Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1941: Xue An, I have seen the Lord!

At this moment, Xue An hovered in front of the roaring King Kong lion, looked at the evil thing rushing towards him with a grim face, suddenly raised his hand, and slapped it with a palm.

And following Xue An's movements, the King Kong statue behind him slowly raised his hand and shot down.


But seeing the huge palm shining with bright golden light, it hit these evil things like the sky and the earth.

As soon as the two touched, the black energy was instantly evaporated, and then the giant palm slowly pressed down into the big hole with the supreme might.

Wherever it went, the black energy turned into nothingness.

However, the black energy seemed to be wise, it immediately converged back when the situation was bad, and then condensed together at the entrance of the cave, forming a thick defensive shield, trying to stop the palm of the King Kong colossus.


After another loud noise, the giant palm slammed into the defensive formation formed by the condensation of the black energy.

In an instant, an invisible shock wave swept across the entire area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles, and houses collapsed wherever they passed, but the magical thing was that no one was injured even the slightest.

These monks were also shocked and withdrew, and then looked at the scene in front of them with shock.

"This benefactor... is it the reincarnation of a certain Buddhist power?" The old white-browed monk muttered to himself.

Because only this can explain the tremendous power Xue An now possesses.

At this moment, I only heard a crackling sound, and then saw cracks appear on the defensive formation formed by the black energy.

at last.

This defensive force could not be supported, and it broke apart suddenly, turning into a sky full of powder.

However, the giant palm was not eliminated, and it still fell slowly.

The earth quaked, and the glory was everywhere.

The screams of countless evil things faintly came from this bottomless hole, and then he returned to Ji.

With this palm, the whole earth suddenly calmed down, and all the evil things that had jumped out of the ground at this time disappeared.

For more than a hundred years, this world finally had a peaceful and peaceful night.

At the same time, the brilliance gradually dissipated, and the opening of this big hole has melted into a glass shape, which shows how powerful the palm just now is.

Xue An left the statue of King Kong and fell in front of the cave entrance, looking down at the bottomless cave, his gaze flickered slightly, and then said lightly.

"You wait here, I'll go down and take a look!"

After all, without waiting for these monks to respond, Xue An jumped down.

Before the monks hurriedly flew to the entrance of the cave, their faces all showed dignity.

"This benefactor is too reckless, just go down alone, what if you encounter danger?" a monk said worriedly.

"Yeah! Or I will go down and help the donor Xue!" The monk who had been stopped by Xue An was eager to try.

He was upright, thinking that Xue An had saved him, so he always wanted to repay him. Now that Xue An might be in trouble, he naturally couldn't sit back and watch.

But the old white-browed monk stopped everyone, "Wait! Don't act rashly. This Xue donor understands what he said, let us wait here, then we'd better be obedient."

"As for you to go on and help him..." The old white-browed monk smiled bitterly.

"With your current strength, can you really help him? Or will it be a drag?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the monks were silent.

The old white-browed monk said indifferently: "So what we should do most now is to meditate here and wait. After all, we lent him the power of Xue Shizhu. If you meditate sincerely here, the Buddha power in Xue Shizhu will be strong. One point, this is the greatest help to him!"

The monks nodded, and then separated two guards. The rest of them all sat around the entrance of the cave and began to meditate with their eyes closed.

The majestic power of Buddhist thoughts turned into white light, and then flew into the hole.

These white lights will be directly blessed to Xue An's body through a mysterious and mysterious way.

At the same time, Xue An was galloping in the darkness of nothingness.

His speed can be described as fast to the extreme, in the darkness like a light, passing by in a flash, the long tail flame dragging behind even divided the darkness into two halves.

At Xue An's speed, just such a brief moment is enough to span hundreds of millions of miles of stars.

But the darkness seemed endless, and there was still no end in sight.

If it were other people, facing such a weird situation, they would have stopped moving forward.

After all, how big can this core pure land be? It can't be bigger than the star field of billions of miles, right?

But Xue An didn't have the slightest fear, and still galloped forward.

Because he could feel that in the darkness ahead, there was an unpredictable existence waiting for him.

This is a very mysterious feeling, because it is a feeling that arises from the depths of spiritual thoughts.

In fact, Xue An felt it vaguely when he stepped into this city.

It's just that this feeling was too weak at the time, and it became clear after the black energy was blown away.

This is why Xue An entered the cave directly.

But anyway, one thing is at least certain, that is, this existence is not malicious to itself.

He flew forward for a cup of tea.

Suddenly, a ray of light appeared in front of him.

The light was extremely faint, but it was as dazzling as a sword in this boundless darkness.

Xue Anlue slowed down a bit, and then galloped towards the bright light with all his strength.

Although it seems to be very close, this time Xue An spent a whole meal before rushing to the light.

Then Xue An was stunned.

Because he had imagined countless kinds of scenes, but he did not expect that what appeared in front of him would actually be such a picture.

But seeing that a huge bronze gate stood upright in the void.

The bronze gate was engraved with all kinds of weird runes, full of unspeakable evil.

Before the bronze gate, there was a monk sitting on the lotus platform, bowed his head and lowered his eyes, as if he had entered concentration. The light before was coming from him.

And the lotus platform under him was firmly against the bronze door, and it seemed to have grown into one body.

Xue An stopped and stared at all this.

At this moment, the monk slowly raised his head, revealing a seemingly ordinary face with infinite charm, then smiled slightly, and slowly said, "You are finally here!"

The voice is clear and clear but with supreme majesty.

Xue An took a deep breath, his eyes were as clear as a mirror, and then bowed his hand in a salute, "Xue An, I have seen the Lord!"


Receiving confession, right omniscience, clear deeds, good death, world interpretation, supreme sergeant, celestial teacher, transfer to husband, etc.

But people are most used to calling him.


That's right!

This seemingly unremarkable monk was the one who created the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom with one hand, surpassing the land of virtuous wisdom and going straight to the land of Dharma Yun. Buddha.

It turns out that this long-lost Buddhist leader has never been far away from the Pure Land Buddha Kingdom, but has been buried deep in this boundless darkness.

At this moment, the Buddha Xiu was sitting quietly on the lotus platform with a smile, as if he had been waiting for Xue An for a long time.

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