Beacon everywhere.

It is almost difficult to find a peaceful place throughout the entire Hanhai day.

Although the army headed by Zhenyangtian caused huge damage in Hanhaitian, Hanhaitian is not a vegetarian, and with the advantage of the home court, it will hunt and kill many intruders here.

This is a war of gambling and hunting.

On a piece of land, there is a prosperous city, surrounded by stormy winds and waves outside.

"What a prosperous city, this is Qinggu City. There are three great lords in this city, but two have been transferred to the frontline battlefield, and only one remains."

Chu Yuan and the others didn't stay after destroying the Crazy Wave Sect, but continued to look for the target.

"Hehe, just do it on Qinggu City!" Jiao Tu grinned.

"All the prosperous things are just passing by, and will eventually disappear."

Chu Yuan's eyes were cold and his face did not fluctuate.

He won't miss this good opportunity. He wants to destroy the opponent's great emperor and seize the wealth of the vast sea. As an emperor, his heart is as hard as iron, and he will not show any mercy.

The world is cruel.

"Do it."

At this moment in Qinggu City, there is no idea that the crisis is coming.

"The latest good news, my Castle Lord of Qinggu killed a Great Venerable True Sun Heaven on the battlefield, and even destroyed the other Supreme. I was praised by the Venerable Heaven. This is the supreme glory, my Qinggu City is great!"

In the center of the city, there is a huge light curtain, showing some scenes on the battlefield.

"Hahahaha, that's how it should be, kill, kill fiercely, if I don't want to stay in Qinggu City, I would also like to be on the battlefield!"

The strong Qinggu City waved his fist.

The battle for the heavens does not talk about any enmity, it is only for their own benefit, and the strong two days are for their own benefit.

"The outside battlefield is important, and it is even more important in the vast sea. A large number of invaders have already broken in. We must guard our homeland. This time the city lord killed the Great Lord and the morale was boosted. We are also proud of it."

The garrison of Qinggu City warned: "But we can't underestimate it, Qinggu City will also be the target."

"Leader rest assured, the formation has already reached its limit, and we are not afraid of a few great lords."

A general believes himself.

"It's still not to be careless. Not long ago, the sect of the Crazy Wave sect was destroyed, and even the supporting temple law enforcement team was beheaded. Many invaders that we don't know are lurking in the vast sea."

Just when the commander reminded him, his eyes suddenly condensed.

With a blast from the sky, a big hole was torn in an instant, a violent thunder fire descended, a monstrous flame force swept down, and many disciples of the Burning Heaven Sect elders shot out,

boom! boom! boom!

The most violent sound, a huge divine cauldron, the flames erupting from the inside was like a cloud of heavenly sun, bursting apart, evaporating the enveloped sea water, and bursting with the heat.

At this moment, the world has turned into a realm of flames.

"No, it's the group of Zhenyangtian's gangsters who have killed them. Quickly, the news is reported to the temple. The army is defensive. The enemy is powerful. Don't fight with them!"

The strong of Qinggu City responded extremely quickly, the entire city was closed, and a dark blue shield appeared.

This shield is extraordinary, it connects and communicates the origin of the entire vast sea, and is not afraid of Fen Xu's attack.

Looking at this Qinggu City, the scale is not smaller than Yanling City.

But Fen Xu and the others didn't want to go in and watch them slowly, but to destroy this prosperous place and turn it into ruins.

Bang bang bang! With a deafening sound, the power bombarded the shield. Although it was shaken repeatedly, it was not broken.

Qinggu City, just like Yanling City, belongs to the cities of the vast sea gods who have set up in various places.

"Huh! You can't break it in a short time. When you break it, the temple law enforcement officers will have come long ago. I'm not afraid of you attacking, I'm afraid that you will not appear if you hide, so that you can be pulled out!"

The guardian of Qinggu City sneered.

"I'm here to break the defense, you kill the strong in the city."

Chu Yuan was tall and burly, stalwart and domineering. He descended from the high sky, his eyes were so cold that his soul would freeze.

He seemed to be the bloodiest existence, waving his hand to kill hundreds of millions of people without frowning.

It seems that he also felt the terribleness of this person. A dark blue phantom like blue crystal appeared. He sheltered the entire Qinggu City from the flames of war. Just standing there, he has an overwhelming temperament.

"Hanhai God!"

Looking at the God of Hanhai, it was the trembling from the soul.

Of course, this is not the true Vast Sea God, but the patron saint of the entire Vast Sea Sky.

This is the horror of existence at the God level. Compared with other heavenly gods, they control the original power of the day.

Hanhai God inspired by himself, he opened his palm, covering the infinitely vastness of Qinggu City, and the ordinary power was hit without even the slightest disturbance.

"Haha, they can't break it, but my Qinggu City belongs to God's Court!"

Qinggu City Powerhouse Division laughed wildly.

But Chu Yuan's expression didn't fluctuate at all. He stared at the phantom, the Human Emperor Sword appeared in his hand, and a long river of sword light struck the guardian origin.

Ordinary artifacts of course cannot be broken.

But how mysterious is the artistic conception contained in the blow of the human emperor I saw this phantom collapse like a crystal.

"It's our turn to laugh, the guardian formation is broken, Brother Chu is so powerful, and the next thing is when we perform, everyone pressures our sect to solve the battle in the shortest time!"

Fen Xu waved his hand.

Neither side of this war will show any mercy.

The guardian of Qinggu City's face changed in shock, extremely dangerous, and the call to death swept across his mind like a shadow.

"Can't keep it."

He knew that without guarding the big formation, he couldn't resist it at all. If he continued to stay, he was also looking for death. Now he can only abandon the car to protect the handsome, and his life is the greatest value.

He shakes and merges with the origin of the heaven and earth, and he is about to escape here.

"Where to run!"

Jiao Tu shouted.

He hurriedly pursued and killed him.

The Great Guardian ran too fast, and he threw away the focus in one go.

But this time.

The void split open at once, and it was the Sea Splitting Heavenly King Beast that rushed out, and its hard head hit the guardian great lord's body, causing him to spew out a big mouth of blood when furious.

"Sea Splitting Heavenly King Beast, you dare to betray the God Court!"

The man trembled with fright.

But Jiao Tu looked at him, where he would let him run, slashed away with a palm, and slashed his body with the flame knife. With a bang, he almost split his divine body in half.

If it was just the Sea-Cracking Heavenly King Beast and Jiao Tu, he would survive in the Jedi, and perhaps he might escape.

Fen Xu had been staring at him a long time ago, and in his desperate voice, the Fen Tian Divine Cauldron had loaded him in.

The screams screamed at this moment, heartbreaking

The cruelty of the war appeared vividly.

Without the Great Lord, the destruction of Qinggu City is doomed.

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