to break through the heavens and the gods were able to overcome the calamity of the body and soul, but they were all defeated by the long river of heaven.

Such as Old Man Burning Sky.

He also lost at this step.

Half-day Dao exists, although it can also simulate the power of the long river of heaven, but when they fall, they will immediately collapse.

This is the so-called illusion.

The gods of heaven will not, even if they die, the long river of heaven can live forever, unless it is hit by a special means.

Because the power of Bantian Dao is illusory.

But the gods of heaven are truly true.

"Someone is crossing the heavens!"

This kind of fluctuation cannot be concealed and penetrates into the depths of time and space.

The Supreme God Yun Xi saw a monstrous force in the sky, clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said: "Master, you must succeed!"

It lasted a long time.

In a flash, a month has passed.

The general great body and soul two calamities, the time will be maintained at about seven days, the more powerful will be within half a month, such a growth is extremely rare.

This is making her life level sublimate, and she can't get up soon.

The silver light became more and more dazzling.

Chu Yuan had been watching suddenly his expression was shocked, his expression was serious, "The transformation to the long river of heaven, the long river represents the origin and way of a **** of heaven, and now is the most dangerous time! "

The long river of silver light is absorbing primitive energy frantically.

Chu Yuan could feel that the power of the long river of heaven is becoming more and more real, and the power that bursts out is becoming more and more fierce.

This process is the most dangerous.

If there is a God of Heaven who wants to take advantage of this time to interfere with others' tribulation, the transforming Heaven’s power carrying the God’s Tribulation will also cause the Heaven’s God to be seriously injured or even fall.

The long river of heaven was rolling, giving Chu Yuan a very strange feeling.

It's like a non-existent person, like a reflection in the water, struggling to descend from the illusory space to the real world and have a real body.

If the strength is not enough, and the strength is weak in the middle, it will eternally fall.

"The Way of Heaven, I am the Way of Heaven!"

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