Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1956: Aoki deduced, Li Lingzhi fainted

The person who speaks has a childlike face, and his eyes are blue and strong, and he has an image of a master with a fairy style.

If there are other people present, after seeing this old man, he will definitely scream in exclamation, because this old man is the Sect Master Jin Yuebin of Qingming Immortal Sect.

And behind him are the chief elders of the Qingming Immortal Sect.

I saw Jin Yuebin, the master of the Qingming Immortal Sect, surrounded by Qingqi, and then raised his hand to draw a large formation in the air.

In the formation, countless mysterious auras flowed slowly, deducing birth and death.

It is the unique Qing Mu deduction of the Qingming Immortal Sect.

This Aoki Deduction Great Formation is a unique secret method specially used to find traces. It can be traced through the breath left by people, and the effect is very miraculous.


This Jin Yuebin tried to find the whereabouts of "Xue An" through the trace of red lotus sword intent remaining on the scene.

at the same time.

One of the elders said with a solemn expression: "Master Sect Master, if it is determined that it is Xue An, do you want to inform Xuan Ming Ling and Human Emperor Hall of this news first?"

Jin Yuebin shook his head, "This piece of evidence alone is not enough to win the reward. You must have Xue An's exact whereabouts."

The faces of the elders were hesitant, and the elder who had spoken before continued.

"Then what shall we do now? How about revealing the news to the sects of a few nearby planets, and we will join forces to hunt down Xue An?"

"Idiot!" Jin Yuebin scolded sharply when he heard this, his eyebrows raised.

"It's really a group of short-sighted, timid guys, do you frighten you by hearing the name Xue An?"

All the elders looked embarrassed.

Jin Yuebin snorted coldly, and then went on to say: "Now we are presented with a golden opportunity, but you have to share it with others. Isn't this stupid?"

"You mean...we want to hunt Xue An independently?" an elder said arduously.

Jin Yuebin nodded, "Yes!"

The elders all looked horrified upon hearing the words, "This...this..."

"Okay, I know what you are thinking, don't worry! I am naturally not a hot-headed decision making random decisions."

Speaking of this, a mysterious smile appeared on Jin Yuebin's face.

"When I was detecting this sword intent just now, I found that it was far less powerful than in the rumors. What does this mean?"

"It means that Xue An is not as powerful as it is rumored, but this should be impossible, because if he is not powerful, how can he practice Qianzong Tianjiao?"

"So now there is only one possibility, and that is that Xue An must be so weak after suffering a serious injury."

Speaking of this, the excitement in Jin Yuebin's eyes is almost overflowing.

"The best thing our Qingming Immortal Sect should do now is to take advantage of the victory. If Xue An can be captured, not only will he be rewarded, but he will also be famous in the heavens. What is fame and fortune?"

"This is called fame and fortune!"

After listening to the suzerain's explanation, the several elders all became excited, and there was even more fanaticism in their eyes.

But the elder who spoke before showed hesitation, "What about the corpse of the tormenting elder? Is it just exposing the corpse wilderness?"

"Let's just let it go! Wait until you catch Xue An, and then come back to converge for him, it is considered that he has contributed to our Xianzong!"

At this moment, the aura that was being deduced in this Fang Qingmu's deduction formation suddenly came to a halt, and then it flourished, and thousands of rays of light burst into the sky, drawing a route in the air, and finally extending to the far away Skyrim.

Jin Yuebin's spirits lifted up, "Xue An's trail has been found, everyone will follow me!"

After all, he took the lead, turned into a streamer, and followed the trail of the Aoki Great Formation.

The other elders glanced at each other, and then followed them.

at the same time.

In the void hundreds of thousands of miles away from this planet, Yue Sha carried this little Lolita Yingluo on his back and was hurried on his way.


Yuesha's figure trembled, and then the speed of her journey slowed down.

"Uncle, what's the matter with you?" Yingluo felt the same, struggling to poke her head out of the rucksack specially made for her by Yuesha.

Although the force field of the moon brake was blessed, the extreme low temperature and vacuum in the void still made this little Lori who had no cultivation ability felt very uncomfortable.

"I'm okay, fast into the rucksack!" Yue Sha said softly.

"I don't! You must have something, or you won't slow down suddenly!" Yingluo said very stubbornly, and her face was full of worry.

She is a very smart girl. Although she is still young, she has experienced many sinister hearts and knows far more than her peers.

For example, she had long seen that Yue Sha had injuries on her body, but she never mentioned it.

Because she knew that if Yue Sha wanted to say something, she wouldn't have to ask him, otherwise, she would have no results.

But the situation was different at the moment, and the state of Yuesha was obviously very worrying, so Xiao Yingluo's heart couldn't help becoming a ball tightly.

Yue Sha took a deep breath, once again reluctantly suppressed the fatigue in his eyes, then turned his head and smiled lightly: "I said I'm fine, you should believe it now!"

Xiao Yingluo took a deep look at Yuecha, finally lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Your injury..."

But before she finished speaking, the void in the distance suddenly began to surge.

Yue Sha's complexion changed abruptly, and then he shouted in a deep voice, "Quickly go into the rucksack, you must not come out without my order!"

The voice is cold and hard, no longer the usual gentleness.

Xiao Yingluo shook her whole body and took a peek at Yuecha, only to see that his face was full of solemnity, and she couldn't help but plop but she didn't cry, not even a word Saying that, he retracted into the rucksack very obediently.

Because she knew very well that the only thing she could do now was to be obedient and try not to become a burden to Yuesha.

When she just retracted her rucksack, Yuesha sealed her rucksack without hesitation, then bit her **** and raised her hand to draw a few Buddha marks on the rucksack.

After finishing all this, Yuecha only breathed a sigh of relief, and then raised his head, looking calmly at the void in the distance.

After just a few blinks, several radiances suddenly rushed out of the turbulent void in the distance, and then came to Yuecha.

After standing still, it was Jin Yuebin and others from the Qingming Immortal Sect.

When Jin Yuebin saw the cold moon standing in the void, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed strangely.

"Xue An, don't think that you can shave your head and cross the sea, it's useless! I've seen everything from the moment you shot, so you should just obediently grab it!"

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