Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2979: strong sense of déjà vu

Chapter 2979 strong sense of déjà vu

Xue An suddenly felt a strong sense of déjà vu.

Why is Yang Fu's vision so similar to the settings in some novels he read when he was studying on Earth.

Isn't the so-called supreme core the main god?

And the countless worlds that can be transformed through calculations...

It is simply a replica of the infinite world.

"Since you plan to harvest high-level evil things, why didn't you collect that giant spider I killed earlier?" Xue An asked.

Yang Fu was pulled back from his fantasy by Xue An's words, shook his head and said.

"No, the evil thing I need not only has a high level, but also has special rules. Although the giant spider is powerful, it only masters the most common immunity to attacks, so it is unusable!"

"So, what you need is actually the rules mastered by these evil creatures?"

"That's right! Especially the special laws related to time and fate. That's what I need most now. As long as it is integrated, the main **** of my dreams will be considered to have a prototype!" Yang Fu became excited again.

Xue An raised his eyebrows, because the rules Yang Fu said seemed to match up perfectly with that Shuming....


Before Xue An could open his mouth, Yang Fu said excitedly: "Xue An, I know what you want to do after trying so hard to collect the fragments. I also secretly gave you a lot of help in the Nether Ghost City!"

"So next time you face that Shuming, can you give me its rules?"

"Yes, yes, but why are you so sure that I can defeat Shu Ming?"

"Hehe, if you alone are really powerless, but then there is me! I have worked so hard to run the Gun Club all these years, it is not in vain, it is for this day!" Yang Fu said confidently.

Looking at Yang Fu who was eager to try, Xue An smiled slightly, "Okay, since that's the case, then it's settled, you help me deal with Shuming, and I will give you all the rules after I succeed!"

Yang Fu was overjoyed, "It's a deal!"

"It's a deal!"

Yang Fu wanted to get away from the shackles of this divine sense, but at this moment Xue An suddenly said: "Speaking of which, I still want to thank you for your warning!"

"Huh?" Yang Fu was taken aback.

Xue An smiled meaningfully, "Aren't you the last woman who gave me information about Dari Island and warned me?"

A deep embarrassment appeared on Yang Fu's face, "You even know this?"

"I didn't know it at first, but your words reminded me!"

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, that's right, I was the one who warned you in the end, you know, sometimes it's much more convenient to do certain things as a woman!" Yang Fu smiled like a pervert.

Xue An didn't bother to ask Yang Fu what he was doing while pretending to be a woman.

After all, the Nether Ghost City was created by Yang Fu alone. To put it bluntly, it is like an online platform, and it is quite normal for Yang Fu, as an administrator, to create a female account for fun.

Didn't you see that in reality there are so many big guys who pick their feet and pretend to be cute girls and little lolitas on the Internet!

This may be a special hobby of Yang Fu!

"Well, I see!"

"Ahem, that's right!" Yang Fu rubbed his hands together in embarrassment, "Can you not tell my sister about this!"

"I'm afraid that after she finds out... she will think that I'm unreliable as an older brother!"

Xue An looked at Yang Fu who was full of embarrassment, and smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I'm not that gossip!"

When the spiritual barrier disappeared, Yang Mufeng looked at Xue An and his brother suspiciously.

Yang Fu laughed, "Mr. Xue, is it a deal?"

"It's a deal!"

"Okay! Then I'll go back and organize my equipment now, and I'll be there tomorrow at the latest!"


Yang Fu led his men and was about to leave, but Yang Mufeng stood there hesitantly.

She really wanted to ask if what Xue An said before really counted.

But before she could speak, Yang Fu pulled her past.

"Little sister, come with me first, and talk about it on the way!"

Then he forcibly dragged Yang Mufeng away.

Xue An just smiled at this, and then glanced at the crowd watching from a distance.

In fact, there are very few onlookers at this moment. After all, not everyone is so bold as to face the power of evil things directly.

In addition to being bold, many of the remaining reasons have other reasons.

But when they noticed Xue An's gaze, they couldn't help being startled, and then left one after another.


That is the existence that defeated all the top evil things, and now the Musketeer Club came forward to support it, who would dare to provoke it!

After these idlers left, Xue An said in a deep voice, "Nian Yin!"

"Here!" Wu Nianyin had been prepared for a long time. When he heard Xue An's call, his whole body was shocked, and he immediately responded awe-inspiringly.

At this moment, he was extremely excited.

Are you going to fight the top evil next?

This is a battle that can be recorded in history!

But what Xue An said next was like a ladle of cold water pouring on his head.

"Lead your subordinates to leave here immediately, return to the Wu family's garrison, and then close the door tightly to guard against death, and there must be no mistakes!"

"Yes...huh?" Wu Nianyin thought he had heard wrong, so he couldn't help asking.

"My lord, isn't it time to fight the evil thing? Why are we leaving at this time?"

"It's precisely because I'm going to fight against evil things next, that's why I let you go. Is there any problem?"

Wu Nianyin's face turned red, and he said loudly: "My lord, I know that our abilities are low, but at this critical moment, we are willing to do our best for your lord, how can we run away without fighting?"

"That's right! I'm willing to do my part!" Wu Shaobei also stepped forward and said.

Immediately afterwards, the elites who followed the Wu family expressed their willingness to stay.

Xue An just smiled at this, "I appreciate everyone's wishes. You are all first-class heroes who can make such a choice in the face of life and death, but everyone's life is precious!"

"Even if you sacrifice, you have to sacrifice something worthwhile. UU Reading If you don't care about your own life just because of your passion, that is the greatest sin!"

"Listen to me, go back and garrison the Wu family now. This is not an escape, but it will help me the most. Maybe you can play a bigger role in the future!" Xue An said.

The members of the Wu family who said these words were speechless, and finally bowed their heads after looking at each other.

Wu Nianyin swallowed even more: "My lord, I will wait for you!"

Xue An smiled and nodded, "Okay, then you guys go!"

Everyone in the Wu family left.

Xue An turned to look at Nai Yingying, and said with a smile, "Are you interested in talking?"

Nai Yingying seemed to have expected it a long time ago, nodded and said: "Okay, I happen to have something to say to you."

(end of this chapter)


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