This is a small town shop, the official road passes straight through the middle, and the merchants make it very prosperous.

After all, not everyone can worship the sect and cultivate immortality, and only a few can fly in the air.

Most people are ordinary mortals, living a life similar to that of the ancients on earth.

That's why this small town shop is so prosperous and full of market atmosphere.

When the man led the little girl into this town, the little loli's eyes were almost running out, and she secretly opened her cloak and looked at it.

Especially when I saw those shiny trinkets, I couldn't even move.

But she was very restrained, when the stall owner smiled and asked: "Little girl, do you want to try it?"

She shook her head, "No need!"

But as soon as she said, the man on the side dropped a piece of gold casually, "Pack up everything, I want it!"

The stall owner was overjoyed, "Yes, yes, I will put it up for you immediately!"

When the stall owner started to install small accessories, little Lolita was a little anxious, "No, no, no, I don’t want that much..."

The man patted her shoulder with a serious face, "Remember, as long as it is something you like, just open your mouth and ask for it, and I will give you the best. Don't restrain yourself and wronged yourself like before. ,understand?"

"Because you now...someone hurts!" the man said solemnly.

Little Lolita was a little silly until the stall owner packed the things, the man took it, and then led the little Lolita to turn and leave.

Little Lolita looked at the back of the stall owner happily and mumbled softly.

"That's a big piece of gold, it's enough to buy half of the market, but only in exchange for such a small accessory, it's really a loss and a prodigal!"

"No, it seems that I will be in charge of the money from now on, otherwise I will watch him spend money like this, and I will feel sad!"

Little Lori secretly made up her mind.

Soon, the two of them passed through the bustling market and came to a small restaurant.

Because the town shop is not big, even this restaurant has only two houses.

But because it is close to the official road, business is very good.

Standing at the door can smell the aroma of the food inside.

When the two entered the restaurant, a pretty young girl greeted her with a smile.

"What do you want to eat?"

Before the man could speak, Lori said first: "What do you guys have the cheapest food?"

"The cheapest?" The girl was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile: "The cheapest thing is soup, a bowl of three cents!"

"Then have a bowl of soup cakes, do you want money for the soup?"

"Of course soup doesn't need money anymore!" The girl looked a little funny at this loli, who was like a little adult.

"Okay, then add more soup and divide it into two bowls, okay?"

"Divided into two bowls? Is that enough?"

"Oh, don't worry about enough. The big deal is that we can drink more soup? Anyway, I'm already used to being hungry!" Little Lori said plausibly.

There was a touch of sympathy in the eyes of the big girl. In her opinion, the two must be embarrassed to a certain extent, otherwise, how could they say that they are used to being hungry?

She just wanted to talk.

At this moment, the man on the side slowly took off his cloak, and said lightly: "Yingluo, stop messing around!"

As he said, he raised his head and said from the woman: "Serve all of your best food, and then make me a bowl of plain noodles and a cup of tea!"

As he said, the man took out a piece of gold and handed it over.

But this woman did not answer.

Because she was stunned.

Not only her, many people in this small restaurant are a little stupid.

Because when the man took off his cloak, there was a bald head underneath.

But such a shape did not detract from the handsomeness of this man, and even added a hint of evil charm.

Especially the faint look of tiredness in his eyes added a kind of evil charm to him.

People in this small town have never seen such a handsome person before, so they all look silly.

At this moment, the man raised his eyebrows slightly and yelled softly: "Girl!"

The woman in front of her trembled all over, waking up from shock, and then her face turned red to the base of her ears, she lowered her head and said vaguely.

"I... I'll make arrangements for you!"

After all, he turned around and fled without taking the gold from the man's hand.

The man didn't care about this, and went straight to an empty table and sat down.

The little Lolita named Yingluo narrowed her mouth and muttered in a low voice, "Is there such a charm? It's rare and weird!"

Then he leaned over and said with a distressed expression on his face, "You don't eat meat, so why do you have to order so many dishes? Isn't it enough to simply eat?"

The man smiled, "I don't eat, but you can eat! You are now when you are growing up, so of course you want to eat better!"

"I can just eat whatever I want, and I feel distressed when I spend so much money on it!" Yingluo said.

The man took a deep look at Ying Luo and suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at? Am I right? So much money is enough for me to eat for a year!" Yingluo said with a pouting mouth.

"You! Sure enough, it hasn't changed at all!" The man said with a smile, but his eyes were full of tenderness.

"What has changed?" Yingluo's head was full of question marks.

The man shook his head, "Nothing!"

At this moment, the girl in the running hall started serving dishes with a tray.

I saw all kinds of food on the tray. Although the presentation was not very good, the taste was very fragrant. The key is that the amount of food was obviously much larger than the others.

After the girl put the food on the table, she blushed and said: "You look like you should have come from a long distance, so I just told my dad that I will make you more dishes."

While talking, the girl kept peeking at the man, and her words were full of shyness.

The man didn't have any expressions, just nodded, "Thank you!"

Then he passed the gold.

The woman waved her hand and said very seriously: "My father said, I can't take you so much money."

The man was taken aback for a moment, but Xuan even smiled and put the gold on the table.

"Okay, let's calculate it together at the end!"

With that, he thoughtfully picked a bowl of vegetables for Yingluo and put it in front of her, and then picked up the plain noodles in front of him and took a bite.

"How is it?" the girl asked very eagerly, her eyes full of expectation.

The man nodded, "Yes!"

" I made this by myself, and the side was made with eggs. It is not fishy, ​​but it is very fragrant!" The woman said very happily.

"Thank you!"

The woman's face turned red to the root of her ears, and said to Ai Ai, "No thanks, eat slowly, don't worry!"

With that, she turned around and ran away like flying.

The man looked at her back and was lost in thought.

Yingluo suddenly stopped beating and smashed the table hard, "Hey uncle, your eyes are going to fly out!"

The man shook slightly, then smiled, did not refute, but lowered his head to continue eating noodles.

But there was a doubt in his eyes.

Because just now, he suddenly saw a dead air in this girl that was too strong to be removed.

It seems...something bad is going to happen!

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