Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 206: Just ask Mr. to protect my China!

"Seal your wife's roots?" The phantom, who should be called the Yaqi Demon God, frowned, and then shook his head.

"What a mess! But since you dare to offend my Baqi Demon God, then prepare to die!"

With that, Kiyoko Takeuchi, whose half of her body had become muddy, began to recover quickly.

In an instant, it returned to normal.

Then the magic flames returned, and when he looked up, his eyes were full of magic lights.

"Boy, today is your death date!"

With that, Kiyoko Takeuchi finally drew out the ghost sword.

The demon flame rose up, and everything within a radius of 100 meters could not withstand such a great pressure, and it began to disintegrate and break!

General Lin's face was a little pale.

This Takeuchi Kiyoko is much better than Ito Nazuki ten years ago!

But in the face of this earth-shattering power, Xue An looked calm.

"It's a mere low-level demon god, and it's still a remnant, but his tone is not small!"

These words made Takeuchi Kiyoko's face extremely ugly.

"Boy, die!"

The ghost sword lifted the fire to the sky, and then suddenly fell down.

The air scorched by endless magic flames is distorted.

This shocking slash has changed everyone's color.

General Lin's complexion changed drastically, then he smiled bitterly and closed his eyes.

In his opinion, Xue An is dead.

Because of this sword, it even surpassed the longevity and had already touched the edge of the half-step Jinxian.

Wei Rulan couldn't help but sighed slightly, lowered her eyes and said: "Cousin, he is quite powerful, but he is too reckless! You shouldn't..."

I didn't finish the rest, because a shocking scene appeared.

Seeing Xue An raising his hands lightly, he clamped the knife in one hand.

And the moment the magic flame that had burnt everything came into contact with Xue An, it suddenly extinguished.

Kiyoko Takeuchi almost stared out.

"How... how is it possible?"

This is the power of the Demon God that he borrowed to cut out the strongest.

But was caught easily by this man?

And at this time Xue An raised his head and said coldly at Takeuchi Kiyoko: "I said, you are just a low-level demon god, don't you understand?"

Kiyoko Takeuchi just wanted to say something.

A mysterious and extremely noble aura flashed in Xue An's eyes.

Kiyoko Takeuchi trembled, and his face suddenly turned pale.

" are...!"

Xue An nodded, "Yes. I am!"

All the people around were inexplicable.

What is it?

But Kiyoko Takeuchi didn't even dare to resist at this moment. He thumped and knelt on the ground, and then said in horror: "It turned out to be an adult. I really don't know you are here. Please forgive me!"

At this time, the audience was dead.

General Lin, who had come to believe that he would die, slowly opened his eyes and couldn't help being stunned.

Wei Rulan was even more stunned at the moment.

Who is he?

Why is this R country demon **** so terrified?

But one thing is certain.

That is, General Xue Anbilin is even more tyrannical.

General Lin was defeated, but Xue An easily defeated him, even the oppressive Takeuchi Kiyoko knelt down and begged for mercy.

No wonder he was always unhappy from beginning to end, it turned out that he had already made up his mind.

It's ridiculous that I still think that they are a foolish and reckless person, and even mocked it.

Thinking of this, Wei Rulan couldn't help being ashamed.

As for the shock of other people, let alone.

Only Chi Chongshan, An Xue and others' complexions changed drastically, and they all began to back away silently.

Xue An looked at Kiyoko Takeuchi, who was trembling on the ground, "Where are the rest of your body?"

"Master Hui, they are all sealed in R country!" Takeuchi Kiyoko said respectfully.

Xue An's murderous look did not go away.

The reason why he was so angry just now was because he found that the aura on this Takeuchi Kiyoko was actually similar to An Yan's seal!

This couldn't help making him furious.

And just now, through his divine mind, he discovered that this remnant of Baqi didn't know about it.

Then there is only one possibility.

This is what the other remnants of Baqi did!

Xue An thought in his heart, and walked up to Kiyoko Takeuchi.

She was shaking all over at the moment, but she didn't dare to resist.

Because the aura he just felt was so amazing, even more powerful than the Demon Venerable Baqi had ever seen.

Xue An suddenly stretched out his hand, stroked Kiyoko Takeuchi's head, and then suddenly mentioned.

A black shadow was pulled out.

"My lord is forgiving! My lord is forgiving! I can help you find other remnants." A snake head in the dark shadow was crying for mercy.

"No need!" Xue An said lightly, crushing it with one hand.

At this point, the remains of this Yaki Shrine have disappeared!

And Kiyoko Takeuchi felt soft and fainted to the ground.

The war is over!

Xue An turned to look at the crowd, and then walked to General Lin.

The skin of General Lin began to peel off at this moment.

Xue An looked at him with a trace of respect in his eyes. No matter when and where, people who know they will die but dare to challenge are worthy of respect.

"General, what else do you want to say?" Xue An said lightly.

General Lin chuckled, "I just ask my husband to protect me from foreign countries!"

There was a sob from the crowd.

To his death, General Lin was concerned about China.

Xue An nodded, "Don't worry, with me, China is as solid as golden soup!"

"So, I will go!" After General Lin finished speaking, the whole person turned into fragments, and then disappeared into the the streamer sword on the ground proved that he had come and fought!

Xue An leaned down, picked up the streamer, and then turned around and looked at the Chi and Anjia people who had shrunk to the end of the crowd.

"Now! It's time to settle accounts with you!"

Chi Chongshan turned and ran.

He was terrified now.

This Xue An is simply scarier than the Demon God.

But Xue An never raised his eyes to look at him, and swept across.

Jian Qi chased him up, chopped Chi Chongshan into several segments, and even crushed his soul.

Then Xue An looked at the pale Anjia people and smiled.

"Remember what I said?"

Several people who settled down were shocked.

Xue An said indifferently: "I said that one day sooner or later, I will make you kneel down and beg me!"

As soon as the voice fell, An Xue and An Chang knelt on the ground, banging their heads.

"Xue... Your lord is forgiving! Your lord is forgiving!"

Especially An Chang, kneeling forward and climbing a few steps at this moment, flatteringly said: "My lord, this matter has nothing to do with me. It's all this old witch and An Xue did. Please let me go!"

Xue An lowered his eyes to look at him.

"Is it nothing to do with you?"

An Chang nodded, "Yes, my lord, it really has nothing to do with me!"

And the old lady Jin Xiurong was shaking all over at the moment, and she couldn't help furious after hearing An Chang's words.

"You rebellious son, you..."

Xue An frowned, "Kneel down!"


Jin Xiurong also knelt on the ground, but his face was still a little unconvinced.

"Xue An, I don't believe that you really dare to kill me. If you really kill me, Yan'er will hate you forever!" Jin Xiurong said with a bitter face.

But at this moment, a cold voice came from the mountain road.

"You are wrong, I will never hate my husband!"

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