The two little girls were silent.

They had never thought that Yingluo, who looked sunny and bright on the surface and a little money addict, had such a past.

Even they had a miserable childhood. At that time, An Yan disappeared and Xue An did not return. They lived with Tang Xuan'er.

In order to support the two little girls, Tang Xuan'er worked overtime every day to earn money from morning and evening, without much time to take care of them.

Therefore, the two little girls learned to take care of themselves early, and even went to the streets to sell flowers on Valentine's Day ingenuity to supplement their families. (It's the first chapter! Laugh)

But unlike Ying Luo, she was abandoned by her family in the mountains.

This is terrible thinking about it.

"Then... later?" Think about it in a low voice.

"Later..." Yingluo wiped away her tears, turned her head and smiled at the two little girls: "Later, the uncle arrived, and he rescued me from the mountains, who was about to freeze to death, and then.... "

Yingluo's eyes showed a dazzling brilliance.

"Then he hugged me in his arms and took me to my previous home."

"It was snowing that day, but I was not cold at all, because the arms of the uncle were so warm, I was even thinking that if I die like this, at least it is better than freezing to death."

"But I didn't die, not only did I not die, but I saw many people die in front of me, including my uncle, aunt, and cousin... and my parents!"

Speaking of this, Ying Luo suddenly giggled, “You can’t imagine that these so-called relatives and parents who have abused me in all manners since I was born and abandoned me in the mountains saw me before dying. At that time, how wonderful the expression on that face was."

"I still remember how beautiful the blood splashed from them is, as beautiful as the fire in that snowy night."

Yingluo's eyes were obsessed, and she whispered softly: "In front of the rising flame, the uncle said to me, he wants to take me away and asks if I want to."

"What then? Did you agree?" Nian Nian asked stupidly.

Think about the dumbfounding knocking Nian Nian's head, and said angrily: "Yingluo is right in front of us now, did you say she agreed?"

"Oh too, why didn't I think of this just now, hehe!" Niannian rubbed her head and smiled embarrassedly.

At this time, the haze in Yingluo's eyes also disappeared, and she smiled and said: "Then what about you? Who is the person who is retreating inside?"

"It's my dad! My dad is amazing! Mom said he is the strongest among the heavens, and many bad guys are afraid of him!" Niannian said excitedly, waving her small fist.

"Is that amazing?"

"Of course, you can ask your uncle if you don't believe me."

At this moment, An Yan came over with a plate of snacks and smiled.

"What do you three say? Have a good chat."

When she came, Yingluo hurriedly got up from the ground, looked at An Yan with some helplessness, and then lowered her head and stopped talking.

Niannian said excitedly: "We are talking about Dad! Mom, you tell Sister Yingluo, is Dad the most powerful person in the heavens?"

An Yan smiled and nodded, "Yes, yes, your father is the most powerful person in the heavens, let's do it!"

With that said, An Yan handed the tray to Yingluo, "Yingluo, come! Try the snack made by Auntie."

Yingluo's face flushed to the base of her ears, and her whole body trembled slightly.

An Yan didn't notice her abnormality, but thought the little girl was a little shy, so she picked up a snack and stuffed it into Yingluo's hand.

Ying Luo shocked all over, then raised her head to look at An Yan.

"Silly girl, what am I doing? Eat!" An Yan said with a smile.

Tears gradually appeared in Yingluo's eyes, and then she took a bite of snack and chewed slowly.

"Is it delicious?" An Yan asked with a smile.

Yingluo nodded, suddenly walked a few steps forward, got close to An Yan, and said in a very low voice: "Auntie Yan, can I secretly call you mother?"

An Yan was taken aback.

Yingluo raised her head and looked at her pleadingly, and stretched out a finger, "Just a little voice, okay?"

Seeing the little girl's almost humble expression, An Yan felt that a needle somewhere deep in her heart was stabbed.

Then she took a deep breath and knelt down to look at Ying Luo tenderly.

"Why do you call me mother?"

Yingluo lowered her head and said sadly: "Because I don't have a mother anymore... and the smell on you is very kind and very special to me, so I want to call your mother."

As she said, she looked at An Yan cautiously, "Can you?"

An Yan looked at this little girl distressedly.

In the past few days, she would often comb her hair and make some snacks.

But this kind of trivial matter that is not worth mentioning in her opinion is so important in this little girl's mind.

She couldn't help but stretched out her hand to gently stroke Yingluo's hair, and smiled softly: "Okay! You can call me mother anytime and anywhere as long as you want, and I will treat you as my daughter. Okay?"

Yingluo's eyes burst into tears, and she nodded vigorously with tears of joy, "Well, mother!"

She yelled this mother very loudly.

The two little girls couldn't help but leaned over and cheered when they heard An Yan's words.

"Hehe, I have another sister!" Nian Nian smiled.

Thinking about it, she patted Yingluo on the shoulder and said very solemnly: "I don't care if you miss me, but you have to call me sister!"

"Why, you were only born six minutes earlier than Nian-nian, I am older than you in terms of age!"

"Six minutes early is also early, anyway, I am used to being a sister, you just have to call me sister!"

The three little girls started arguing about who should be the sister and who was the sister.

An Yan stood up with a smile, and brushed her ears.

At this moment, Yue Sha appeared not far away, glanced at Xiao Yingluo with a smile on his face, and couldn't help but bow to An Yan.

"Sister-in-law, thank you very much."

Although Yue Sha is a Buddhist monk, as long as he sees An Yan, he will call An Yan a sister-in-law.

An Yan smiled, UU reading www. "It's nothing, I also like this little girl, but..."

An Yan suddenly hesitated and said: "I will accept her as a daughter, your seniority..."

An Yan naturally knew about the entanglement between Yue Sha and this Xiao Yingluo.

Yue Sha smiled and waved his hand, "Don't worry about that much, as long as she is good."

An Yan nodded, just about to speak.

At this moment, the earth shook violently, and then I saw the golden light flourishing above the cave entrance in the distance, transforming various mysterious and mysterious scenes.

The lotus blossoms gradually bloomed, and the sky filled the sky in an instant.

At the same time, a vast and vast breath began to emerge.

Everyone was shocked, and Yue Sha stared at the various visions in the sky, then smiled, folded his palms, and exclaimed with joy.

"Good, good, Xue Shizhu is finally about to leave!"

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