Invincible Summoning of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1413: Zhongshu Ling Guan Zhong!

  Chapter 1413 Zhongshu Ling Guan Zhong!

boom! boom! boom!

  Between heaven and earth, there is constant movement.

  This shake.

  It was another three months.

  At this time, Li Chengqian has also led an army and is sitting in Shengjing City.

  At least, Li Chengqian will not take it lightly before the situation is clear.

  Sheng Jingcheng, above the Yeezheng Hall.

  Li Chengqian sits high on the dragon chair, looking down at a group of outstanding people.

  In the pupils, the spirits are revealed.

   "Li Ru, tell me what is going on now."

  For a long time, Li Ru hurried back to the court.

  After Li Chengqian took a breath for a while, he asked a little hastily.

   "Return to the Holy Lord."

   "Now, the situation is not optimistic."

   "The three emperors of the Demon Race, the Holy Mountain of the Human Race, and the Lihuo Sacred Court are all ready to move, with unknown intentions."

   "And the army of the underworld, the golden armor fighters incarnate by the law of heaven, are also more and more."

   "Both sides, as if they have surpassed the army of 8 quadrillion, are making a rapid breakthrough to the army of one trillion!"

  In this world, trillions are every trillion!

   means that one trillion is equal to one trillion!

   "A trillion army?"

   Li Chengqian muttered to himself, the whole person fell into silence.

  The current situation is too difficult for Datang.

  Whether it is a golden armor warrior or an underworld army.

   all descended in the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

  Unfortunately, he still cannot move at will.

  Otherwise, it will be forever.

  This feeling is uncomfortable.

  There is a kind of suffering that can only be passively beaten, not proactively attacked.

   "You think, how should the current game be broken?"

  Li Chengqian did not go around the circle, even if he asked straightforwardly.

  He wanted to hear, in the face of such a difficult environment, Datang’s outstanding people, is there a way to break the game?

   "Holy Lord, Weichen thinks that we should watch the changes."

   "At this moment, nothing is worse than nothing is still."

  With such a personality, Xun Yu is still as old as ever.

  He was very solemn when he spoke.

  His views have always been relatively conservative.

  This time, it is no exception.

   "Isn't it better to move than to be still?"

  Slowly tapping on the table.

  Li Chengqian raised his head slightly.

to be honest.

  For this proposal, Li Chengqian can only feel that it is very modest.

  But, it is not too satisfied.

It can be said.

   is not too in line with his wishes.

  However, for a time, Li Chengqian himself could not think of a good strategy to break the situation.

   can only choose to remain silent.

  Continue to sweep his eyes towards many outstanding people.

  He believes that the Manchu dynasty is rich in civil and military talents.

  There must be someone who can give him a refreshing way to break the game.

  "Holy Lord, Taiping Dao, Zhang Yi, Su Qin, Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism, Jianmen, it seems that they have planned a big change within the territory of the Holy Mountain of Human Race."

   "If nothing happens, in the near future, it will sweep the entire territory of the Holy Mountain of Human Race."

  "They asked Weichen to ask the Lord whether to activate or wait."

  At this time, Li Ru stepped out again.

  Taiping Dao, Zhang Yi, Su Qin, Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism, and Jianmen were all before, they were dispatched by Li Chengqian to the territory of the Holy Mountain of Human Race.

   However, this time, they did not act recklessly.

  Instead, they are all hidden in the dark.

  Slowly accumulate strength.

  Now, it's time to explode.

  It’s just that, right now, because of the underworld forces and the appearance of golden armor warriors.

   leads to some uncertainty, including Li Ru.

  They are already in the territory of the holy mountain of the human race, and they have planned a big storm, should they start?

  Or rather, wait.

  So, it is now, Li Ru’s request for instructions.

   "Have you already planned it?"

  Li Chengqian continued to knock on the table.

   at the corner of the eye.

  I don't know when, a ray of confusion revealed.

  One to say one.

  As far as the current form is concerned, this meeting, Li Chengqian himself, really does not have any good solutions or ideas at all.

  Should it be activated, he is also struggling!

  "Holy Lord, Weichen thought that when you slow down, the situation is not clear right now."

   "A bad situation, my Datang is the enemy of the world."

   "At this time, it is better to continue to watch from the sidelines."

  Huo Guang was born, and the meaning in his tone seems to be consistent with Xun Yu’s point of view.

  This is not to say that they are connected to each other.

But, to a certain extent, the political views of Xun Yu and Huo Guang are actually in a highly unified state.

   "Look up from the wall."

   "I think too, but, will others really make Datang stand on the sidelines?"

  Li Chengqian asked back.

  In the pupils, there are also a series of obscure halos bursting out.

  In fact, Li Chengqian also wanted to calm down.

   Take a good look at the development of the situation before making further decisions.

   is the safest way.

  This point, in Li Chengqian's heart, is like a mirror, so clear.


  In the bottom of Li Chengqian's heart, there was another voice telling him that this is absolutely wrong!

   Ask yourself.

  The present-day Datang occupies nine out of ten areas of the Yulong Continent.

  Is it really possible to watch from the sidelines?

  I'm afraid of deceiving ourselves and others!

  Unless, Li Chengqian is really willing to abandon part or even most of his territory.

  Then, it’s a corner, maybe, in a short time, it can be done.

  Ke, then, is Li Chengqian really the best choice for the entire Datang?

  I'm afraid, otherwise?


  After hearing the words, both Xun Yu and Huo Guang were silent one after another.

  Li Chengqian’s question is directed at the core.

  After they think carefully.

  For a time, I did not dare to speak arrogantly.

  As Li Chengqian said, would others really make Datang stand on the sidelines?

  In other words, is there still capital to watch from the sidelines in Datang today?

  I'm afraid not.

  "Holy Lord, Weichen thought, let Taipingdao, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Jianmen, Su Qin, and Zhang Yi move first."

   "By the way, also test the reaction of various forces."

   "At the same time, it can also take the opportunity to set off a monstrous trend within the territory of the human sacred mountain."

  "When the Holy Lord uses his troops, within the territory of the Holy Mountain of Human Race, the forces of the four parties will wave their hands to destroy."

at this time.

  One person, whole body up and down, brilliance flow.

  The Qi machine of the phase, overflowing the court!

  Between words, hundreds of officials are eye-catching!

  This person is not someone else.

  It is the first minister of China, Guan Zhong, who has just been named Zhongshu Order by Li Chengqian and is in charge of Zhongshu Province!

  Guan Zhong, has been born for a long time.

  Li Chengqian also struggled with his position.

  Until not long ago.

  Li Chengqian really set his position!

  This meeting is also Guan Zhong, speaking as a Zhong Shuling for the first time!

  Many outstanding people.

  Almost everyone has heard of Guan Zhong’s deeds.

   also recognizes it very much.

  At this moment, Guan Zhong spoke, and the eyes of the officials met.

  Even Xun Yu, Huo Guang after serious thinking.

   can't help but get a tiny head.

   Obviously, I agree with this statement.

  (End of this chapter)

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