Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1945: Sir, is this going to be a monk?

Although Dingchan Temple is not close to the core pure land, under Yue Ji's full rush, the scene of Zhancha entered into the core pure land.

The moment he entered the Pure Land, the horror on Yue Ji's face couldn't help becoming more intense.

And this horror reached its climax after seeing Xue An.

"Red...Guren-sama, why... how could it be you?"

Xue An sighed softly, "Why wouldn't it be me?"

"But what I just clearly felt was the breath of World Honored One!" Yue Ji said with a stunned expression.

Xue An shook his head, did not give too much explanation, but directly passed a spiritual thought.

Yue Ji shook her whole body, and a confused color appeared in her eyes. It was a long time before she woke up, and then she bowed her head and chanted the Buddha's name with infinite sadness.

"Nanwuwu Buddha, Lord!"

As he said, he fell to his knees, crying in the direction of the entrance of the cave.

Xue An flashed aside and watched quietly, without discouraging him.

Because he knows how high the position of the Blessed One is in the minds of the Buddhist monks like Yue Ji.

Now that he suddenly passed away is naturally unacceptable.

After a long time, Yue Jing just stood up, wiped away her tears, and then bowed down to Xue An again.

"Disciple, I have seen the leader!"

Xue An no longer walked away this time, but accepted the worship calmly.

And this scene happened to be seen by the monks such as Yuantong Zhongtong who came afterwards.

These people all shook together, completely unaware of what happened.

But the next moment, when they felt the Buddha's breath from Xue An, they couldn't help showing shock on their faces, and then they knelt to the ground involuntarily.

At this time, Mu Wushuang and Gong Yunjun who followed behind were also shocked.

The two of them didn't dare to talk, so they could only step aside obediently, looking at them with shock.

At this time, Xue An said calmly: "Get up all the time, although I am the leader, but only because the Blessed One is entrusted on his deathbed, so I don't have to be so polite!"

Only then did monks such as Yuantong and Zhongtong understand what was going on.

No wonder they would kneel to the ground involuntarily. It turns out that Xue An has now become the head of the Buddhist cultivation. Naturally, this kind of invisible coercion is not something they can resist.

After hearing what Xue An said, Yue Ji slowly stood up and said with a serious face: "Master, what are you going to do next?"

Xue An naturally understood what Yue Ji was asking.

Don't look at this great monk who is generous and gentle on the surface, but actually has a grumpy temper.

Because as the host of the Shoushan Temple, he inevitably has to deal with the heavens. Naturally, he can't be like the monks in the core pure land. He only knows to practice meditation every day, and his head is a little awkward.

He must have some temper and means to be qualified for this position.

So after knowing the ins and outs of this matter, especially after hearing that the Blessed One had sacrificed for it.

Yue Ji couldn't help holding a breath in her heart, thinking that she could kill all the demons as soon as possible and avenge her master.

Xue An only smiled faintly upon hearing this, "Next?"

"Don't worry, you will know when the time comes!"

At this moment, Baimei Luohan also returned with someone.

In his palm, he held the Buddha Kingdom in the palm.

And the young man was full of excitement.

"Master, fortunately, I have already saved all the chips, and now all spiritual consciousness is fostered in this Buddhist kingdom."

"Very good!" Xue An nodded, "Then you wait and guard here first, and I will go back!"

After all, Xue An's figure suddenly faded, and then disappeared in place like a wisp of blue smoke.

His sudden disappearance made everyone present stare at each other.

"What did the leader do?" Baimei Luohan said in amazement.

"Who knows, but since the leader said to go and go back, he should be back soon! And..."

Yue Jing said, and looked at the white-browed Arhat with a smile.

"Brother Bai, long time no see!"

Baimei Luohan also smiled, "Junior Brother Yueji, long time no see!"

"Are you left with so many acquaintances?"

"Yes, I'm the only one left!" Baimei Luohan said sadly.

Yue Ji was silent for a moment, and suddenly said: "It seems that people who are incapable are living longer!"

Baimei: "..."

And Gong Yunjun, who was hiding by the side, really couldn't help it at this time, and said softly: "Sister Wushuang, what's the matter with your lord? Is it to be a monk?"

With that, Gong Yunjun's face was full of worry.

Mu Wushuang took a sip, "Bah! What nonsense, how can a person like an adult become a monk?"

"Then why are so many monks kowtow to him? Take a look at the big monk, the young monk, and the old monks all together, and they are about to become a monk's nest!" Gong Yunjun muttered softly.

"That doesn't prove that the adults are going to be a monk! Didn't they all call the adults the leader? Maybe the adults did something important to become the leader of these monks!" Mu Wushuang said very calmly.

Having said that, there is a hint of worry in her eyes.

Of course not because of the naive question of whether Xue An will become a monk.

But she vaguely felt a cold breath, as if some indescribable existence in the darkness was approaching.

Sir, what is this going to do?

When everyone was disturbed by Xue An's sudden departure, they were in the small building with treasures.

Think and Niannian, the two little girls sitting opposite each other, are playing backgammon.

And behind them, Xiaosha and Zhang Xiaoyu were standing separately, and they were quarreling very hard.

"No, right? Think you can't play like that, then you will lose!" Xiao Sha roared anxiously, and then reached out to grab the chess piece.

"Master Xiaosha, how can you be like you? Why are you still playing chess? Are you playing chess or Missy playing chess?" Zhang Xiaoyu said.

Xiao Sha glared, "What? You are allowed to do it, and I am not allowed to play chess?"

"Look at what you did I do it? Right, Miss Er?" Zhang Xiaoyu said without showing any weakness.

"Did you still say no? It was the move that you clearly pointed to Nian just now, otherwise you would have lost!"

"But I didn't do it either? Besides, isn't it okay to give pointers? It's better than you yelling behind the eldest lady for a long time, you still have to lose!

"Oh, you dare to talk to me in this tone. It seems that you are really tight. If you don't teach you, you don't know who is the boss!"

Xiao Sha stroked his arms and rolled his sleeves, staring at Octopus "murderously".

Zhang Xiaoyu stepped back with some guilty conscience, but immediately thought of something and couldn't help but puff up his chest.

"What? Didn't I tell the truth? And I played chess for the second lady. If you dare to beat me, you will be disrespectful to the second lady! Right?"

As he said, Zhang Xiaoyu looked at Nian Nian with a smile on his face.

Compared with the excitement of Xiaosha and Zhang Xiaoyu, the two "parties" were very calm.

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