Even so, the monk's eyes were still bright as before, and then he folded his palms together and chanted in a voice without sorrow or joy: "Nan Wuyou Buddha, may my world be free from suffering and joy!"

Words fall.

There was a relief-like smile on his face, and he nodded slightly at Xue An, and then his figure broke apart and turned into golden light in the sky, blending into the iron pillar under the seat.

Xue looked at him quietly, then bowed his hand.

No matter when and where, people who can give everything for the faith in their hearts, and even their own lives, are worthy of respect.

Everything was calm again.

Xue An did not go to these temples in the sky. On the contrary, he straightened up and flew towards the distant sky.

This desert is so vast, even at Xue An's speed, it took a full quarter of an hour to fly before seeing a little different scenery.


A small town suddenly appeared in the distance.

Xue An slowed down, fell on the ground, and then walked slowly into this small town.

This is a very dilapidated town, and the gutter beside the street exudes a strong stench.

The houses on both sides of the road are crooked, seeming to collapse at any time.

But even in this environment, many people live.

These people lay lazily on the ground, and even if Xue An walked into it, they just gave these people a glance, and then resumed their previous posture.

At the same time, there are many people wearing a weird helmet, lying motionless on the ground, like a dead body.

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly.

Because he couldn't feel the slightest anger from these people, it was like a walking dead.

Xue An was shocked by this strange phenomenon, and he walked slowly towards the center of the town.

Here, is the only bar in the town.

In front of the door stood a few fierce and strong men. They were also the most energetic creatures Xue An had ever seen.

After seeing Xue An, these brawny men were not surprised. Instead, they rolled their strange eyes and said lightly: "Did you come here to buy the chips?"


This term moved Xue An's heart slightly, but Xuan even nodded.


"go in!"

Xue An stepped into this bar.

Unexpectedly, this bar did not have the feasting fanciers imagined.

On the contrary, it is still very quiet here.

Many people are lying on the sofa, wearing new or old helmets on their heads, and sleeping with their eyes closed.

From time to time, these people will show an extremely refreshing look.

When Xue An walked in, a strong man stepped forward, "What kind of chip do I need?"

Xue An casually pointed, "That's it!"

The strong man nodded, turned and left. When he came back, he had an extra helmet in his hand and handed it to Xue An.

"You can try first."

Xue An didn't hesitate and put it on his head.

In an instant, he felt that his sea of ​​consciousness had entered a very strange world.

Then he felt a sense of extreme comfort in the soul level.

It is a tranquility that is difficult to express in words.

If it hadn't been for Xue An's strong heart, he might have fallen into it in an instant.

It wasn't until this time that Xue An understood what so many helmeted people in the town were doing.

Because this is like a mental tooth piece, enough to make anyone fall into it.

When Xue An took off his helmet, the brawny man bared his teeth and said, "How about it, isn't it strong enough?"

Xue An was silent for a moment, "It's really good, but how is it done?"

"Hehe, you are asking the right person. You must know that within a radius of thousands of miles, the chip here is the most powerful. As for why..."

The brawny man happily clapped his hands.

In an instant, in the center of the bar appeared a monk sitting stumblingly, closing his eyes and being bound by heavy chains.

But I saw countless silk threads connected to this monk's body, and they went on and off with the rise and fall of the golden light on his body.

"Have you seen? My chips have been blessed by these monks. They have supreme joy and tranquility. They are not comparable to those outside that are purely stimulated by electric current."

"How is it, how much do you need to buy?" the strong man asked with a smile.

Xue An took a deep look at him and did not speak.

After a while.

When Xue An walked out of this bar, there was no sound behind him.

The man guarding the door saw Xue An leaving and couldn't help standing up, "Are you satisfied?"

Xue An smiled slightly, "Satisfied, I am very satisfied!"

Words fall.

The heads of these big guys flew into the dust at the same time, and then the headless dead bodies fell to the ground.

Xue An's face became more and more serious.

Because he finally deeply realized the changes in this core pure land.

Thousands of years ago, when he was the Immortal Venerable, he had been to this core pure land.

At that time, the core pure land was a prosperous scene, and everyone concentrated on doing good, peaceful and happy, without any intrigue.

But I never expected that this core pure land would undergo a tremendous change in just a thousand years.

Even this human heart has fallen like this, especially the electronic products Xue An has just experienced can easily destroy any strong below the big Luo, make it sink into it, and become a complete waste.

Combine the core pure land being blocked, and the evil creatures spewing from the ground during that night.

Xue An was convinced that this core pure land had obviously been contaminated by some unknown force.

At this moment, a frightened young boy called out suddenly not far away.

Xue An looked up, but saw an unkempt teenager looking at the dead body on the ground in horror.

Xue An was slightly startled, because he felt the long-lost anger from this young man.

It can even be said that this young man is the first living person Xue An has seen since entering the core pure land.

Xue An stepped towards him, but the young man turned around and ran out like a snake and scorpion.

Xue An followed.

The town is not big, so the two of them quickly left the town.

Outside this town, there is a cemetery~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These tombs are not big, some of them have already appeared inside because of disrepair.

There are no corpses in these tombs, but small boxes.

Xue An's eyes narrowed slightly, because he felt the existence of vague consciousness in these small boxes.

But these consciousnesses are without exception. They are all obsessed with electronic products and can no longer extricate themselves.

Combined with this endless cemetery, Xue An suddenly got a little creepy.

Because a word emerged in his mind.

Infinite hell!

These consciousnesses stored in the small box after death will forever be addicted to the stimulation created by the electric current, and will not get any salvation until the day when their consciousness completely collapses.

The so-called no time, no time, no time for the recipient, it is Abi hell!

This kind of retribution is simply more terrifying than suffering in life.

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