Chapter 2981

Xue An first took out the piece of Xuanyuan mirror obtained from the giant spider.

This fragment has been stored in the Feixian Temple. Because of its various miraculous features, it is also regarded as the treasure of the Zhenpai, and it is named Wanling Mirror.

At this time, holding it in the hand is really radiant, and there are various illusions transpiring on it, obviously it is extraordinary.

Xue An took out his Xuanyuan Mirror from the space inside his body.

As soon as they appeared, the two erupted with brilliance at the same time, reflecting each other's splendor, connecting each other.

But the Wanling Mirror obtained from Feixian Temple has been shaking, as if it is resisting the erosion from the other half of Xuanyuan Mirror.

With a flash of Xue An's eyes, an extremely powerful divine sense rushed out instantly, forming an all-round suppression on this mirror of all spirits.

The Wanling Mirror, which was trembling endlessly, finally calmed down, and was then overwhelmed by the brilliance.

But through the radiant surface, it can be seen that although the Wanling Mirror is swallowed by the brilliance, the speed of blending with each other is extremely slow.

This is completely different from the other pieces of Xuanyuan Mirror that Xue An obtained before.

Those fragments were perfectly fused together almost immediately after getting it, with almost no effort.

But Xue An had expected this result.

In fact, the moment Xue An got the Myriad Soul Mirror, he could clearly feel the restriction attached to its surface.

This kind of restriction is not the restriction of runes as understood by secular practice, but an energy field condensed by countless evil spirits.

It is conceivable that this mirror of all spirits should have been refined by many powerful evil things, and then this energy field will be formed.

Now if you want to reunite it, you must first break this layer of energy field.

But that is easier said than done.

Even if it is as strong as Xue An, it is impossible to break this outer shell while ensuring that the inner lens is intact.

So he can only use water to remove the outer layer of energy field little by little.

This is also the reason why he asked Nezha to protect him,

After all, at this speed, it would take at least three days to fully integrate.

And three days... is enough for many things to happen!

Xue An slowly closed his eyes, and began to suppress this mirror of all spirits with all his strength without distracting thoughts.

And at the same moment, this big sun island was completely sensational.

Everything that happened in front of the Feixian Temple has been spread throughout the entire Dari Island through the mouth of these onlookers.

All of a sudden, the entire territory was shaken.

Countless sect bigwigs couldn't believe their ears after hearing about it.

In a certain sect.

"What do you think? Hundreds of people in Feixian Temple were swallowed by the evil thing, but this evil thing was lost in the hands of a young man?" A white-bearded old man suddenly opened his eyes and asked in a startled voice.

"It's true!" the subordinate replied.

The old man fell into deep thought, and finally said after a long time: "Did he also do what happened to Sen Luo Valley before?"

"That's right!"

"Hiss! What is the origin of this person?"

"Someone has already tried their best to investigate, but it turned out to be fruitless! People only know that this person is named Xue An. He first appeared in the Wenmai Cave, and later traveled to Guangming Palace and other places. He made a decisive move, and his strength is a mystery!"

"This person is definitely not waiting for nothing, listen and probe again!"


"And..." The old man paused.

"What other orders does the ancestor have?"

"Is the evil thing really dead?"

"Yes! The disciple saw it with his own eyes!"

"That's going to be troublesome!" The old man's face became extremely solemn, "It's not easy to swallow the evil thing that can swallow the entire Feixian Temple, it is very likely to be a top ruler, and once such an existence dies, it will definitely attract crazy revenge!"

The middle-aged disciple trembled all over, "Then what do you mean, Patriarch..."

The white-bearded old man looked up to the sky and sighed, "In my opinion, the evil army will definitely come to counterattack and take revenge in a few days. From then on, Dari Island will never have peace!"

"Then what shall we do?"

"And don't act rashly, isn't the Musket Club playing a banner to publicly support Xue An? Let's see what they do!"


Discussions like this are happening all over Dari Island. The content of the conversation may be different, but the meaning is basically the same, that is, to wait and see what happens.

However, the Musket Club was not affected by these public opinions. Under the leadership of Yang Fu, the entire Musket Club was in full swing.

The whole nest mentioned here is not a metaphor, but a real verb.

I saw this huge and rough spaceship flying towards Feixian Temple under the driving of Yang Fu.

After reaching the sky above the Feixian Temple, Yang Fu ordered his subordinates to disperse and guard the key points without Nezha's orders.

After finishing all this, Yang Fu came to Nezha with a smile.

"How good is Mr. Xiao!"

Nezha liked Yang Fu's name very much, and even his face looked better. He nodded and said, "Yeah!"

Yang Fu looked at the figure shrouded in brilliance in the distance again, "How long will it take for Mr. Xue to finish his work?"

"About three days!"

Yang Fu nodded when he heard the words, and then said to his subordinates behind him: "Have you heard that, cheer me up for these three days!"


Wei Qingfeng and the others suddenly agreed.

Yang Fu's gaze stayed on Naiying who was smoking a cigarette and playing with his mobile phone in the distance.

Strange... What kind of rules does this evil girl have? Why can't I even see through myself?


In the boundless wilderness of time, the giant snake of time and space, Shuming, is still sleeping.

After these days of recuperation, Shu Ming, who had been seriously injured and on the verge of death, finally recovered gradually.

Although the broken dragon scale has not been completely repaired, the exposed bones underneath are finally healed.

And just as it was sleeping, an indescribably strange figure suddenly descended on this wilderness.

The moment it appeared, Shu Ming, who had been soundly asleep, woke up in an instant, raised his huge head, and stared at this figure with eyes like the sun and the moon.

"Giggle old You're finally awake!" The figure squirmed and trembled, while letting out piercing laughter.

"Zhu Mie, what the **** are you doing here with me?" Shu Ming said, his voice was like thunder.

This figure, which seemed to be overlapping with countless black shadows and scattered from time to time, laughed strangely upon hearing this.

"Old friend, don't be so rude! Didn't I hear that you were injured, so I came here to care about you!"

"I don't need you to care, get out of my territory quickly, or don't blame me for being rude!" Shu Ming said viciously.

Although the wrecking figure was trembling and wriggling, it could still be seen that he shrugged.

"Your temper is still as violent as ever, which is not conducive to wound recovery!"

Before the words fell, a string of time popped out, and directly flew the wrecking out.

(end of this chapter)


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