In an instant, Feng Ziming's body began to lose weight sharply at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, after a few breaths, he became like a skeleton, skinny and sunken in the eye sockets, and he became weak with howls.

Such a terrifying scene also shocked everyone present.

"God, this...what's going on? What happened to him?" someone exclaimed.

Xue An looked at him coldly, and said lightly: "He was parasitized by evil things outside the sky, now he... is no longer a human!"

As soon as this remark came out, Jian Zaixin waiting for the sword palace disciples were all stupid.

Evil outside the sky?

What it is?

And how could Big Brother be invaded by demons?

You must know that he is the existence in the sword palace second only to master Li Jingxing in strength.

But the facts are now in front of them, Jane Zaixin and others can only stare blankly.

And it seemed to be to confirm Xue An's words, only to see Mu Hongxi suddenly let go of her mouth, and then as if throwing trash, Feng Ziming who had been sucked into a corpse was thrown aside.

With a click, Feng Ziming's body broke into two pieces directly from the middle, but there was no blood flowing out of it, only the dense bones were exposed, but it was also weathered soon.

The dignified Venerable Evil Sword, a kendo giant, ended up in this way.

But the instigator, Mu Hongxi, didn't even look at his corpse. Instead, she rolled her eyelids, looked around the audience with those scarlet, **** eyes, and then laughed strangely.

The laughter was hoarse and unpleasant, as if someone was scraping glass with sharp nails, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

Immediately afterwards, from the depths of Mu Hongxi's throat came a vague, but full of evil voice.

"Hey, you all have to die!"

As he said, around his body, black sword lights formed in an instant, spreading directly like layers of waves.

The speed and power are so fast that he obviously wants to kill all those present.

Xue An snorted and suddenly stepped off.


After a loud noise, with Mu Hongxi as the center, the void tens of miles around vibrated together, directly shattering these black sword lights into invisible.

Immediately afterwards, Xue An's figure appeared in front of Mu Hongxi, and then he cut out with a sword.


This sword was simple and unpretentious, but it directly flew Mu Hongxi out of the place, and it was only a few miles away before it could be stopped.

Looking at Mu Hongxi at this time, there was a huge sword mark starting from the center of the eyebrow and extending to the lower abdomen.

Black blood rushed out from the wound, and after it dripped, it corroded a big hole in the ground.

But Xue An didn't have any lightness on this.

Because he knows that this is just the beginning.


The sword wound on Mu Hongxi's body recovered in an instant, and his body began to tremble violently.

As if countless strange snakes were about to come out of his body, Mu Hongxi's body began to bulge in various big bags.

Mu Hongxi let out an extremely painful howl, apparently suffering unimaginable pain, and even that originally handsome face became extremely hideous.


All the big bags on Mu Hongxi's body burst together, and his whole body was like a torn towel, and his body began to twist extremely.

In the blink of an eye, his upper body twisted in a circle, and at the same time his throat was still chucking noises.

The scalp of everyone watching such a strange and unspeakable scene is numb.

Xue An narrowed his eyes slightly, then raised his hand and swept away towards Mu Hongxi with a flood of sword energy.

But before these invincible surges of sword energy rushed to Mu Hongxi, they were blocked by a faint black light curtain.

Immediately afterwards, these sword qi torrents began to blacken quickly, and finally they were forcibly merged into one body, and then quickly converged in Mu Hongxi's body.

Click, click.

Mu Hongxi has changed his appearance drastically with the sound of the friction of bone dislocation.

I saw that his originally slender body became bloated, and large black spots appeared on his handsome face.

Along the corners of his mouth, foul-smelling and corrosive mucus was dripping.

Both hands are transformed from the elbow into two three-sided long swords with sharp edges.

The most important thing is his eyes, with a dark red hidden in the pure black, like the deepest and most terrifying nightmare, which makes people crazy at a glance.


Such a deformed monster made everyone gasp.

Xue An smiled coldly, "Have you finally revealed your true colors."

Mu Hongxi, or Mu Hongxi who was parasitized by the evil creature outside of the sky, couldn't help laughing.

"Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, you are indeed a little capable, and you can see through my disguise, no wonder the triangle head will be defeated by your hands."

"Oh? Let's put it this way... You and the triangle head were originally in the same group?" Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Yes, but don't think I will be defeated by a little guy in an ant nest like you, like that trash!"

With that, the three-sided sharp sword made by Mu Hongxi's hands began to grow gradually, and Jiejie smiled strangely.

"You know that I only wanted to kill all these sword repairs this time, but I didn't expect you to appear too. This is really a surprise! So..."

A look of greed flashed in Mu Hongxi's eyes, "Stop it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mu Hongxi had disappeared in place.

But Xue An didn't panic at all, but leaned behind him casually.


A huge sound of gold and iron.

Xue An’s hand that reached his back held a sword-qi transformed image, which just blocked the one who did not know when to lurch behind Xue An, and unconsciously wanted to attack Xue An’s Mu Hongxi. One sword.

The three-sided long sword was shaking unceasingly, and even with this Mu Hongxi, he backed out again and again.

The blow was so unexpected and even Mu Hongxi's eyes showed a touch of consternation.

He didn't expect that Xue An's reaction would be so fast.

And at this moment, I saw Xue An lightly said: "You made a mistake just now. It is my unexpected joy that you are here!"

After saying this, the Jian Qi Faxiang in Xue An's hand burst open.

The distance between the two at this moment is so close that even Mu Hongxi has no time to react.

These sword lights have pierced his body.

"Ah ah ah ah ah bastard, actually dare to hurt me, I will crush you a little bit!" Mu Hongxi howled miserably, and then the whole body began to soar again.

In an instant, the previous scars disappeared without a trace, and Mu Hongxi had become an alien monster with a height of more than five meters and knotted muscles.

Seeing that his eyes were blood-red, he raised his hand and slashed down towards Xue An.

The sharp three-sided long sword cut through the sky, and slashed towards Xue An with a sharp whistling.

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