Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1939: All appearances are false!

In the face of such a crazy attack, a mocking smile appeared on Xue An's mouth.

"Why? Want to use me as a shield? Or do you really think... I am not your opponent?"

When the words fell, Xue An's eyes were bright, and then he let out a deep cry.

"cause and effect!"


The power of causation that had not been used for a long time instantly froze the triangular head.

But the triangular head only struggled a bit before getting rid of control, and then grinned wildly and said: "It's useless, I am not you, the thing of the heavens, how can cause and effect be tied to me?"

This sentence caused Xue An's pupils to shrink instantly.

Because he finally confirmed the origin of these monsters.

Sure enough, isn't it the original creature of the heavens?

So what is their purpose here?

These thoughts flashed in Xue An's mind.

at the same time.

Because of the chopping of the young man, the triangular head, which was bleeding out of his body, exploded into blood mist suddenly, and then turned into a colorful python, opened his blood basin and swallowed it towards Xue An.

At this moment, it is extremely anxious to swallow Xue An and digest it, because only in this way can it have a ray of life.

At this time, Xue Anye had suppressed the doubts in his heart, and then sneered, "Since karma is useless, how can you kill me?"

After all, Xue An's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he whispered: "All appearances are vain!"


As soon as this remark came out, Xue An's body was full of glory, and the blood stains that had been splashed down instantly vanished.

At the same time, Xue An's face became extremely beautiful, and the pores on his body closed instantly, and there was not even a trace of dust and dirt around his body, like a jade Buddha statue, which was delightful and admirable.

If there is a Buddha cultivating here, you will surely exclaim when you see this scene.

Because now Xue An's state is the unsullied body that is extremely difficult to achieve in the Dharma.

The so-called innocence refers to a kind of high and deep realm that is free from ten directions of cause and effect, not contaminated with fine dust, and transcendence.

Once promoted to this state, all cause and effect will be temporarily cut off, and the attack will naturally be invalid.

Because even the cause of your existence is no longer there, you are the same as not existing, so how can you attack you?

At the same time, the giant python transformed by the triangular head also rushed, but this time, his big mouth in the blood basin had no effect on Xue An.

Even the dripping blood fell aside obediently as if following a certain will.

"Buddha cultivation? How could you still have such a high level of Buddhism cultivation? Are you not sword cultivation?" The triangular head roared in anger.

Xue An smiled faintly, "Can't I practice both Buddha and sword? Why? Do you have an opinion?"

The triangle head wanted to say something, but at this moment, its huge snake head was suddenly cut off, and blood poured out wildly.

In the distance, the voice of the teenager faintly came.

"My lord, are you in there?"

While talking, there was a bright sword light from afar.

At this time, the triangular head could no longer maintain its specific form, and the giant python broke apart and turned into nothingness.

There was still a faint dark shadow in the midair, but it could be seen that this dark shadow had already reached the point where the oil was exhausted and the lamp was dry.

A terrified voice came from the void, "I am willing to pay all the price, I only ask you to spare my life!"

"Forgive me? You should go and tell those words to those who have been manipulated by you to collapse and die!"

Words fall.

A sword light exploded suddenly, cutting the whole group of flesh and blood in half.

An extremely unwilling cry came from the void, "I won't let you go, all of you will die!"

When the words fall, everything returns to silence.

The flesh and blood that originally covered the entire second floor also turned into fly ash at the same time, disappearing instantly.

The young man who was bravely swinging his sword was stunned for a moment, because he suddenly found that his benefactor was standing not far ahead, and the whole body was shining with golden Buddha light, which made people feel so peaceful.

"Bodhisattva... Bodhisattva...?" The young man murmured, and the sword light in his hand suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, the golden light covered by Xue An's body also shattered at the same time, and the whole person fell out of the Unsullied Realm at once.

"My lord!" The young man was shocked and just about to step forward.

Xue An has already settled, and then waved at him, "I'm fine!"

In fact, it was not easy for Xue An to maintain such a clean state for a while.

After all, he is not a true Buddhist cultivator, and even this trick he learned from the disappeared Yuesha monk in Dingchan Temple.

Being able to advance to this realm depends entirely on his profound strength and unique insights into the universe and everything.

At this time, the boy looked at this ordinary corridor blankly, and then asked: "Is it dead?"

Xue An nodded, "Yes, your enemy just died under your sword, and your revenge has already been taken!"

As soon as the words came out, the young man threw himself to his knees, tears bursting into his eyes.

"Mom and Dad, the children are not filial, and finally avenge you!"

Xue An did not dissuade him, because no matter who it was, he would be very excited at this time.

He just walked to the window on the second floor and stared at the city outside.

There was a sudden change at this moment in the city that was feasting and drunk.

First, the lights in the sky began to go out one by one, and then, the skyscrapers began to shake and collapse.

But before these stones fell to the ground, they disappeared in the air.

Many people who were addicted to the sensuality of the dogs and horses and couldn't help themselves, suddenly woke up at this moment, and then were shocked by the scene before them.

Immediately afterwards, the whole city began to collapse, countless evil things disappeared, and the surviving humans screamed.

Xue looked at him quietly, then looked up at the sky.

At this time, the huge Buddha statue in the sky is slowly turning around, which also means that night is coming.

A cold glow appeared in Xue An's, and then took a deep breath, stepped out one step at a time, came to the outside high in the sky, and shouted in a deep voice.

"The evil spirit has been given the first, when will you still meditate?"

The words went straight to the sky, causing the many temples floating on the clouds to tremble.

In an instant, golden light appeared in these temples, and then they heard the sound of Buddha's horns coming from them.

"Nanwuwu Buddha!"

"Nanwu Golden Buddha!"

Following the voice, I saw a thin monk flying out of the temple.

These monks are without exception, all of them are eminent monks with Taoism looming behind their heads.

But it seems that the meditation time is so long that they are all at a loss.

Especially when they saw this demon city that was collapsing above the ground, they all shook.

"Nan Wuwu Buddha, what is going on? How could this evil lair suddenly collapse?"

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