Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 506: Humans and demons are true love from 1

This Young Master Wu was full of sadness, "Three princesses, you are a demon, and your life is long! I am only a hundred years old, or you just see how I admire you so much, how about spending these hundred years with me?"

As soon as this word came out, the crowd below was in an uproar.


"It's shameless!"

"Why is his face so big to let people waste their great youth to accompany him?"

Among them, Shen Langjun was the most angry, and saw him raising his arms and shouting.

"The surname Wu, you are simply a wolf ambition. You have the ability to impress the third princess with true feelings! What kind of ability to pretend to be pitiful?"

I can tell.

This Shen Langjun and Wu Gongzi should be rivals in love.

Wu Gongzi glanced at him disdainfully, and then continued to look at the third princess with warm eyes.

"This... it's not impossible!" The third princess groaned for a while and said.

This Young Master Wu was overjoyed.

"Three princesses, as long as you agree, it is better to hit the sun if you choose a day, why not enter the bridal chamber today!"

The urgency in the words is obvious.

Shen Langjun stared blankly, unable to believe his ears.

The third princess actually agreed?

Do not!

How can this be!

I had to know that pretending to be sympathetic to Poor Bo is useful, I have already used it myself!

Shen Langjun was struggling with regret.

Seeing the three princesses on the city wall sighed softly, "But you have to wait until I grow up to marry you! Because my mother said, now that I am still young, marrying someone is an early marriage."

Young Master Wu's smile froze, and then asked cautiously, "Then... how long?"

" didn't take long, at most seven or eighty years. If soon, fifty years will be enough!"

A burst of laughter broke out from the crowd, knowing that the third princess was deliberately playing on the Wu Gongzi.

Shen Langjun couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, cheering and saying: "The third princess did a beautiful job!"

He was a little too excited, and turned his face to see Xue An just standing aside, he couldn't help but put it on Xue An's shoulder with excitement.

"Xiongtai, have you seen it? These three princesses are my future wife, Shen Langjun, how about you, clever!"

Xue An turned his head and glanced at him lightly.

Shen Langjun felt his whole body stiff, and the hand on Xue An's shoulder couldn't help but withdrew back griefly.

"You are a human, she is a demon, can human and demon be together?" Xue An said lightly.

Shen Langjun looked at Xue An with the same look of antiques, "Xiongtai, you brought two beautiful female fairies, and now you actually ask me if people and demons can be together? You are too old-fashioned!"

"In today's city, even the most pedantic old master has to admit that marrying a female fairy is the most honorable thing!"

"Don’t you know that last year, a scholar who was studying in the city lived in a ruined temple in the city. In the dead of night, a charming banshee came to the door, and then he made a romantic story about the gifted and banshee? How many people have been envious, now that ruined temple has become a talent inn!"

"In these days, it is not unusual for people to be together with people. It is true love between people and demons!" Shen Langjun made a long comment, and finally made a brilliant summary.

Xue An couldn't laugh or cry.

The people in this city are absolutely abnormal.

How else can you tell so many messy principles?

At this moment, I saw Young Master Wu on the city wall becoming angry, and suddenly took out a yellow talisman seal from his arms.

"My little lady, you will do it today, and you will have to do it today!"

He just threw it over.

Fu Zhuan grew in the wind and instantly turned into a huge yellow cloth bag, heading straight for the third princess.

The crowd exclaimed.

"It's the town monster!"

Shen Langjun also saw this scene, yelled in fright, and wanted to rush to rescue the third princess.

But how could his speed be faster than Fu Zhuan?

So he could only watch Fu Zhuan smash at the blank face of the third princess.

Xiao Sha roared, "Shameless!"

With that, he rushed to the city wall and directly blocked the third princess.


The town monster talisman smashed into Xiaosha's body firmly.

Many people can't help but sigh when they close their eyes.

That's it!

This banshee is definitely not going to get better, it is estimated that this Fuzhuan town will become the plaything of this surname Wu.

But at this moment, I only heard Xiao Sha arrogantly smiled: "Is it just so powerful? Then it's me now!"

He said that he rushed over.

A punch was blasted, and it was hitting the face of the Wu Gongzi.

Young Master Wu screamed and was blasted down from the wall by Shengsheng.

Many people watched this scene stupidly.

A few rabbit spirits even forgot the grass they were chewing, and looked at them with their mouths open.

"Who is this banshee? Why is it so powerful?"

"I can't tell, but even the town demon talisman didn't impress this banshee. Could it be that demon commander's subordinate?"

The man and the demon are discussing.

Xiao Sha was about to rush down the city wall and ended up with that Young Master Wu's life.

But the three princesses stopped Xiaosha's path and looked at her with bright eyes.

"Sister, you are amazing!"

"That's!" Xiao Sha smiled triumphantly, but after such a delay, Master Wu had already got into the crowd and disappeared.

"Let him run!" Xiao Sha was a little upset.

The third princess smiled slightly, "If you run away, let's run! He has chased me somehow, although I don't like him, I can't bear to see him die!"

"Hey, did you make a mistake, but he took care of you first!"

"That's the same! My mother said, should you forgive others and forgive others!"

Xiao Sha rolled his eyes.

As a child who grew up in a jungle environment, she never believed in forgiving and forgiving.

"Whatever, it's your business anyway! Goodbye!" Xiaosha wanted to leave.

"Sister, don't go away, you saved me, you are my great benefactor, I naturally have to thank you very much! Would you please follow me in the mansion?"

Xiaosha was very impatient, but she saw Xue Anchong in the crowd nodding slightly.

She understood that Xue An was making her nod, so she had to agree.


When the crowd dissipated, Xue An followed Xiaosha to enter the city lord’s Then Shen Langjun suddenly grabbed him and said, "Xiongtai, can you accommodate me and bring me in too? What?"

"You want to go in too?"

"Yes! I have always admired the third princess very much, but I have no chance to get close. Can Xiongtai help me?" This Shen Langjun took off the jade pendant from his waist and gave it to Xue An.

Xue An smiled slightly, "Forget it, you'd better keep this thing for yourself, otherwise, based on your character, if you didn't have this thing, you would have been killed!"

Shen Langjun was shocked, "You... this thing that you actually know?"

Xue An smiled faintly, then turned and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Shen Langjun stood there waiting in frustration.

At this time Xue An's voice came, "Aren't you going to go in with it?"

A big smile gradually bloomed on Shen Langjun's face, and he hurriedly followed him.

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