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The three of them were taken aback, none of them understood what Xue An was trying to do?

"Hey, what do you mean my lord? Why do you use divine thoughts to separate us?" Yu Ren asked a little puzzled. https://

Xiaotian was even more confused, "I don't know!"

Only Zui Meng seemed to understand something after being slightly stunned, her eyes rolled, she looked at the barrier of spiritual thoughts with great interest, and then covered her mouth and started laughing.

At this moment, Xue An silently prayed a few words in the barrier of divine sense, and then broke the seal that he had personally imposed on the small building of Fubao with some anxiety.

The moment the seal was broken, Xue An even took a few steps back, as if he was avoiding something.

But unexpectedly, nothing unusual happened, and the small building of Fubao was still standing there quietly.

Xue An frowned slightly, then stepped forward a few worried steps to check the situation in the Fu Bao building.

But at this moment, the small building of Fubao suddenly shook, and then saw a ray of light flying out of it, rushing towards Xue An.

Xue An trembled all over, turned around and wanted to run.

But at this moment, only a cold female voice with infinite anger said coldly: "Stop!"

Xue An's body froze, and then he stood obediently on the spot without moving.

At the same time, Guanghua landed directly in front of Xue An, showing a slim and graceful figure, then without answering, he raised his hand and grabbed Xue An's ear, raised his eyebrows, and said viciously.

"Xue An, do you know your mistake?"

Although the tone was full of anger, there was a hint of trill.

That's right!

It was An Yan who flew out of the small building of Fu Bao.

Xue An was pulled by his ear, and he grinned and said, "Oh, it hurts, it hurts, Yan'er let go, my ear is about to fall off!"

At the same time, he was secretly rejoicing in his heart, fortunately he had isolated Xiao Tian and the others with his spiritual thoughts in advance, otherwise if outsiders saw his appearance like this, his fame in this life would be completely ruined.

Because no outsiders saw it, Xue An acted rascally. Even though An Yan just gently grabbed his ears, Xue An still acted exaggeratedly, as if his ears would fall off in the next second.

But his bluff did not attract any response from An Yan, which made Xue An startled.

what happened? Why so quiet?

At this moment, Xue An suddenly felt a chill on his shoulders, and then heard the sound of sobbing.

Xue An's heart trembled, and he turned his head to look.

Seeing An Yan staring at the huge wound on Xue An's chest and abdomen, tears were streaming down her face.

Even when facing the decree of the Immortal King, Xue An was as calm as water and didn't feel much, but when he saw An Yan's tears, Xue An felt flustered like never before.

Especially when seeing An Yan's shoulders twitching from silent sobbing, Xue An felt a strong sense of guilt spontaneously.

This kind of feeling mixed with infinite distress and guilt made even a hard-hearted person have to kneel.

Because no matter how tough a man is, he can't resist a woman's tears.

Xue An raised his hand distressedly, gently embraced An Yan's waist, and said in a low voice, "Okay, Yan'er, stop crying! I'm fine! Don't worry!"

But it's okay if he doesn't comfort her, this persuasion made An Yan cry even more sadly.

Seeing An Yan with pear blossoms in the rain, Xue An felt flustered, so he hugged An Yan.

But this trick, which is usually invincible, has failed at this moment.

Seeing An Yan struggling in Xue An's arms, the pink fist hammered Xue An's chest as if he didn't want money.

While hammering, An Yan cursed: "You big bastard! Big fool, big wood! I hate you, do you know how much I am worried about you in the small building? If you have any mistakes, what do you want to miss? Have you thought, don't you, you big bastard!

Hearing An Yan's words and feeling the anger in her fist, Xue An was both sad and guilty.

"Yan'er, I know I was wrong! But am I okay? As I said, as long as I dare to do something, it means that nothing will happen! Don't worry!"

"Big bastard, how can I feel at ease? That aura even frightens me, but you face it alone, how can you make me feel at ease?"

An Yan is still relentless.

Xue An could only stand there with a smiling face.

I thought that An Yan would vent for a long time, but I didn't expect An Yan to stop after only a few breaths, and then stood there with her head down in a daze.

Xue An was taken aback, then hesitantly called out, "Yan'er?"

As soon as the words were finished, An Yan threw herself into Xue An's arms, crying uncontrollably.

"Husband, I'm so scared! I'm really afraid that something will happen to you! I beg you, don't let me watch all this in the future, okay? I'd rather fight with you than watch my man get hurt, but I can't do anything!"

Xue An gently stroked An Yan's trembling shoulders, with infinite tenderness in his heart, he said softly: "Okay! I promise you everything, and this will never happen again, okay?"

An Yan nodded, then stretched out her hand in silence, stroking the wound on Xue An's chest and abdomen tremblingly, with distress written all over her face.

Xue An smiled indifferently, and said carefreely: "Yan'er, my wound is almost healed, it's just that the appearance has not fully recovered! It's nothing to worry about!"

But before he finished speaking, he couldn't continue.

Because An Yan was crying, she gently kissed his wound, and asked softly, "Does it hurt?"

Xue An was stunned for a moment, then smiled lightly, "It hurt a little at the time, but it's fine now!"

An Yan's heart seemed to be breaking, she had never been so sad.

Because only those who have lost it will understand this feeling.

She didn't want to repeat the nightmare of that year, so she said tremblingly: "Husband, we will be good in the future, and no one will leave anyone! Okay?"

Xue looked at An Yan quietly, then stretched out his hand, gently wiped away the tears on her face, and smiled softly.


"I want you to promise me!"

"I promise you!"

"And forever!"


Finally, An Yan regained her composure, but Xue An did not remove the spiritual barrier.

Because An Yan was quietly leaning on Xue An's arms, listening to Xue An's story with admiration.

At this moment, her UU reading www.uukanshu.com even looked at Xue An with the eyes of a girl looking at the unrivaled hero in her mind.

And this series of thrilling and ups and downs made An Yan's heart agitated even more.

Especially when she heard that Erlang Shenjun was willing to commit suicide in order not to be controlled by Lihen Tianjun, her eyes instantly turned red again.

After listening to it, An Yan said softly: "Honey, can Xiao Tian really find back the real reincarnation of Senior Erlang?"

Xue An shook his head and sighed lightly: "Actually... I don't know either! Because although this hope does exist, it's really too slim, so slim that it's almost impossible!"

An Yan felt a little sad, but immediately said in a low voice: "Actually, this is not a bad idea, after all... If this glimmer of hope is lost, this General Xiaotian may collapse in an instant! Let this glimmer of hope be the crutch that supports him to go on!"

Xue An chuckled lightly, then rubbed An Yan's hair, "Yeah, I thought so too!"

"It's just... it might be hard for Miss Jiang!" An Yan sighed softly.

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