Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1943: The smallpox falls in disorder, and the ground grows with golden lotus

After speaking, Xue An took a deep look at the bronze gate that was sealed by the Buddha at the expense of himself.

The ornamentation on the top has been covered by Buddha light, and it has become neutral and peaceful.

But Xue An knew that this matter was far from over.

Ten years later, this bronze door will reopen, and no one can predict what will happen then.

Xue An took a deep breath, and then drew a rune pattern in the air.

The golden light flashed by, and then it was engraved on the bronze gate.

In this rune, there is a slight divine mind that Xue An separated, ensuring that if there is any abnormality here, he can feel it in the first time.

After doing all this, Xue An flew up and flew along the original road towards the entrance of the cave.

This time, Xue An’s speed was several times faster than before. After all, above the Thousand Sect Profound Society, Xue An’s formation of Qianzong Tianjiao lost his true essence, although his performance was not obvious under the cover of his strong strength, but After all, he suffered a serious internal injury.

And now after accepting the gift and refining of the Buddha's mind that day, Xue An not only recovered from his injuries, but also greatly improved his strength.

In the past, when he was on the road, he was often very powerful, although that would seem very majestic, but in fact most of his energy was wasted.

But this time it was different. Xue An walked step by step in the darkness like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard.

And every step taken will span tens of thousands of miles away, and the whole process has not aroused even a trace of brilliance or waves.

This shows that Xue An's spirituality has entered a brand new realm.

Therefore, after only a moment, Xue An rushed out of the darkness and came outside the entrance of the cave.

When he appeared in front of the group of monks, the monks who had originally meditated and chanted the scriptures were all shocked.

Because they all felt the boundless breath of Buddha from Xue An's body.

This Buddha's breath was so strong that even after Xue An appeared, the world was shaking.

Above the sky, countless flowers appeared, and then fell down.

Golden lotus blooms on the ground, which is breathtaking.

All the monks were stunned by this scene.

It wasn't until a moment later that the old white-browed monk in the lead suddenly exclaimed, "Master!"

As he said, he stood up and looked at Xue An with excitement, "You... how come you have the breath of the world-honored person?"

Facing this old white-browed monk's inquiry, Xue An slowly fell to the ground, silent.

The white-browed old monk noticed something, his complexion changed suddenly, and then eagerly said: "Sister Xue, you are talking! What happened to the Lord? Why do you have the breath of his elderly?"

The rest of the monks looked at Xue An eagerly.

No wonder they were so excited, it was because the disappearance of their leader over the past hundreds of years was like a huge stone, weighing on the heart of every Buddhist practitioner.

No one knows where the Blessed One is, even if they exhaust all their energy to explore, it still won't help.

Unexpectedly, at this time, they felt the long-lost breath of the World Honored from Xue An, how could they not be excited.

Facing so many eager eyes, Xue An sighed sadly and slowly said: "Your Lord... has fallen!"

"What?" The old white-browed monk shook abruptly, "This is impossible! The Blessed One is an immortal body, how could it fall? You must be lying to me!"

By this time, the concentration of the old white-browed monk who had cultivated for a thousand years had disappeared, almost hysterically roaring.

Xue An smiled bitterly, "I also think I was lying to you, but what I said is true. In order to save the heavens, the Blessed One was willing to sacrifice himself and sealed the bronze gate below, and before dying God's mind is saved to me!"

"That's why... I have such a strong Buddha's breath!"

Xue An's words made the face of the white-browed old monk instantly pale, and the whole person was even more shaky, but still whispered in his mouth: "No... this is absolutely impossible, you must be lying to me..."

The rest of the monks were even more horrified.

Without him.

It is because the news hit them too much.

Although the Blessed One had disappeared before, at least it still exists.

And as long as he exists, the roots of the entire Buddha Kingdom's Pure Land will not be broken.

Then they have hope.

But now even the world-honor who founded the Buddha's cultivation has fallen, so what is the meaning of their existence as monks?

This is equivalent to a person who has struggled for a whole life, only to find that what he was fighting for turned out to be just a dream.

This kind of blow is enough to make people collapse on the spot.

Xue An looked intolerable, but he still recounted what happened below in a heavy tone.

Because he wanted to let these monks know what the Blessed One had done and what price he had paid.

As soon as his words fell, the old white-browed monk plopped and fell to his knees, kowtowing at the entrance of the cave in tears.


Not only him, but the rest of the monks all knelt to the ground, tears streaming down.

Xue An did not speak, but stood aside and watched quietly, but inadvertently, his eyes were a little wet.

He thought he needed to wait for a while, but these monks were much stronger than Xue An imagined.

I saw the old white-browed monk wiped away his tears resolutely after reciting the death mantra once, and then slowly stood up and looked at Xue An.

The other monks also stood behind him silently.

The old white-browed monk did not speak, as did Xue An.

The atmosphere suddenly became depressed and dull.

The Guanghua in Xue An's eyes flickered slightly, and then he wanted to speak.

But then the old white-browed monk's behavior greatly exceeded his expectations.

I saw the old white-browed monk bowed to the ground respectfully and bowed to Xue An.

Not only, the rest of the monks were the same, all silently began to worship Xue An three times and nine times.

Xue An couldn't help being surprised, "You are..."

The old white-browed monk said very solemnly: "Xue Shizhu, since the Lord gave you all his divine power before his death, it means that you have inherited his mantle, so now, you are the new Buddha. Master Cultivator!"

As he said, the old white-browed monk yelled, "We, see Lord Master!"

Everyone agreed, "We, see Lord Master!"

Xue Anwan didn't expect such a situation to happen, but soon he calmed down, took a deep look at the group of monks, and then slowly said.

"You let me inherit the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

"You have to know that the heavens have at most ten years. During this time, I will gather all my strengths to deal with the unpredictable enemy, and if you treat me as your master, you will also be involved in this storm."

"Do you think about the consequences clearly?"

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