Chapter 2971

This is an extremely weird and terrifying scene.

A giant spider with a belly full of human faces turned out to have two beautiful women on its head.

This picture is simply wicked.

Nai Yingying who was standing in the corner frowned imperceptibly upon seeing this, and murmured.

"Is it this guy? It seems that those old people are finally getting restless, that's right! The life and death of the existence that has been sheltering Xue An is uncertain now, and the biggest backer has disappeared. Now is the best time for them to do something!"

Speaking of this, Nai Yingying's eyes looking at Xue An became a little meaningful.

"Xue An, you can only rely on yourself in the future. If you can pass this hurdle, then the truth of everything will be revealed, but if you can't... let's stop talking about it!"

Her voice was so low that no one else could tell, only Yi Guyun, who was closest to her, heard something faintly, but at this moment, Yi Guyun was in no mood to care about it.

At this time, she was already in great sorrow.

" that you?"

She immediately recognized the faces of her father and a group of people on the abdomen of the giant spider.

No wonder there was no news from the clan during this period of time. It turns out... they were all buried in the mouth of this giant spider!

Yi Guyun felt his whole body trembling, and his mind went blank.

The family she belongs to is not too far away from here, but after Yi Guyun joined Sen Luo Valley, he seldom came back because of his busy schedule.

But I didn't expect that it would be such a scene when I saw my father again.

This destroyed Yi Guyun's psychological defense almost instantly.

At this time, Xue An also saw some clues, his face became colder, and he asked in a low voice: "Did you see it?"

Nezha nodded solemnly, "It's very strong, and it has swallowed up a lot of external power. It's a tricky guy!"

Xue An's eyes flashed, but he didn't say much, he just stared at the giant spider coldly.

At the same time, the giant spider finally stopped chewing and slowly raised its head.

In an instant, many people felt chills all over their bodies.

Because those two pairs of bright eyes are full of indescribable cunning and evil at this moment.

It was as if the filth of the whole world had gathered in these two pairs of eyes.

"Heck, heck, heck!" At this moment, the giant spider suddenly laughed.

The laughter was soft and sweet, but it was even more creepy when it came out of its mouth.

"Sister, look how lively it is here today! Especially the little doll, it looks very fresh and delicious!" The face on the left stretched out its long tongue, licked its lips, and said in a charming tone.

Nezha's face darkened instantly.

What he hates the most in his life is that others treat him as a child, and he is even more taboo to describe himself with words such as tenderness or cuteness.

However, Nezha didn't explode immediately, but stood there with gloomy eyes and a red light in his hand.

"Sister, you like fresh and delicious ones, but I like mature ones, such as this one in white clothes, I like it very much!" Another face said with a smile.

Xue An was not in a hurry, but folded his arms and looked at it with a half-smile.

"Hee hee, my sister really has a good eye. This boy in white is exactly the Xue An who made us scratch our heads recently!"

"Ah, he is Xue An! He looks so good-looking, I thought that the son of luck like this is a rough guy with a thick back and a waist!"

The two faces sang together and played a double reed in front of everyone.

If you just look at the content of their discussion and the tone of their speech, it seems that two young women are discussing their sweetheart.

But at this moment, no one would think that this is something pleasing to the eye!

Especially those charming female voices emanating from such a terrifying body, adding to the sense of discord.

"Mr. Xue An, I heard that you are the most outstanding young hero of the Chinese race in the past ten thousand years. My sister has taken a fancy to you now. Why don't you just follow her! Of course, if you are willing, my sister and I are also willing to share, so that you can enjoy the blessings of everyone!"

The face of the self-proclaimed sister is full of indescribable charm.

Before Xue An spoke, Shu Jingchu almost vomited.

"Bah, smelly shameless!"

"Huh?" The woman turned her eyes and looked at Shu Jingchu.

Then Shu Jingchu involuntarily let out a muffled snort, almost falling to the ground.

With just one look, Shu Jingchu was hurt.

"Who am I? It turns out that I'm the subordinate of that child who hides in the Guangming Palace and cries all day long!" The younger sister's words were full of disdain.

"Even if your master comes here in person now, you have to kneel obediently and let us sisters call you aunt. What are you, dare to act presumptuously in front of us!"

A look of horror flashed in Shu Jingchu's eyes.

Not fear.

The attack he just suffered was too unimaginable.

Wherever he looked, his sea-of-consciousness soul, including qi, blood, and bone marrow, trembled at the same time, causing his vitality to be severely injured all at once.

But apart from this, there is no fluctuation of any spiritual energy.

What exactly is this means?

Just as she was terrified, a figure stood in front of her.

Xue An stood tall, with no panic on his face, only endless indifference.

"You have devoured all the people in Feixian Temple?"

"How can we use the word devour? You should know that they were just pets I raised. Now that the pets have grown up, they will naturally be killed and eaten. Is there any problem?" The face who claimed to be the elder sister said with a smile.

Xue An was too lazy to entangle with it, and asked straightforwardly: "So the Wanling Mirror is in your hands right now?"

"That's natural! Why? Do you want to or not? Then obediently become my servant, and if you are comfortable serving me, I can consider giving it to you!" The elder sister said in a seductive tone.

Before the words were finished, a red light burst out, and then there was a loud bang.

Nezha had rushed to the giant spider's head at some point, and pierced its forehead with a flaming spear in his But the indestructible flaming spear met his opponent this time.

Except for the countless sparks aroused by the tip of the spear, the giant spider was completely unscathed, not even a single white spot on its forehead.

Nezha was startled, and immediately prepared to retreat.

But how could this giant spider let him leave so easily.

"Sister, don't you like this little doll? Now that he has come to your door on his own initiative, how can you not keep him?" My sister teased.

"What my sister said is very suitable for me!" The younger sister smiled, and then grinned.

The muscles around the lips were instantly torn, grinning directly to the base of the ears, and then countless spider silks spit out from the huge mouth, and attacked Nezha covering his head and face.

Nezha snorted coldly, and tried to retreat with his feet.

(end of this chapter)


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