Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1954: Floating Iron Rider Qing Mingxianzong

The sound is like thunder, shaking the town.

All the residents looked terrified.

Someone even murmured desperately: "It's Tiefutu...God, this is over!"

No wonder they are so desperate.

It's really because this Iron Buddha is so famous that it is the most elite cavalry regiment in the Zhao Kingdom, not one of them.

Even once they are in line, even the practitioner has to retreat and dare not lightly grab the front.

This also shows its prosperous power.

At this moment, when everyone saw that Tiefutu was here, they couldn't help feeling a deep despair.

Ning Zhu's face was almost transparent.

at the same time.

This iron buddha has flown over the town, and the leading general is full of murderous expression.

"Who killed me, the third prince of Zhao Guo, and didn't show up quickly?"

But despite his loud voice, there was silence in response to him.

In the restaurant, Yuecha slowly ate the bowl of plain noodles in front of him, and even the speed of chewing did not change at all.

The general's complexion sank, "Very good, I didn't dare to show up, then I will let the whole town be buried together today!"

As he said, he raised his hand and pointed down, and shouted grimly: "Take the city, don't leave the chickens and dogs!"

The military orders are like a mountain, and the iron floating tutu moves all over the sky, swooping towards the town.

Many people couldn't help screaming desperately when they saw this scene.

But at this moment, a bright golden light suddenly burst out from the restaurant, and then spread like a bubble.


The golden light seemed weak, but in fact it was like a copper wall and iron wall, sending all the iron statues flying out together.

Then I heard a soft sigh, "Why do you have to do it while I am eating noodles? Is it so difficult for me to eat a bowl of noodles quietly?"

Following the voice, Yuesha appeared above the small town, facing the Iron Buddha Corps on the other side.

The general's eyes condensed, "Buddha cultivation?"

Yue Sha chuckled and shook his head, "It's long gone."

As he said, his gaze swept across these floating iron knights, and said lightly: "Are you all here for the three princes?"

The general sank his face and said, "Yes! You killed the royal family of the Zhao Kingdom, and executed Ling Chi according to Zhao's law. If you surrender now, I can give you a happy one, if not..."

The general pointed to the town, "Everyone here will be buried for you!"

Everyone is shaking.

Yue Sha chuckled softly, "Oh? It sounds amazing, but I have a question."

"Are you Zhao's laws only aimed at ordinary people, and the royal family members don't care what they do?"

The general was asked for a moment.

Yue Sha said coldly at this time: "You molested the good girl in the street, beat the old man, and even humiliated the woman in public. This is all committed by your third prince. What crime should this be?"

In the restaurant, Xiao Yingluo high-five and sighed, "Good point!"

Ning Zhu watched quietly with tears in his eyes.

At this time, the general was irritated, "I don't care what the third prince did, but if you kill him, then you have to die!"


The sky full of Tiefu Tu moved with the sound, forming a killing array in an instant, and then the rumbling Chaoyue Cha rolled over.

Everyone was shocked.

Yuesha looked as usual, and slowly lowered his eyes, "I think I am the seal of the Dharma, so that the demon of the heavens can't get it!"

Words fall.

A brilliant golden light magic seal appeared in front of Yuesha, and immediately after Yuesha pointed out, it hit the magic seal.


Fayin turned into a sky full of golden light, like rain and fog, toward these iron Buddha statues.


Accompanied by a sour sound, where the golden light passed, the equipment on these floating iron knights quickly melted away like ice and snow.

These floating iron knights themselves are ordinary people, at least they have practiced some martial arts, and they can travel from the air only by this equipment.

So when the equipment was damaged, these people screamed and fell from the air.

But when they fell to the ground, they were shocked to find that they were actually unharmed, as if they were being supported by some kind of soft power.

Nevertheless, they have also lost their combat effectiveness.

At this moment, only this general was left in the sky, because the suit on his body was obviously much better than the floating iron cavalry, and he actually held up this wave of golden light attack.

Nevertheless, his face also showed infinite horror.

The bald monk in front of him disintegrated all his combat power with just one blow.

Now that he is the only one left, how to fight this battle?

So he was pale, his lips trembled, and he didn't know what to say.

The town residents couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Xiao Yingluo was even more proud of her chest, and said triumphantly: "How about it, my uncle is great!"

But she didn't even see the deep exhaustion in Yuecha's eyes after performing this trick.

Despite this, Yuesha still said lightly: "How about it, do you still fight?"

The general subconsciously stepped back a few steps, whistling and dare not say anything.

But at this moment, a very evil and arrogant voice suddenly came from a distance.

"Who is it? Actually dare to kill my disciple of the Azure Underworld Immortal Sect?"

Following the voice, but seeing dozens of Guanghua rampages, the leader was an old man in Tsing Yi.

The town residents who had just breathed a sigh of relief saw this scene, and their heart fell to the bottom in an instant.

Because this old man is undoubtedly a member of the Azure Underworld Immortal Sect.

To these residents, the people of the Qingming Xianzong are equivalent to gods.

Especially this old man's body is full of blue energy, obviously even more impressive.

at the same time.

As if seeing the life-saving straw, the general yelled loudly: "Master, help me! This is the third highness that this son killed!"

The old man nodded arrogantly, then looked at Yuecha, and laughed coldly.

"Buddha cultivation? This is the site of my Azure Underworld Immortal Sect. When is it your turn for the bald donkeys to come here to presume?"

Yuecha raised her eyebrows are you? "

"Me? Haha, I am the chief elder of the Qingming Immortal Sect, Zhao Jingsheng who was killed by you is my new apprentice!"

Grand Elder Punishment!

This identity has changed many people.

Yue Sha sneered slightly, "Apprentice? He is so arrogant and domineering, you as a master can't get rid of your relationship! With your state of mind, you are ashamed to call yourself a practitioner?"

"Fart, how come the old man is not up to you to comment!" The old man in Tsing Yi became angry, "Since you killed my disciple, then I will thwart you today and avenge my disciple!"

As he said, the old man in Tsing Yi suddenly slapped his palms.

But seeing the two breaths of black and white fused together like entangled chains, forming a blue-gray airflow, sweeping towards the moon.

Wherever he went, the world changed color, the sun and the moon were dark.

It is the Qingming Immortal Sect's Zhenshan unique learning, Qingming has absolutely no energy.

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