Invincible Summoning of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1483: Mencius and Chaos!

  Chapter 1483 Mencius and Chaos!

"Not bad."

  Li Chengqian muttered to himself, behaving very satisfied.

  The first wave of rewards for this mysterious catalogue is just so awesome.

  Li Chengqian is really looking forward to the reward later.

   "Congratulations to the Lord of Destiny, for successfully obtaining the Mystery Catalogue Award 2: The number of groups has skyrocketed!"

  [The number of groups has skyrocketed: After use, the number of all major legions of the entire Datang will increase to a certain extent (except the four spirits and beasts army.). 】


  Li Chengqian shook his head slightly.

  Four Spirits Legion said, so love will disappear, right?

  Every time it is perfect to leave the Four Spirits Legion aside and increase the number of groups.

  Well, this big boom is also destined to miss the four spirits.

   "The Destiny Monument, let me use this massive increase in the number of groups."

  Without much to say, Li Chengqian again commanded the destiny monument.

  Although there is no part of the Four Spirits Legion, it is also very good that other Legions can improve, right?

   "As you wish."

   "Congratulations to the Lord of Destiny for successfully using once the number of groups has skyrocketed."

   "Congratulations to the Lord of Destiny, from now on, all the natal units of the major legions will be upgraded to one trillion!"

   "Congratulations to the Lord of Destiny, with immediate effect, Datang Tiance Army, Datang Jinlongwei officially increased to one trillion!"


  After hearing the words, Li Chengqian couldn't help but micro-forehead.

  Each legion has a trillion army.

  Datang Jinlongwei also entered the ranks of trillions.

  Although it is only one trillion.

   But this time, it is indeed a huge increase in numbers.

  For the power of the entire Datang, the improvement is undoubtedly huge.

  "Congratulations to the Lord of Destiny, for successfully obtaining the Mystery Catalogue Reward 3: A Summoning Card of the World-Class Monster."

  【Summoning Card of Outstanding Enchanting Level: After using it, you can immediately summon an existence of Outstanding Enchanting Level. 】

   "Are you a monster?"

  Li Chengqian smiled.

  Nowadays, there is no mortal figure of the world.

   is really very rare.

  At this time, I got another summoning card of the world-class monster.

  Li Chengqian feels that it is very likely that a respectable weight figure will be born.

  "The Destiny Monument, immediately used this supernatural evil-level summoning card for me, let’s summon it."

   "As you wish."

   "Congratulations to the Lord of Destiny, for successfully using a summoning card of the world-class monster."

   "Congratulations to the Lord of Destiny, for successfully obtaining the world-class monster: Mencius."



  Absolute number two in Confucianism.

  The status of Confucianism is definitely second only to the existence of Confucius.

  This one, but the Confucian sub-sage!

  Li Chengqian felt that the potential value of this person might be higher than that of Xunzi.

  And Xunzi, but the pseudo-tenstar already exists.

  If Mencius is really a ten-star existence.

  The Confucianism is really terrifying.

  You must know that there is still another Confucian man named Confucius who was not born!

  If even Mencius are ten stars, just imagine how much Confucius should exist?

  However, after thinking about it, for now, Confucianism already has Xunzi, Wang Yangming, Dong Zhongshu, and three great Confucians.

   is already terrible.

   Plus a Mencius, even if it is only a pseudo-ten-star, it is absolutely strong.

  "The Destiny Monument, show me the information of Mencius immediately."

  Without further thinking, Li Chengqian decided to check Mencius's information.

   "As you wish."

  "Name: Meng Ke

  Word: Ziyu

  Dynasty: Warring States Period

  Character source: historical facts

  Character experience: Mencius, Ming Ke, Zi Yu, Zou people.

   Philosopher, thinker, politician, educator during the Warring States Period, one of the representatives of the Confucian school, and Confucius called "Confucius and Mencius".

   Mencius preached "benevolent governance" and first proposed the idea of ​​"the people are noble and the emperor is light", and was listed by Han Yu as a figure who inherited Confucius' "Orthodox" by Confucianism before the Qin Dynasty.

   "Mencius" is a work that records Mencius' words and deeds, a total of 7 articles. It is generally believed that Mencius and his disciples Wan Zhang, Gongsun Chou and others co-edited it as a collection of pre-Qin quotations.

The books include "Fish What I Desire", "Achieving More Ways to Help, Losing Ways to Help", "Widows Are in the Country", "Born in Worries, Die in Ease" and "Wealth and Nobles Cannot Be Sexually" are incorporated into middle school Chinese textbook in.

  Level: the world’s evildoer

  Potential value: ten stars

  Realm: the pinnacle of earth fairy. "


  Li Chengqian really did not expect.

  Mencius is really a ten-star scary existence!

  At this point, Datang's second ten-star outstanding person was officially born.

  "Through the order, Mencius will be the first deputy master of Confucianism from now on."

  Originally, if Mencius had a pseudo-ten-star existence, Li Chengqian would normally appoint Mencius as the deputy head of the Confucian school.

  However, nowadays, Mencius is a ten-star existence with the righteousness.

   is again the number two figure in Confucianism.

  For such an existence, if he is just an ordinary deputy master of the Confucian school, I am afraid it is a little unreasonable.

  However, Confucius is the only Confucian master in Li Chengqian's mind.


  In desperation, Li Chengqian came up with such a compromise.

   Appoint Mencius as the first deputy master of Confucianism!

   Higher than Xunzi, Wang Yangming, Dong Zhongshu and others, and lower than Confucius!

A position like    is also suitable.

   "Congratulations to the Lord of Destiny, for successfully obtaining the Mysterious Catalogue Award Four: One of the Four Evil: Chaos!"

Ok? Li Chengqian never thought of it.

  Unexpectedly, the Chaos Legion has not yet been born.

   Chaos, one of the four evils, was born first.

  You must know that chaos is enough to be called the first of the four beasts.

   And, in this wave, the birth of Chaos means that all the four evil spirits have been born.

  Once the four killers join forces to fight.

  For the combat effectiveness of the entire Datang, it will be a great improvement.

[Chaos: The "Divine Yijing" says: "There is a beast in the west of Kunlun, which looks like a dog, long-haired, four-legged, resembling a scorpion (sound skin) without claws, without eyes, unable to open, with two ears Don't smell, some people are intellectual, have abdomen but not five internal organs, have intestines but not rotation, and have passed food.

  People who have virtues tend to resist them, and those who have virtuous virtues tend to rely on them. Name chaos. "

   is also referred to as "chaos" and is an ancient **** of fierceness.

Chaos is an animal like a dog or a bear. Humans cannot see or hear it. It often bites its tail and giggles. If it encounters a noble person, Chaos will be violent; if it encounters a wicked person, Chaos will Follow his command.

Chaos is both chaotic and chaotic, so later generations call it "Chaos". "The First of the Five Emperors of the Records of the History" says: "The former emperor Hong had talented scholars who concealed the hidden thieves, so that they can behave fiercely. The world is called chaos ."

  "Zhuangzi·Emperor Ying" has the sentence "The emperor of the South China Sea is 倏, the emperor of Beihai is Hu, and the emperor of the Central is Chaos."

   wrote again, "Suddenly and suddenly meet in the chaos, chaos treats them very well.

  倏 and swindle to report the virtue of chaos, saying: Everyone has seven orifices, and they can eat and drink by seeing and hearing.

  (End of this chapter)

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