Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1254: The overall situation is set

The God of War moves fiercely, the pressure of the ancient giants crashes down, and the golden light is full of glory.

Every move he moved his power to the limit, the moment he thundered down, like a storm.

As strong as Luo Tian, ​​he can barely resist.


This is everyone's consensus after seeing God of War.

Luo Tian was facing like a huge sea, he was a small boat, and in this power there was always the danger of subversion.

"There is no way, you can only use this trick, you forced me!"

His face was fierce and grim.

Suddenly his eyebrows split suddenly, a crystal-like eyeball suddenly appeared, and a hazy brilliance such as a river also radiated out instantly.

"Time and space are still, the power of heaven!"

Luo Tian shouted.

This is actually a kind of heavenly power, but it doesn't belong to him, but is inspired by this eyeball.

This is his biggest trump card.

This eyeball is the biggest opportunity of his life. I don't know what ancient existence has dug out the eyeball of a heavenly **** to make a special artifact.

But every time he was urged, he had to pay the price of his original consumption.

It is through this eyeball that he has survived more than a dozen mortal crises.

This time he believed it was the same.

Time and space are still and sky-defying. After the God of War is irradiated, he actually stops moving.

His consciousness is sober, but his body can't move, and all time and space are frozen.

If the real Heavenly Dao God activates, his consciousness will be unable to think.

"With my blow at this time, it is enough to stop you for a second, the time is short, but it is enough!"

Luo Tian shouted sharply.

Not to mention a second, in a confrontation between a strong man of this level, even a single ten thousandth is enough to decide life and death.

"You die!"

He urged the static power of time and space to the strongest, and a purple spear appeared in his hand, burning the grand and purple fire, and immediately pierced with a shot, the sky shook, just facing the head of the **** of war.

"He is dying!"

Everyone held their breath.

Gu Xuan said coldly: "With the power inspired by this artifact, you also want to kill the God of War?"

He is not worried at all.


Just when everyone thought that the God of War could not make a counterattack in the stillness of time and space, he shattered the void in one step, and the hand of the God of War slammed out, carrying his will to collapse the sky.

Luo Tian keenly felt bad.

But it was too late.

The sky and the sky can only be broken, and all time and space are under the control of God of War.

With a blast of his power, Luo Tian's body was swept away, and his appearance was harmless, but his body was shattered.

"Your strength!"

Luo Tian was horrified. He had never encountered such a terrible opponent. "Retreat and retreat. I can't fight him. If I fight again, I will most likely fall here. Ten thirteen cities will not match my life. ratio!"

He is about to run away.


The moment Luo Tian retreated, the other people in the Thirteen City were also retreating in fear. This kind of opponent was simply not something they could contend.

"Kill, don't keep one!"

Gu Xuan naturally wouldn't let the enemy run away.

"Can't run!"

The hand of the God of War controlled the time and space, and the dragon walked and stepped, and instantly arrived in front of Luo Tian. The lightning attacked like electricity and directly penetrated his head.

His hand was directly caught on the eye of heaven.

"Ah! Don't force me to fight you!"

Luo Tian screamed.

He seemed to see death coming towards him.

"You are also qualified to work hard with me!"

The God of War scratched it fiercely, bloody, and he snapped the Eye of Heaven.

His tyrannical power slapped once again, like an ancient savage, and smashed his head at once, this Luo Tian's divine body was completely shattered, and the billowing vitality was caught by him.

A pinnacle great deity, after his vitality is integrated into the national fortune, it is a great support.

Luo Tian is dead, can the others run?

Everything is doomed.

"Luo Tian is dead, and the Thirteen Cities have been destroyed. From now on, the ruler of this area will be the Valkyrie City!"

"How can they have such a powerful strength, that **** of war, that god-like golden armored man, and that sea of ​​blood, this...everyone has the strength to be on the half-day Taoist list. "

"The God of War will soon be included in the list of Half-Day Dao!"

"Fortunately, we didn't attack Valkyrie City like the Thirteen Cities, otherwise we would die!"

"Yeah, these people are so powerful, how strong is the master behind the Valkyrie City? It's simply unimaginable!"

The destruction of the thirteen cities, a **** scene, deeply imprinted in everyone's soul, they were extremely shocked, and they were also terrified.

"It seems that my name will be on the Dao list for a long time soon."

The God of War looked around.

The Bantian Dao list is a list that can judge the strength of the great master.

It is said that it was made by an ancient **** in a different dimension, and it included battles and ranked.

Although the list can't fully show the strength, after all, there are ancient and mysterious existences, and rarely do it, but you can also see the generality.

The God of War retreated, leaving the thirteen cities in ruins.

Although there are 13 powerful clans behind the Thirteen Cities, after seeing the strength of the God of War, do you dare to retaliate?

"what should we do?"

In addition to the thirteen cities, there are fifteen cities with great strength in this huge area. The giants are all gathered together, looking at each other, losing their square inch for a while.

"Go, go to see the God of War. He used his record of killing Thirteen Cities to tell us that there is only a dead end against Martial God City. Only by cooperating with them can we live!"

It's not that these thirteen cities do not want to leave.

However, although the Mangmang Tianxue Mine is large, valuable places are occupied Some places cannot be set foot with their strength.

Inside the Valkyrie City.

"I have seen Lord War God."

The Fifteen City Masters were very nervous, looking at the God of War on the God Seat, they also faintly felt that there was a greater idea in the depths of the War God City, shocking.

Knowing that this is the master behind that.

"You guys did a great job."

The God of War looked at them majesticly.

"My lord has smashed the thirteen cities and has become the master of this area. I don't know how my lord will arrange for us?"

They are also very bitter, and their destiny has been arranged by others.

"This **** welcomes any forces to cooperate with us. After 15 cities, if you have any resources, you can get all kinds of things from us in the Martial God City. Divine pills, divine tools, even the Heavenly Blood Divine Stone, we have everything."

The words of the God of War carried an irresistible order, "But whoever wants to jump around behind should not exist."

This fifteen city powerhouse sighed inwardly.

They already understand.

This Valkyrie City wants them to become vassals, losing their previous dominant status.

They will work hard for the Valkyrie City in exchange for the resources they need. Most of them belong to others, and they can only do some coolies.

But in the face of great strength, what can you do if you don't accept your fate?

They all know that they can still drink some soup after listening to the words of Wushen City, otherwise there is no benefit at all.

"We know, everything is subject to the orders of the adults." The fifteen city powerhouse nodded.

"Very well, this **** is fair and just."

God of War is satisfied with their knowledge.

In the Tianxue Mine Area, the purpose of the gods here is to collect resources, absorb the strong, and explore the forbidden area. It will save a lot of trouble if these people serve them.

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