Upon hearing this, Yue Qinghuan was immediately ready, and at the same time, the Shadow Turtle Emperor drove into this turbulent black region.


Even with its strength, under the stormy waves, his body was trembling slightly.

But what shocked Yue Qinghuan even more was the faint blue light floating in the darkness in the distance.

These brilliances are like stars falling from the sky, exuding dazzling brilliance, and they are particularly eye-catching in this black area.

Yue Qinghuan stared blankly, with a deep obsession in his eyes.

At this moment, Xue An suddenly appeared next to her, staring at the brilliance in the distance, and then sighed softly: "Youlan Ghost Orb, I didn't expect this place to be able to breed such treasures!"

Yue Qinghuan did not respond. In fact, all her attention at this time had been attracted by these ghostly blue beads.

The obsession in his eyes was so deep that he couldn't wait to catch all the blue ghost beads in one go.


No woman can withstand the temptation of jewelry, especially this extremely rare gem, the temptation has increased exponentially.

The Shadow Turtle Emperor at his feet suddenly chuckled, "Chinese powerhouse, I really didn't expect you to recognize the blue ghost orb, doesn't this kind of thing exist in the heavens?"

Xue An smiled slightly, "I saw it once by chance, so I was lucky enough to know this thing."

Of course Xue An would not tell the Shadow Turtle King that he happened to see a ghost bead when he was searching the Dragon Clan's warehouse.

God knows where those dragon races who regard money as fate and have a strong hoarding addiction got this orb from.

"Hehe, Chinese powerhouse, it seems that your knowledge is really good, but do you think this is over? To tell you the truth, this is just the beginning. Next... I will let you see the real world."

The Shadow Turtle King spoke very proudly, and then he carried the two and continued to fly forward.


After traveling a further distance, the surrounding brilliance became more and more radiant, and there were many orbs of different colors everywhere around the surrounding area.

Xue An couldn't help being shocked by these sights.

"Blazing flame beads, extremely cold ice beads, thick earth imperial beads..."

Looking at these various and innumerable gems, Yue Qinghuan was already going crazy.

When she went to the heavens, she didn't pass through here.

Because this place belongs to the absolute core of the death black domain, extremely dangerous and terrifying.

This time, it was because the Shadow Turtle Emperor was carrying the two of them personally, so that he was qualified to pass here.

The ordinary shadow turtle clan cannot enter here at all.

The Shadow Turtle King said complacently: "This black region of death is an absolutely taboo dead place in the eyes of others, but in my eyes, it is a treasure house with countless treasures!"

At this time, Yue Qinghuan finally recovered. After breathing out slowly, he said with a wry smile: "No wonder the prosperous Orb City adjacent to the Black Region is because of this reason!"

The Shadow Turtle King chuckled, "Of course, after all, many of your monks' things are also very useful to our Shadow Turtle Clan. You are even more coveted for these orbs. Let's take what we need!"

Yue Qinghuan said nothing.

On the contrary, Xue An chuckled slightly, because he found that this Shadow Turtle Emperor had been very honest and honest in many cases, only when he touched the interests he would become extremely shrewd.

Xue An is not surprised at this contrast.

After all, anyone who dares to think that a monster that has survived for thousands of years is a fool, he must be a fool.

Finally, after continuing to fly forward for a long time, the two people and one demon left the area.

A faint white light appeared in the front, and the darkness gradually became thinner.

"Sit down, we will leave the Black Region of Death soon!" The Shadow Turtle Emperor said solemnly.

Yue Qinghuan immediately sat down nervously.

Xue An stood with his hand on top of the tortoise shell, with bright brilliance in his eyes.

I finally left the heavens, but what was the scene outside the heavens?

At this moment, the Shadow Turtle King under his feet suddenly accelerated.


Xue An felt a dazzling whiteness in front of him, and then he felt an extremely strong pressure all over his body.

This pressure not only acts on the body, but also directly acts on the realm of cultivation.

Xue An only felt that his cultivation was stagnant, and his realm was a faint sign of falling.

Although this momentum soon stopped, Xue An's momentum dropped a lot because of this, and her strength instantly shrank by at least 30%.

And in sharp contrast with him is Yue Qinghuan on the side.

I saw her aura suddenly began to skyrocket, and under the steadily rising, cracks appeared in the space.

Especially her pair of lavender eyes are as bright as a flawless amethyst in an instant, deep and mysterious.

That feeling was as if a certain **** that had been suppressing her body disappeared in an instant.

Yue Qinghuan raised a dangerous smile at the corner of his mouth, then leaned into Xue An’s ear, and whispered softly: "Now that I have reached my home court, the suppression of the heavens has disappeared. With the strength of one, I can kill at any time. How about losing you? Are you afraid?"

After all, she looked at Xue An with a smile, trying to see a trace of fear on his face.


She was finally disappointed.

But seeing Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, he smiled indifferently, and then said lightly: "You can try to see who can kill whom!"

"You..." Yue Qinghuan was simply angry about it.

How could there be such a strange man in the world?

Is it so difficult to say to me being afraid?

Just as Yue Qinghuan was full of anger, an invisible force pushed her and Xue Anto aside.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the Shadow Turtle Emperor began to shrink sharply, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a middle-aged man with an unremarkable appearance.

"Well, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Chinese strong, what I promised you has been done, I hope you don't let me down!" Shadow Turtle King said solemnly.

Xue An nodded, "Don't worry, since I promised you, I will definitely do it for you!"

The Shadow Turtle Sovereign turned his head and looked at Yue Qinghuan who was aside, "Soldier girl, now my Shadow Turtle family owes you all the love to the soldier, I hope you will do it yourself in the future!"

Yue Qinghuan gave a salute, "Thank you, Lord Turtle, and the little girl will definitely remember it!"

The Shadow Turtle King nodded, then turned around to return to the Black Region of Death.

At this moment, Xue An suddenly stopped him.


"Why? Is there anything else?" The Shadow Turtle Emperor stopped and looked at Xue An strangely.

Xue An raised his hand and pointed, there was a city faintly floating in the distant void he was pointing at.

"what is that?"

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