Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2043: Famous swords gathered to watch this battle

Before in the abyss, Xue An once ran into Jian Zaixin who was looking for Li Jingxing's whereabouts.

Unexpectedly, I saw her again here.

It's just that at this moment, Jane is in the heart, and she is far different from the previous one who was trapped in the **** of killing.

Not to mention anything else, just the awe-inspiring sword intent on his body is enough to be daunting.

Not to mention that at this time, at the gate of the sword palace, under the blessing of the supreme sword intent that dozens of generations of sword repairs have condensed for thousands of years, Jian Zai's heart is like the incarnation of heaven, which makes people afraid to look directly.

Even Feng Ziming, the always arrogant and domineering Venerable Evil Sword, had to shut his mouth at this moment and stood there obediently.

at last.

Jane's gaze swept across the faces of everyone present, and then said in a calm and majestic tone: "The Sword Master has an order and invites everyone to enter the Star Territory to watch the ceremony.


Hearing this, the whole audience was boiling, and many people were surprised.

Because no one thought that such a good thing would happen.

I thought it was enough to be able to wait for the news of the war outside the star field, but I didn't expect to be invited into it to observe the ceremony. This is a great honor.

Therefore, for a time, the audience was a voice of approval and response.

"Thank you Sword Master!"

"Thank you, Lord Three Sword Walking!"

These shouts one after another.

Jane didn't have any expression in her heart, she just gave Feng Ziming a meaningful look, and then said lightly: "Don't thank me, this is what the sword master meant, but you can enter the ceremony. If someone wants to take the opportunity to make trouble, don't Blame the sword in my hand for being ruthless!"

These words were murderous, and they were clearly meant for Feng Ziming.

Feng Ziming naturally understood this truth, but he didn't have an attack. Instead, he laughed a few times, ignored the old man washing sword, turned and left.

Immediately afterwards, Jian Zaixin led the way, and everyone followed closely, rushing into the sword palace star field.

The star boat that Xue An and the others was riding in was also mixed in, without attracting anyone's attention, it entered it smoothly.


In this sword palace star field, a high platform has been built.

The whole body of this high platform exudes soft fluorescence. In the middle of the high platform is also a flagpole, and a large flag is flying on the flagpole.

A golden sword is embroidered on the banner, which looks extremely majestic and extraordinary. It is the symbol of the sword palace.

And along the foot of the high platform are placed successively layered stands.


The stands were already full of people who came to watch the ceremony, and many of them were famous swords.

The crowd talked a lot, and they were obviously talking about the coming battle.

"If Jiansan wins this battle, no one in the heavens except the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable will be able to stop her from moving forward!" Someone sighed lightly.

"Isn't the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable Fa Xiu? How could it be considered a sword repair?" Some young people wondered.

"You don't know that, this Red Lotus Immortal Venerable is unique in both magic and sword, especially his red lotus sword intent, which is unique in the world and invincible."

"Wow, is it so powerful?" The young man listened leisurely.

Suddenly someone nearby sneered, "Hehe, no matter how powerful it is, it still won't last long. After all, the people's palace and Xuanmingling are not vegetarian."

The people around were all silent.

Because this matter is beyond the scope of their discussion.

It wasn't until a long time later that someone sighed slightly: "I'm ashamed to say that I'm waiting for the man to be crushed on the head by a female stream. If Li Jianzhu couldn't stop her this time, then we male sword repairmen would not be able to raise our heads. coming."

Many men nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Jane led everyone to the stands.

These new arrivals caused another commotion in the field.

Among them, those who are familiar with each other couldn't help but greeted loudly.

But there are still many people who are usually at odds and even have hatred. At this time, they can only stare at each other fiercely, but they dare not make any moves.

Because this is where the Sword Palace Star Territory is!

Which dare to make trouble.

To say that the most eye-catching among them, it must belong to this Venerable Evil Sword Feng Ziming.

I saw him walking forward in a carefree manner, wherever he passed, everyone backed down for fear of avoiding it.

After all, no one wants to fight against a madman.

As for the pair of grandfathers, Ye Bufan and Ye Kongming, the old man washing sword, they hid in the crowd in a desperate manner, for fear of attracting the attention of others.

at last.

The commotion gradually subsided.

People began to look forward to the coming of this war.

At least those who can appear here are strong people above Da Luo, who are naturally patient, even if they wait for ten days like this, it doesn't matter.

But this kind of unbearable boredom and loneliness is a waste of people's will.

So soon someone began to talk in a low voice, unable to hold back.

Xue An led An Yan, who was dressed in disguise, and his two daughters, Xiao Sha Zhang Xiaoyu and others stood on the back stand.

The two little girls huddled together and whispered something, laughing from time to time.

An Yan also chatted with Xiaosha and Zhang Xiaoyu.

Only Xue stood there quietly.

At this moment, after looking back several times, a man beside him finally couldn't help but ask: "Friend, what is it? Do you still bring a family of children to watch the fun?"

Xue An glanced sideways slightly.

The speaker was a man with a goatee, his eyes gleaming, and his bones revealed a shrewd and capable man.

Xue An couldn't help but smile, "Yes, staying at home is also waiting, just to take them out to see the world!"

"Yes, children should really exercise like this, otherwise staying at home all the time will easily become a frog in the bottom of the well!"

The man said with a sigh on his face, and then naturally took out a jade box from his pocket. After opening it, there were black long sticks inside.

"Come on!" The man handed one over.

Xue An did not refuse and took it directly.

Then he dangled it slightly in his mouth, and the end of the long stick ignited.

Xue An took a sip, and after slowly vomiting it out, he couldn't help but say: "Three hundred years of Ganoderma lucidum herb? No, it is also mixed with jade rhino horn fragrance!"

The man held out his thumb in admiration, "Really an expert! It is not difficult to extract the fragrance of Ganoderma lucidum herb, but you are the first to taste the fragrance of jade rhino horn!"

Xue An smiled, "I've been awarded, I'm just guessing."

The cigarette-like things Xue An smokes are actually tobacco popular among practitioners of the heavens.

Because it has the magical effect of calming the nerves and relieving depression, it has always been popular and, like the smoke on the earth, it has become a social means.

Like now.

Through the medium of this cigarette, Xue An and the man soon had a hot conversation.

But when they were talking and laughing, they had a pair of hateful eyes staring at them in the dark.

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