Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2997: The beginning of the war (Part 1)

Chapter 2997 The Great War Begins (Part 1)

The icy sword edge cut across the phantom.

Although this so-called Leshen has no entity, as long as it is a spiritual existence, it cannot escape Jiansan's sword intent.

Therefore, in the blink of an eye, it was cut in half, and it fell into pieces.

But Jiansan, who had done all this, walked straight towards Xue An without even blinking his eyelids.

Li Lang originally wanted to strike up a conversation, but when he saw Jian San walking past with no expression on his face, he couldn't help being intimidated by his aura and didn't dare to move.

At this time, Jian San came to Xue An, looking at the figure surrounded by layers of brilliance, his eyes flickered slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Counting it, it has been a long time since the last time I met Xue An.

But even after such a long time, Xue An's image in Jiansan's mind has not diminished in the slightest, but has become clearer.

The hug before parting and the words to sleep well are all the same as yesterday.

This is also the reason why Jian San wanted to find Xue An immediately after waking up.

Back then, in order to defeat Li Jingxing from the Sword Palace, Jiansan used Xue An as a target to practice the Emotional Swordsmanship, but in the end he didn't want to fail to kill Emotion, but was trapped by Emotion instead.

And after going through this long period of dormancy, the obsession in his heart has grown to an unimaginable level.

Only after seeing Xue An and confirming that he is safe and sound, can Jian San feel at ease.

Jian San sat down slowly, meditated cross-legged just outside the brilliance where Xue An was, and waited quietly.

Seeing this scene, even Li Lang or Yang Fu's out-of-the-box personality couldn't help lowering his voice.

But this kind of waiting didn't last long, because just one day later, the giant snake in space descended into the universe.

The reason why it came now is entirely because its size is too large, so it has to go through a long conversion from the wilderness of time to the real world.

In fact, Shuming is well aware of this, so it will wake up the sleeping evil things in the universe in advance.

He doesn't seek meritorious service, but only seeks to restrain Xue An.

And after its main body descended, it immediately came to Feixian temple.


Jiansan who was meditating cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes.

Not only her, Nai Yingying, Li Lang, Yang Fu, Nezha and others all felt something, and all looked towards the void in the distance.

The thorns and vines that covered the void before have disappeared with the fall of all the evil things.

But at this moment, in the boundless darkness, a huge head suddenly appeared, and a pair of eyes were burning with bright golden light, which made people dare not look directly at it.

Not only that, the void around Feixian Temple was blocked by a huge dragon body.

Everyone shuddered.

Nai Yingying's face was frosty, "Ming!"

Even the idle Li Lang, the cigarette end in his mouth fell uncontrollably at this moment, and then he said with a solemn expression.

"And it's a complete slamming sound, this **** thing has exploded!"

Jian San was unafraid, instead he stood up slowly, raised his head and faced those eyes that looked like the sun and the moon.

"Is it the timeline of the heavens that you changed?"

Shuming had already noticed Jiansan.

There is no way, the aura on Jiansan's body is too powerful and harsh.

Even in this scene where strong people gather, it is still burning like a torch.

"The sword cultivator from that small puddle in the heavens?" The shrieking voice was very loud, as if the entire universe was trembling when he opened his mouth.

Jian San remained indifferent, "Just tell me if it is or not!"

"Hehe, that's right, it's me, so what about you?"

"Very good, just admit it!" Jian San nodded, and then a small bright red sword appeared above his head.

She can naturally feel the power of Shuming, so it is the strongest killing move when she makes a move.


With an order, the sword fell ruthlessly.

That is the sword intent that can destroy everything.

But Shu Ming didn't even hide, just sneered, and then this powerful sword intent disappeared directly.

"To be honest, I didn't expect there to be such an existence as you besides Xue An in the heavens. It seems that Xiuling and the others died unjustly!" Shuming said lightly.

"But you still made a mistake, that is, you overestimated your own strength. It is true that your swordsmanship is good, but you are far from being able to deal with me!"

"After all... no one can destroy time!"

After finishing the last word, Jiansan felt a force from an unknown dimension bound him in an instant.

Don't talk about doing it, you can't even blink your eyelids.

Shuming laughed strangely, "Did you see that, this is you after being deprived of time!"

While speaking, the brilliance in Shu Ming's huge eyes flashed, directly dragging the attacks of Yang Fu, Nezha and others into the abyss of time.

As it said before, it is invincible with time!

"Do it!" Nai Yingying said suddenly at this time.

Although Li Lang really didn't want to face off against an existence like Shu Ming, but at this point, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

At this time, he naturally couldn't pretend to be as aggressive as before, painting with smoke.

He raised his hand and pulled out a piece of white paper, then bit the tip of his tongue, forced out the blood of his heart, pressed with his hand, and began to draw at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, he has brought his own potential to the extreme, and the image of Shuming is depicted in just a few breaths.

Then he blew it out in one breath, and the flames directly engulfed the painting.

But in the next moment, Li Lang opened his mouth and spat out a big mouthful of blood, and his momentum faltered.

Then Shu Ming slowly turned his eyes to this side, and said sarcastically.

"Naiyingying, do you really think that relying on your three-legged cat's men can do nothing to win me? If your father is still alive, I might still be a little bit afraid, but it's just you..."

"A trash who can't even inherit the rules in his own blood, what right does he have to babble in front of me?"

Nai Yingying's complexion became paler, even to the point of being almost transparent.

Everything Shu Ming said hit Nai Yingying's heart like a heavy hammer.

But she can't back down, and she can't fall down.

Because in that case, my father would have died in vain!

Thinking of this Nai Yingying's eyes burned with a flame of determination.

"Shu Ming, don't think that no one can deal with you like this!"

"Hahaha, then you find someone to deal with me, what a joke..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a long arrow shooting straight at Shu Ming's head.

Of course Shuming didn't care about such an ordinary attack, and he didn't even look straight at it.

However, he never expected that the long arrow would ignore the time gap that Shuming had set up around him, and pierced Shuming's eyebrows with a ding.

Although it failed to break through Shuming's surface defense, it was after all contact with Shuming's entity.

So Shu Ming was furious, "Who is it?"

Nai Yingying looked back even more, and the eyes of the audience were all focused on the archer in an instant.

(end of this chapter)


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