Chapter 2938 Tracking

In the small courtyard, Xue An, who was playing games with his two daughters, seemed to feel something, and suddenly raised his head.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Nian Nian, who was enjoying herself while riding on Xue An's neck, couldn't help feeling a little strange when her father suddenly lost his mind.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just thought of something suddenly!" Xue An smiled.

At this time, those who were waiting on the sidelines thought about it already a little impatient, "Okay, okay, it's my turn!"

Nian Nian reluctantly jumped off Xue An's body, then Xue An picked her up and put her on his neck.

"Sit still!"


Thinking about it, he nodded nervously, and in the next second, Xue An soared into the sky, flying in the sky at an extremely fast speed.

Although Xue An tried his best to control the speed, it was still too exciting for a child.

Imagine being scared and screaming, only to be blown away by the oncoming wind.

After landing, Xiangxiang's hair was blown upright, and his face was still in a daze.

Seriously, it's a lot more exciting than a roller coaster.

After all, with Xue An's strength, it's too boring to simply fly in the air, so from time to time he will perform difficult movements such as diving and turning.

Standing in the corner of the courtyard, Shu Jingchu looked at this scene enviously.

"Is this the joy of having a strong father?"

Seriously, she would love to fly around the sky too.

It's not that she can't fly, but that she can't do Xue An's dazzling movements.

Of course, it would be even better if it could be ridden on the neck!

Shu Jingchu thought silently, and then glanced at An Yan who was standing aside with some guilt.

An Yan stood up with a smile, her whole body was so beautiful that she seemed to be shining.

Shu Jingchu looked down at herself again, feeling a little discouraged suddenly.

How could she be so unreasonably beautiful as a woman?

At this time, Xue An put down his thoughts, and refused the request of the two excited little girls to come again, and walked up to An Yan.

"You, you spoil them too much!" An Yan said angrily.

Xue An chuckled, "Who will spoil my daughter if I don't?"

"Then they are addicted now, what do you want me to do in the future?"

"Then let's fly with them again!" Xue An didn't care.

"Hmph, I haven't been in shape all day!" An Yan was still a little dissatisfied.

Xue An smiled and pinched An Yan's swollen little face, "Okay, they are getting bigger and bigger, and the days when they can play like this are getting less and less. It's good for me to spend more time with them!"

"I hate it!" An Yan knocked off Xue An's hand, and glanced shyly at the side.

But Jinshanquan was looking carefully at a small grass by the wall, as if he wanted to see flowers from this ordinary grass.

As for Shu Jingchu, her eyes were empty, her mind was wandering, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Anyway, seeing that the two of them didn't seem to notice her, An Yan was slightly relieved, and then gave Xue An a blank look.

"Hee hee, you're so shy now that you're an old couple! Stay at home and watch the kids, I'll go out for a while!"

"Where are you going?" An Yan asked immediately.

"Of course we have to solve that matter!" Xue An said calmly.

"Then let's go with you!"

Xue An smiled, "No, it's just such a trivial matter, why mobilize the crowd, just wait here with all your thoughts!"

After explaining, Xue An walked out of the small courtyard, then turned around the veranda, and came to the street outside.

It has to be said that the Wu family still has its own way, which can be seen from this bustling street.

Xue An was not in a hurry, but walked slowly around the street, and bought some worthless gadgets, acting like a normal shopper.

But at the same time, his divine sense has been focusing on a figure not far in front of him.

It was Mama Liu next to Wu Qiaojun.

If Xue An couldn't lock the target when he felt the evil spirit before, then this time Xue An can finally be sure that the root of all this lies in this plain old lady.

Although she usually looks like a normal person, even when she reveals her evil spirit, she is pitifully weak.

But no matter how weak the evil spirit is, it is still evil spirit, especially when it appears in a person who should not appear, it is even more doubtful.

In order to be on the safe side, Xue An didn't choose to lock it directly with divine sense, after all, no one knows what ability this old lady has.

If she can feel the observation of her divine sense, wouldn't she be alarmed?

So Xue An simply adopted the most stupid method, that is to modify his appearance, hide his aura, and then quietly follow behind.

Although it is not surprising that evil things appear in places like Dari Island.

But Xue An always felt that there must be a reason for this, especially Wu Qiaojun who came to the door on his own initiative, which made Xue An even more suspicious.

Anyway, as long as it is about evil things, Xue An will not take it lightly.

The follow-up process that followed was very boring. This Mama Liu behaved like any other old lady. First, she visited a large circle of silk and satin shops, but ended up walking out empty-handed without spending a penny, and then went to the rouge shop.

After thousands of choices, she finally took out two inferior spirit stones and bought a box of the cheapest water rouge.

Then I went to the vegetable shop butcher shop...

All in all, the places I went to were all the places that an old lady frequented, and there was nothing suspicious about it.

If you were someone else, you might wonder if you made a mistake at this time.

But Xue An didn't feel the slightest impatience, instead he became more determined.

Because the more normal the performance at this time, the more suspicious it is.


After turning around in a big circle, Mama Liu seemed to be sure that no one would follow her, so she came to the depths of an alley with confidence.

There stands a small building that doesn't look anything out of the ordinary.

Mama Liu pushed the door open and walked in. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

A moment later, Xue An appeared at the entrance of the alley.

His divine sense told him that Mama Liu just disappeared in this alley.

His gaze immediately locked on the small building in the deepest part, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

He was already sure that this Mama Liu had entered this small building.

But he did not act in a hurry, because the more ordinary the place looked, the more likely it was to hide danger.

Especially when facing weird and unfathomable evil things, Xue An should be more careful.

Xue An's figure gradually became transparent, and finally disappeared into the air.

In the small building at the same time, this Mama Liu was prostrate on the ground, telling the darkness about her experience in the Wu family with a pious and fanatical face.

(end of this chapter)


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