The wind and clouds change color, and the world is in chaos.

At the peak of heaven and earth, time and space were shattered, and a halberd with a length of one hundred thousand feet, the whole body was black, flashing with the **** of destruction thunder, as if an artifact that only a giant could control appeared, cutting out the **** of destruction.

"Heavenly Dao artifact!"

Everyone made a shocking sound when they saw this artifact.

Heavenly Dao artifacts can only be refined by Heavenly Dao Gods, containing their Dao and Dharma, and their power is maddeningly unimaginable. Half-Heavenly Dao artifacts are the dirt on the ground in front of them, which is not worth mentioning.

Even the Blood Excalibur is far inferior.

Although there are not many Bantian Dao, there are actually quite a few in the entire True Yang Day.

Let alone put it in the entire multiverse.

But what about God?

There are not many people like Zhenyangtian, a giant that inherits ancient times.

"This is a complete state of the Heavenly Dao artifact, such a tyrannical power, even if there is no real Heavenly Dao God in charge, it also has the ability to kill the great deity. Although our human emperor sword is extraordinary, after all, the power is not fully displayed!"

Chu Yuan saw this heavenly artifact, and under the influence of the heavenly path, the four words "luantian spear" appeared in his mind!

This is the name of the Taoist artifact that day!

"After I have cultivated to the Dao for a long time, even the real God of Heaven will be able to compete with them. At that time, he will stand on the top of the multiverse world and control the powerful and invincible power."

Chu Yuan thought about it.

At this time, the Great Master Yang Yuan and the others were already fighting with the Heavenly Dao artifacts. They wanted to subdue the suppression, and various strange treasures appeared in their hands.

That chaotic big halberd slashed, the heaven and the earth split the gap, even Yang Yuan Great Lord and other mighty peak Great Lords retreated again and again.

"Brother, tell me, can Grandmaster Yang Yuan conquer the Euphorbia?"

Jiao Tu asked excitedly.

"I think it's difficult." Fen Xu analyzed: "This Heavenly Dao artifact is not ordinary, and its power is too powerful. I don't know what the situation is in Inner Space and Time. I remember that what happened before was not the Ephesus, but a shot. Scepter."

"In other words, there is more than one piece in the Holy Ancient God City!"

Jiao Tu Road.

Time and space were chaotic, laws shattered, that chaotic big halberd slashed wildly, Yang Yuan and the others retreated steadily, and finally burst out with a blow that shattered the world.

Great Master Yang Yuan appeared on them with the power of Heavenly Dao God, sheltering them, otherwise the cut just now would definitely cause them serious injury.

The Luantian Euphorbia seemed to have general spirituality, and made a look of disdain towards the Great Venerable Yang Yuan, and then the aura converged, the pressure in the holy city rose sharply, and the two Half-Heavenly Dao artifacts flew into the inner time and space.

Chu Yuan seized one of the four artifacts of the Half Heaven Dao, and one was seized by the Zhenyang Tianzhu family.

"Go, leave the Holy Ancient God City, they failed, this exploration is over."

Chu Yuan uttered a sound and then left the city of God.


Dazun Yangyuan's face was also not good-looking, "This time the Heavenly Lords have high hopes for us, hoping to seize a Heavenly Dao artifact. Unexpectedly, they still did not succeed. The Luantian Euphorbia could not be collected except Heavenly Dao God.

"I can't blame the Great Lord this time. The Heavenly Lords also know that there is little hope, but this time the Zhu Family's Great Lord won a tyrannical Dao artifact, which is not without gain."

There is great respect.

"Go back to the heaven first."

Great Master Yang Yuan also left.

"Haha, the harvest this time is not small. Together, Fen Xu and I have won a total of more than 2,000 yuan veins. Fortunately, there is Brother Chu by the side, otherwise there will be hundreds of them."

The result of the collation of the focal map.

Chu Yuan took away the big head this time, but they drank soup with them and gained more than they did.

"Yes, this time the harvest is indeed great."

Fen Xu looked at Chu Yuan, "Brother Chu, will you stay in Zhenyang Heaven next time?"

"I will not leave for now."

Now Shen Chao will not face the threat of Tianni in a short period of time. He has thousands of primordial veins in his body, and there are still some things that have not been processed within True Yang days.

"Okay, let's go back to the true sun first."

When it came to True Sun Heaven, Chu Yuan stayed in Fentian City first.

As for, Fen Xu and Jiaotu went directly to Shenzong.

In a flash, three months passed.

"The Burning Heaven Sect, take the decree of the Heavenly Court."

On this day, a great eminent appeared outside the Burning Heaven Divine Sect, with a cold expression on his face, and issued a golden order.

"Heaven Court Decree!"

Fen Xu took it, and immediately said, "Heavenly Court Special Envoy, do you have any other instructions?"

"Everything is written in the decree, the deity has other important things, so I won't leave it much."

This heavenly envoy came quickly and walked quickly.

"Respectfully send the heavenly envoy."

Fen Xudao.

"The Supreme Master, the Heavenly Court Special Envoy arrives, is it going to go to war?"

Fen Yuan appeared and asked solemnly.

"Yes, the order has been clearly written, let me prepare for the God Sect Burning Heaven, and go to the Heavenly Court to gather in two months. This will be the biggest one that I will experience in True Sun Heaven since the ancient times. war!"

Fen Xu's expression was extremely solemn.

This is not a small fight, but an epic battle against Han Haitian, to regain their status.

"Since the ancient gods fell, the new gods are also ambitious, and they are absolutely unwilling to accept their current status. After so many years after the ancient war, the vitality of the sun has also recovered, and there will indeed be a big battle."

Fen Yuan said: "Hey, how many people will be killed in this Even the **** of heaven will fall. After all, the battle for the heavens is forged with blood. How to respond?"

"Death will surely lead to death, but Fen Yuan said you are wrong. Heroes will emerge in troubled times. Although there will be a large number of strong men falling this time, there will also be a large number of strong men appearing. War brings opportunities."

Jiao Tu was excited.

"The reason is this." Fen Yuan nodded, "I don't know how the head master plans to send troops?"

"The order of the heavenly court, Fen Yuan, you know better than me. This time we are sternly asking us to send troops. We don't say everything in each case, but we must also use most of our strength. As the head teacher, I must fight."

Fen Xudao.

"I know."

Fen Yuan nodded.

The will of the heaven is irresistible.

They are like the kingdoms of the princes of Zhenyangtian. There is nothing to fight and squabble on weekdays, but once the Heavenly Court summons them, they must obey orders.

"This time God has already ordered that during the period of the battle against Han Haitian, the entire True Sun Heaven will not allow all clans and tribes not to fight internally, not to initiate wars, even when the great deity falls and the strong are withered, they must not start, otherwise. It was found by the Heavenly Court and sent troops directly to kill."

Fen Xu continued.

This is already a strict order, a ban during the war.

Normally, the Heavenly Court would not care about the fighting between these kingdoms of the princes, but at this time, the strength of a day would be concentrated, and all the sects would be protected by the Heavenly Court.

Otherwise, the great lords of other people's families are fighting on the front line, and you are making trouble behind the scenes.

"Brother Chu should be still in Burning Heaven City. Big Brother and I are leaving. Let's ask Brother Chu if he is interested. If we go to the battle together, I will feel at ease with his help."

They immediately went to Fentian City to find Chu Yuan for help.

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