Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2109: Young Jian Xiu met a girl

"Invincible, start with Dad Xianzun ( Find the latest chapter!

But now although Fan Mengxue has the strength, his prestige is still seriously insufficient, so he wants to expand Fan Mengxue's influence as much as possible.

Looking at it now, Fan Mengxue is obviously lacking in interest in all this.

In fact, it wasn't just that he was not interested in these so-called prestige or status. Tianzhe Na discovered that after he was on the earth, Fan Mengxue had spent the rest of his time practicing like a walking dead, without any interest or hobby.

This is why he just sighed.

The distance of tens of millions of miles is just a flick of a finger for a strong like Fan Mengxue and Tianzhe.

Soon, a mighty fleet appeared in the void ahead.

What makes up this fleet is a starship of various shapes.

These star boats are large or small, but without exception, they are all very magnificent, and some of them are even exaggerated to the point of ridiculous.

Seeing this scene, Tianzhe couldn't help being stunned.

Because in his impression, sword repairers generally do not ride in the star boat, and no matter where they go, they will only walk with one sword and one sword.

How come these sword repairs are just the opposite, not only riding in the star boat, but also riding in such a majestic and majestic manner?

At the moment when Tianzhan was stunned, the fleet had also spotted their master and apprentice, and could not help but stop slowly.

Then the people in the star boat could see through the porthole the appearance of Fan Mengxue standing in front.

It was quiet at first, and then extremely enthusiastic cheers and discussions broke out in the public communication channel of this fleet.

"Gosh, I'm not mistaken, there is such a beautiful woman in the world?" Someone exclaimed and lost his voice.

"Mine, fortunately I came out this time, I really opened my eyes!" The speaker almost drooled.

"Tsk tsk, how come such a little lady of the water spirit suddenly appeared here? Could it be for someone between us?" Someone wondered.

"Don't doubt, this girl must have come here specially because she admires this young master's peerless elegance!" Someone said with a smile, her voice full of arrogance.

"Bah, you upstairs are really shameless, but are you still outstanding?"

"I have a showdown. This little lady is my distant cousin. We signed a marriage contract when we were young. This time, it must be to find me to fulfill the marriage contract."

"A paranoia is found upstairs!"

"I admit that she is indeed very beautiful, but my brother is a man she will never get."

For a time, all kinds of discussions were everywhere!

But none of these people noticed the mighty power of Fan Mengxue's body, but treated him as an ordinary monk, talking unscrupulously.

But what they didn't know was that their public contact channel had actually been cracked when Fan Mengxue first appeared.

Therefore, every word they said, Fan Mengxue heard clearly.

Listening to the "unbridled" discussion of these guys, Fan Mengxue's mouth gradually raised, revealing a wistful smile.

But just such a smile made the whole fleet boil again.

"Oh my god, she smiled at me!"

"Fart, that's laughing at me!"

"This smile... which cadre can stand it!"

"Damn, people are really maddening than people. As a woman, I can't help but feel moved, let alone a man!" Some women sighed even more.

Just as the fleet was boiling over, but seeing a flash of brilliance in the leading starship, then a sword of light flew to Fan Mengxue's approach.

After he showed his figure, he was a handsome young man wearing a pale blue gown with a sword hanging from his waist.

He smiled politely at Fan Mengxue, then clasped his fists and said warmly, "I have seen a girl in Tao Zhuxing, the young master of the Bamboo Sword School!"

As soon as he appeared, the public communication channel of the fleet couldn't help but felt another sorrow.

"It's Lao Tao again, shit, this time you can't let him get on the board first!"

"Yes, this kid is so thick-skinned, second only to that kid Ye Kongming. If this is succeeded by him, wouldn't our brothers all stare?"

With the noise of the drums, but seeing the swords of light in these star boats, a young talent with a name or a supernatural power or an inner divine light flew to Fan Mengxue one after another.

"In the next Ding Xiaochen, the big disciple of Chenguangshan, I have seen a girl!"

"Under Gu, I have seen a girl..."

This group of people bowed to Fan Mengxue one after another, and some of them looked at Fan Mengxue with undisguised ardent eyes.

Fan Mengxue couldn't help frowning slightly, then quietly stepped back for a while, and nodded slightly as a response.

Other than that, she said nothing, and the atmosphere fell into embarrassment instantly.

Tianzhe couldn't help but sighed when he saw it, and then took a step forward, and said in a deep voice: "I think you and others are all Sword Cultivators, are you going to the Sword Palace Star Field?"

It has to be said that although Tianzhana's cultivation has stagnated in recent years, it still exists as if it were high mountains to these young sword repairers.

Especially the aura of anger and self-prestige on his body made this group of people even more serious.

Tao Zhuxing, the young master of the Bamboo Sword Sect who appeared first, said in a deep voice: "That's right, senior, I was invited by a friend to go to the sword palace star field!"

"Oh? My friend, who is UU Reading" Tianzhe asked nonchalantly.

Because his gaze was so venomous, it was almost just a glance at the situation of the young people.

Among them, the strongest is only Daluo. This kind of strength can be considered very good outside, but it is not enough to put it in the upcoming catastrophe.

So he was very curious who had invited such a bunch of young sword repairers.

Tao Zhuxing immediately said: "It's the big brother I'm waiting for, Ye Kongming!"

"The night sky is bright?"

"Yes, his grandfather is the old man washing sword!"

"Oh!" Tianzhe suddenly said, "It turns out to be Ye Bufan's descendant!"

After that, he looked at the group with a smile.

"What are you going to do in the Sword Palace Star Territory?"

Tao Zhuxing's expression was serious, and he said in a deep voice: "I'm waiting here. I will naturally slay demons and slay demons and fight the coming catastrophe together!"

"Yes! I heard that there is a blindfold who wants to invade the heavens. How can I tolerate this? I must let these blindfolders see the sword in my hand!"

There was a clamor from the teenagers.

Tianzhe originally wanted to laugh a little, but after seeing the serious expressions of these teenagers, he suddenly couldn't laugh.

Because of this attitude, isn't it exactly what a young man should be spirited?

Even Fan Mengxue on the side changed slightly.

"But I don't know the name of the predecessor and the name of this girl?" Tao Zhuxing asked again.

Tianzhuna laughed, "My name is Tianzhuna, this is my apprentice, her name is..."

Tianzhe turned his head and glanced at Fan Mengxue.

Fan Mengxue's complexion gradually calmed down, then she lowered her eyes and said lightly: "Fan... Wangan!"

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