The bald tiger was stunned.

What do you mean by a bank card that is not so small?

Does it mean that one million is still a small amount?

Xue An smiled at Yuan Mengying at this time, "Just ask, is this Lingnan Station right?"

Yuan Mengying nodded, "Yes!"

Then Xue An took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, "I was on the train and sent me a million! As soon as possible!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone, and then smiled at the bald tiger, "Wait a minute, someone will send money soon!"

The bald tiger's face was uncertain, "Boy, if you dare to fool us, I promise you will not be able to eat it!"

Xue An smiled faintly, noncommittal.

And An Yan waved to Yuan Mengying, "Girl, come here!"

Yuan Mengying hesitated, then shrank and stood up and walked over.

"Look at you thin, let's eat something first!" An Yan said with a smile.

Seeing the gentle Anyan in her smile, Yuan Mengying suddenly had the urge to cry.

For more than a year, she has been living in an environment full of fraud and calculations, and no one has ever smiled at her so tenderly.

Yuan Mengying was indeed a little hungry. In these days, as her mother's condition got worse, the daily expenditure in the hospital was not a small figure.

So in order to save money, her living expenses have been cut to the limit.

I live on two steamed buns almost every day.

That's it, she also sold out all the things that could be sold in the family, and finally, in desperation, she borrowed a loan shark from people like the bald tiger.

At that time, she only borrowed more than 200,000 yuan, and during the period she also paid back part of it through part-time work, but under the profit, she quickly reached the amount of one million.

Yuan Mengying was unable to repay at all.

The bald tiger asked her to sell herself to repay the money, and Yuan Mengying naturally refused.

This is why she came out this time and the bald tiger eagerly brought people to chase her.

"Sir, I thank you for your kindness, but one million is not a small amount. You will leave soon, and I will follow them back!" Yuan Mengying filled his stomach almost and said in a low voice.

Xue An smiled slightly, "You never thought about what will happen to you if you follow them back?"

Yuan Mengying lowered her head sadly, "I know, but I have come to a dead end, there is no way! Mom will soon run out of oil, and ordinary medicine will have no effect. The doctor said, unless you use Tianyuan potion to save life ! But the most common bottle of Heavenly Fate Potion is worth millions! I can't afford it at all!"

"That's why you want to enter Heavenly Fate?" Xue An said lightly.

Yuan Mengying nodded, "As long as you can work in Tianyuan, you can get a bottle of Tianyuan potion, and the salary is also very good, so now countless people are proud of being able to work in Tianyuan! But..."

Xue An smiled faintly, "There is no way out of the sky, since I said to help you, I will definitely help you! Wait a minute!"

Yuan Mengying could not continue.

I finally got acquainted with someone who could introduce myself to Tianyuan Company through relationships, but this kind of thing happened.

Ten minutes have passed, and Tian Bohan hasn't returned yet, and he probably has already scared away.

Xue An didn't say anything, just looked at the watch quietly.

ten minutes.

twenty minutes.

thirty minutes.

More than half an hour later.

An impatient look appeared on the bald tiger's face, and suddenly stood up and said with a sneer: "Enough! Boy, you are really playing us!"

Then he said to Yuan Mengying: "Follow us!"

Yuan Mengying was about to stand up, and Xue An stretched out her hand to signal her not to move.

The bald tiger's complexion became difficult to look, "Boy, it seems that you are really impatient! Move..."

Before the handwriting was uttered, I heard bursts of exclamation from outside the car window.

As soon as the bald tiger was surprised, the door of the carriage was kicked to the ground.

Then a group of people filed in.

These people are all sturdy young men, wearing sword-sleeved costumes with a delicate small sword embroidered on their chests.

Seeing these people, the bald tiger was shocked, his face instantly turned pale.

"Yu...Yu's family!"

Of course he recognizes this costume.

In fact, in the entire southwest, few people would not recognize this sign.

This is the symbol of Lingnan Yujia.

The Yujia in Lingnan has great influence throughout the southwest.

Although the original Lingnan Sword Fairy had fallen.

But now Yu Ming, swordsmanship seems to be better.

What's the matter, why did the Yu family suddenly appear?

The bald tiger was in surprise.

I saw a man and a woman walking quickly into the carriage.

Both the man and the woman seem to have emerged from ancient paintings.

The man is handsome and the woman is beautiful.

But there was a bitter sword aura on both of them, which made people shudder.

Seeing these two people, the face of the bald tiger can no longer be described as pale, but a dead gray.

Because it is the Yu Ming who has come from the Yu family, who has the strongest momentum now, and is already known as the Lingnan Little Sword Fairy.

That girl is naturally the daughter of the Yu family.

The reason the Bald Tiger knows them two is because he once attended a Lingnan family gathering with his boss's boss.

At the party, his boss bowed to Yu Ming's glass of wine.

But Yu Ming didn't even look at it.

Even so, the boss of the bald tiger did not dare to complain at all.

Because compared with a family like the Yu family, the so-called Heybang is a fart!

What is it that shocked such a big man? Do you want to come forward and see you?

The Bald Tiger was thinking about it, and then he saw a scene that almost scared him to death.

I saw that Yu Ming and Yu Ran quickly walked to Xue An and bowed together.


Following the movements of the two of them, all the children of the Yu family bowed and shouted, "I have seen Mr.".

The whole carriage was silent.

Everyone looked at this scene dumbfounded.

The bald tiger turned black before his eyes, and his whole body was shaking.

Xue An said lightly: "Did I bring the money you brought?"

"Mr. Hui, brought it!"

Several boxes were opened, and inside were brand-new banknotes.

"In a hurry, I only brought five million, is that enough?" Yu Ming said with some worry.

Xue An smiled Enough! "Then pointed to the bald tiger.

"Give him a million! This is what he wants!"

Yu Ming turned to look at the bald tiger, his eyes getting cold.

An hour ago, he received a call from Xue An at home. When he heard Xue An said that he would prepare one million and send it to the train.

He immediately understood that there must be something wrong with Mr. Xue.

He didn't dare to delay, and immediately rushed here with the money.

After Yu Ran knew that Xue An was here, he came with him.

Now listening to Xue An's words, it seems that this guy is looking for something?

Damn it!

Actually provoke Mr. Xue on my Lingnan chassis!

Yu Ming's killing intent gradually rose.

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