Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2092: Is this the ambush you set?

"Invincible, start with Dad Xianzun ( Find the latest chapter!

Back then, Xue An moved the heavens, especially with a red lotus sword intent, so that the sword repairmen did not dare to look up.

This Qiu Yiye naturally saw Xue An's greatness and admired him.

Therefore, after receiving Xue An's small sword, he immediately revealed his whereabouts and rushed to the sword palace star field.

Now that I met Xue An halfway by accident, Qiu Yiye naturally behaved very respectfully.

Xue An couldn't help but smile, "Brother Yiye is so polite, I'm very grateful for you to come here, why so much courtesy?"

Qiu Yiye sighed softly, "I think I was defeated by Jiansan. I was blind. I was already a useless person. I didn't expect that Master Gulian actually remembered me and sent the summoning order personally. Li? I just don’t know that Master Honglian is not in the Sword Palace to receive the strong from all sides. Why is it here?"

Xue An smiled, "Sword Palace Star Territory has Li Jingxing who is in charge of entertaining, so naturally I don’t care about it. Besides, I just received a message saying that there is a trace of an alien from heaven somewhere. This matter is not trivial. Go take a look."

"Oh? Traces of evil things outside of the sky? Didn't you say that it will take a few years before the seal expires? There are now?"

"It shouldn't come from that bronze gate, but the sky is so vast, it is inevitable that there are weak defenses, so I must not be careful, just as Brother Ye is also here, why don't you come with me to find out?" Xue An Said with a smile.

Qiu Yiye was silent for a moment, and then nodded, "Well, anyway, I have nothing to do now, so I will accompany Master Honglian on this trip."

"It's so good!" Xue Anxi smiled, "Then let's go now!"

With that, Xue An turned around and led the way.

Qiu Yiye followed in silence.

The two are fast, but the sight of a cup of tea spans a star field of tens of millions of miles.


Xue An, who was on the road ahead, suddenly stopped.

Qiu Yiye also stopped immediately, and then asked faintly: "Is it here so soon?"

Without turning his head back, Xue An said softly, "Yes, it's already here, and it's the area where evil things are infested."

"Then why stand still?" Qiu Yiye asked.

Xue An looked back at him and saw Qiu Yiye's face calm at the moment, and he couldn't help showing a hint of inexplicable smile.

"Because I suddenly felt that you should deal with this evil thing in front of you better, just to explore its reality too!"

With that said, Xue An gave way.

Qiu Yiye didn't say a word, but stepped forward, but when he passed by Xue An, he said suddenly.

"Is this the ambush you set?"

As soon as this remark came out, Xue An's face changed abruptly, but even though Xuan returned to normal, he smiled and said, "Brother Yiye, what are you talking about? Why didn't I understand it!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Qiu Yiye's mouth. Although those gray eyes were dim, they still stared at Xue An.

"I have to say that your disguise is perfect, and even the unique power of Red Lotus Sword Intent is perfectly simulated, but do you know where you are missing?"

The smile on Xue An's face gradually faded, and he looked at Qiu Yiye with cold eyes, "Where?"

"It's because you said that Jian Gong is now presided over by Li Jingxing."

"Just because of this sentence?" Xue An was startled slightly.

Qiu Yiye nodded, "That's right! Although separated by hundreds of millions of miles, I can still perceive that Li Jingxing's aura in the sword palace is very unique, and he is probably already asleep in retreat! In this way, he still How to preside over the sword palace?"

"So your identity has already been revealed, am I right? A... evil thing from outside the sky?"

Facing Qiu Yiye's questioning, this "Xue An" suddenly sneered again and again.

"It really deserves to be the top swordsman who ranks second only to Li Jingxing. There really are two brushes, but I wonder, since you already know that I'm a fake, why should you come with me?"

Qiu Yi stood like a sword, and said lightly: "Because I want to know what tricks you are playing, it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

"Hahahahaha, I just like the arrogance of you ants trapped in the small water pool. Since you are here with me, don't leave today. Your skin is just right for me!"

As he spoke, but seeing the figure of this "Xue An" suddenly began to change, the white clothes on his body were directly shattered by the raised muscles, and then the hideous bone spurs pierced the skin and exposed.

In the blink of an eye, a terrifying monster appeared in front of Qiuichiba.

It grinned, and the smelly and corrosive saliva dripped down the corners of its mouth, and then he laughed strangely.


As he said, it stepped forward.

This foot really seemed to have stepped on the entire void, but Qiu Yiye didn't shrink back, a flash of brilliance in front of him, and then an autumn leaf-shaped sword light cut straight out.


Jianmang cut off a large piece of flesh and blood from this monster.

The monster roared in pain, and then rushed forward with more anger.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Qiu Yiye's mouth, and then he waved his hands and slashed the monster straightly.

In the blink of an eye the monster's body was chopped out with huge wounds.

But when Qiu Yiye had the absolute upper hand, he only heard the monster roar.

"Don't do it yet?"

When the words fell, I saw that the surrounding void suddenly changed, and the mist instantly emerged, trapping Qiu Yiye firmly in it.

Qiu Yiye was shocked, but his reaction was not unpleasant. After stepping on it, countless sword intents slashed out in all directions.

But soon, these sword intents were all lost.

Then I heard the monster's grinning laughter from the fog, "Autumn Leaf, it's useless, you can't escape this fog, slowly enjoy the gift I prepared for you, hahahaha!"

The laughter faded, and then Qiu Yiye suddenly realized that his eyes could see it.

But at this moment, he found that the surrounding environment was changing rapidly.

The fog and void faded away and replaced by a desolate grassland.

Then I saw a person walking slowly among the waist-deep grass.

A woman with a red mole between her eyebrows.

"Sword Three!" Qiu Yiye was shocked.

But the woman on the other side just smiled, "I'm still Sword Four now, but after I defeat you, I can call me Sword Three!"

Qiu Yiye understood in an instant that this was the scene of the day when he was fighting the sword three!

But why did you come here?

Are you in the illusion?

Is there really such a realistic illusion?

Qiu Yiye stretched out his hand and stroked the grass blade that was swaying by the breeze.

The furry disturbance is so lifelike that even Qiu Yiye has a sense of indistinguishability.

And when he was in a daze, Jian San on the opposite side solemnly said: "Autumn Yiye, let's take out the sword!"

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