Invincible Summoning of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 956: The perfect start?

  Chapter 956 The perfect start?


  After hearing the words, Li Chengqian was shocked on the spot!

  After that, there was another wry smile!

  What a joke!

  Originally, he just wanted to hear about Fuxi’s plans and some simple strength analysis!

  But now, when Feng Ruyu opened his mouth, it was such an explosive secret, which made Li Chengqian feel that his whole person was bad!

  It can be said that when Feng Ruyu spoke about the death of the first ancestor of the Fuxi family, it was destined that Li Chengqian must reach a certain degree of intimacy with the Fuxi family!

Otherwise, just imagine that Li Chengqian knew the secret of the Fuxi clan. If Li Chengqian was in charge of the Fuxi clan, he would let such an existence that knows the greatest secret in his own clan and is not close to his own clan. go?

  The answer is obviously no!

  That is not at all!

  For Li Chengqian!

  In this case, if you don’t want to be friends, you can only be enemies!

  Saving others by oneself, Li Chengqian would not believe that what kind of benevolence would appear in the dignified Fuxi clan!

   "However, you are not afraid that I will leave with this secret. Why don't you do anything for you Fuxi?"

  Shock was just a moment, Li Chengqian's mood drifted far, far!

  But, it is also back on track in a very short time!

  The language band jokingly spoke to Feng Ruyu.

  Looking at the appearance, if you change the courage, you will really worry about Li Chengqian!

  If you can’t say it, you will say the wrong thing!

  Unfortunately, Feng Ruyu is not an ordinary person. Since he dares to say it, it means that he is absolutely sure!

  He believes that in the next plan, Li Chengqian will not let him down!

  Otherwise, he doesn’t mind

  Be ruthless, that's for sure!

  After all, what he said with Li Chengqian, but the content of the conversation set with him in the clan was greatly deviated!

  The first ancestor died, how can such things be known to outsiders?

  It’s just that, now, he has changed his plan after his death!

  The purpose is to completely win the trust of Li Chengqian to ensure that the things he proposes will not make Li Chengqian suspicious and ultimately have an impact on the overall future!

   "Not afraid, of course, I believe, the character of the emperor!"

   "It will definitely not let me down, let the Fuxi clan, and even the entire Yulong Continent!"

  Speaking, Feng Ruyu's pupils could not help but reflect a ray of confidence!

  For this, he has absolute confidence!

  He firmly believes that he will not misread people!

  What's more, Li Chengqian and him will have many common goals, won't they?

  He feels that this is the key!


   "Interesting, wind is like jade, I believe this will be a good start!"

   Gazing deeply at the wind like jade for a while, Li Chengqian suddenly laughed.

  The hearty laughter instantly broke the solemn atmosphere!

  Wind Ruyu also took a breath!

  In fact, when facing an emperor who is not angry and prestigious, he is also under great pressure!

  The coercion brought to him by Li Chengqian is definitely not inferior to letting an ordinary **** master!

  This, there is no doubt that Feng Ruyu is sure!

   "Yeah, the Great, maybe, this will be a perfect start between us, maybe!"


  Feng Ruyu also laughed out loud!

  The two smiled at each other for a long time. After a while, both laughed a little bit of unknown meaning?

  May be a pun, don’t have any ulterior motives?

  The perfect start?

  Perhaps right?

   "Go on!"

   "I want to know all the reasons!"

  "Especially what you want to talk to me!"

   "I am very interested!"

  Li Chengqian has made a decision in his heart!

  Maybe it’s time to find an ally!

  Fuxi is obviously a good choice!

  Of course, the premise is that Feng Ruyu, or Fuxi, do not have some unrealistic illusions about Datang and him!

  "According to my reliable information from the Fuxi clan, the first ancestor of the Jiang clan must be safe and sound. However, it is already at the end of his life and it is difficult to exert his ultimate strength!"

"The Xuanyuan Ji clan also knows this, and it is very clear. Therefore, regardless of whether it is the outside or the inside, the Jiang clan's status has always been in the Xuanyuan Ji clan because of the relationship with the first ancestor of the Jiang clan. under!"

   "Just as the emperor thought, the first ancestors of the three emperors are real living fossils, and their heritage exists. They will be invincible in one day, the holy mountain of the human race!"

   "Even if the various forces in the human race have some strange thoughts, they have to quietly converge!"

   "Once these three living fossils are shot, even if they are only 10% of their strength, they will be enough to destroy an ordinary god!"

   "It's still the kind of no difficulty, and can easily be destroyed!"

  Feng Ruyu said with emotion while talking!

  The first ancestor of each of the three emperors, what it means is too far-reaching!

   Right now, his first ancestor of the Fuxi family has fallen, and the melancholy in his heart can be imagined!

  "Dare to ask these three living fossil-level existences, what are their realms?"

  Li Chengqian asked curiously.

   "This, I don't know the specifics. Their realm is no longer what ordinary people can guess!"

  "I heard from the clan elders, it seems that the 13th rank of the main **** is just ordinary in their eyes?"

  Speaking of this, Feng Ruyu is a little less convinced!

  After all, existence at that level is too stalwart!

  Even with his amazing talent, he can’t touch the slightest!

  Because his first ancestor of the Fuxi family died tens of thousands of years ago, his understanding of that realm is even more lacking!

  At least, for now, it should be inferior to the Jiang family and Xuanyuan Ji family!

  After all, the top princes of the two emperor clan Jiang and Xuanyuan Ji will be guided by their first ancestors!

  A little understanding of that realm!

  And when Feng Ruyu was born, the first ancestor of the Fuxi family had been dead for tens of thousands of years!

  Without the guidance of the first ancestor, he has no perception of the existence of that realm at all!

  Can't touch that existence!

  This is also Feng Ruyu’s regret!

   "Never mind, it's too powerful to exist, let's not talk about it!"

  Li Chengqian shook his head slightly!

  After all, the first ancestors of the three emperors of the human holy mountain have not taken any action for many years!

  Trying to estimate the mighty power of that existence is itself an unreliable behavior!

   "Yeah, that kind of existence is too stalwart to be touched!"

  Wind Ruyu feels a little lost!

   There is also a trace of desire quietly in his eyes!

  That level of realm, with one word, the world will return!

  The entire Yulong Continent will have three shocks!

  Who does not yearn for it?

   Like wind and jade, it is destined to be more fascinating!

   "It is precisely because the Wu Fuxi family has lost its first ancestor and no maximum shelter, so it can only pretend to be a mystery, and it is really a last resort to make this bad strategy."

   Thanks to book friends for the reward of "Five Elements Lack of Money"



  (End of this chapter)

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