"Invincible, start with Dad Xianzun ( Find the latest chapter!

This is a secret space at the bottom of the abyss.

The air was filled with a moist and disgusting pungent odor, and the fleshy ball flowers exuding blue fluorescence floated in the air, covering this space with a mysterious and strange veil. .

But at this moment, a small team suddenly broke through the tranquility here.

These meatball flowers were startled by the sound of footsteps and scattered in all directions.

It wasn't until the team walked out of the darkness that it was clear that the leader was a girl with a double ponytail wearing a leather jacket and a cold face.

And behind her were several men wearing special protective clothing with only two eyes exposed.

Despite the harsh surroundings, the girl seemed to be totally insensible, walking towards the depths of the space with a calm expression.

Suddenly, a tentacle monster suddenly burst out in the unknown darkness.

I saw it waving its sticky and fishy tentacles, and rolled towards the girl.

This change was so sudden that the young girl stood there, without even reacting at all, as if she was frightened.

At this moment, a man not far behind her shouted, "Xiao Rui, get out of the way!"

With that, he desperately rushed to the front, blocking the girl's front, and then he held the dagger in his hand and swung repeatedly.


After the tentacles were smashed by the dagger, the smelly blood splashed out, but they were all swiftly avoided by the man.

But at this moment, the tentacle monster suddenly opened its mouth and sprayed a stream of black mucus at the man.

The speed of this mucus was so fast that it even made the man too late to react.

At this moment, the girl with two pony tails suddenly stepped forward and slapped her palm against the black mucus.


The mucus tried to corrode after touching the girl's arm, but it quickly lost its activity and then turned into pus and splashed on the ground.

But before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, the man suddenly yelled, "Quick! Get the potion!"

I didn't know when some black blood was splashed on the protective clothing worn by the man, causing white smoke.

The other men rushed forward, took out the special water bag they carried with them, and flushed them in the men's protective clothing.

It wasn't until a long while later that the white smoke dissipated, and the man let out a breath.

"Oh my god, fortunately I hide fast, otherwise I will be burnt out!"

As he said, the man turned his head and smiled at the girl, "Xiao Rui, are you okay!"

That's right!

The girl with a double ponytail in leather is Xiao Rui.

Naturally, this man was Zou Sui, the living treasure and assassin in the Fire Phoenix Special Forces.

Since Xue An opened the abyss and connected it to the earth.

Tang Xuan'er, Xie Jingjing, and Xiao Rui and others often entered the abyss to experience.

This Fire Phoenix Special Force is no exception. Unless there is a mission, the entire Fire Phoenix is ​​basically soaked in this abyss.

However, because the abyss was really too big, the captain Cheng Hao divided the Fire Phoenix into several small teams and allowed them to move freely within the limits of their strength.

So Zou Sui volunteered and led a few well-connected players to form a small team.

But he did not act alone. Instead, he followed Xiaorui's face and said that he was worried about her safety and he should protect her personally.

Xiao Rui is not good at words, or she may simply be too lazy to refuse, and actually let him go.


After hearing Zou Sui's questioning, Xiao Rui didn't even react at all. She just glanced at him coldly, then turned around and stepped on the tentacle monster's body and walked in.

Zou Sui stood still awkwardly.

Because this kind of oolong on the road is no longer a trouble.

I often act out of worry, but the result is counterproductive, often making myself fall into danger repeatedly, and Xiao Rui has to act to save him.

It is strange to say that the poison in the abyss that was enough to kill the average strong at that time had no effect on Xiao Rui.

Probably because of being refined by alchemy, Xiao Rui is not afraid of the poison in this abyss.

At this moment, I saw Zou Sui being left in place by Xiao Rui.

The rest of the Fire Phoenix players all smiled.

Zou Sui became angry from embarrassment, "Smile!"

But when he said this, these people laughed louder, and one of the team members smiled and said: "Zou Tou, it seems that Miss Xiao Rui has a big opinion of you, so I will ignore you at all!"

"Bah, what do you know, Xiao Rui feels sorry for me!"

"Oh, is it, then why didn't we see it?"

"Stop the **** nonsense, go quickly, if Miss Xiao Rui leaves by herself later, I see what you do!"

After that, Zou Sui quickly turned and left.

Because he knows how unreliable these guys' mouths are.

And that is when the group of them continues to go deep.

Xue An led Zhao Xuehui and the three people to a corner of the abyss.

In front of him was a darkness that was almost nothing.

But in such darkness, there was a huge crack glowing with scarlet light~www.wuxiaspot.com~, as if a giant black python was chopped out of a scar, weird and terrifying.

"God, what's going on?" Zhao Xuehui couldn't help but exclaimed.

Xue An had anticipated this, and sighed softly, "It really is."

Then he threw Lu Yang down and said lightly: "Are you still going to pretend to be dizzy?"

Lu Yang trembled all over, then opened his eyes tremblingly.


Xue An ignored it, only raised his hand to point to the crack in front of him, "Is your jade decision obtained from here?"

Lu Yang nodded hurriedly, "Yes...yes!"

Qiao Le couldn't help asking at this moment: "Second brother, what is going on? What is this crack?"

"It's not something!" Xue An stared at the crack in front of him coldly, and then slowly said: "It's a passage to the sky!"

"A passage to the outside world?" The three were all startled.

"To be precise, it should be a fissure extending from the sky to here!"

The expressions of the three Zhao Xuehui became serious, because they all felt the seriousness of the situation.

"Then what to do? What consequences will this have?" Yang Binyi asked suddenly.

Xue An sighed lightly: "I came back this time because of a catastrophe that is about to spread from the outside world to this place. What consequences do you think will happen?"

As soon as these words came out, all three of them were stupid.

Because this is the catastrophe that Xue An said!

This is even beyond their imagination.

After a long time, Qiao Le suddenly gritted his teeth and yelled: "Second brother, is this guy a ghost? I'll twist his head off now!"

As he said, Qiao Le rushed forward angrily and wanted to do it.

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