At this time, even Xue An couldn't help showing a look of consternation.

"How could this be? Your leader, the master of this pure land of Buddha country?"

Yue Ji smiled bitterly, "This is the problem, because I...have not been able to contact the Buddha for a long time!"

As soon as this statement came out, Xue An's expression also became serious.

You must know that the Lord of the Buddha cultivation, the Lord of Pure Land, is beyond the land of good wisdom and is infinitely close to the existence of the highest level of Dharma Cloud Land.

That is, the peak of the Immortal Emperor, a super powerhouse who only stepped into the realm of Immortal Venerable within a short distance.

At the beginning, Xue An had a relationship with this Buddha, but he never expected that now even the Buddha Xiu could not contact him, and even the core pure land has lost contact.

How can this not be shocking.

At this time, Yue Jing continued: "My Dingchan Temple is the Shoushan Temple that guards Chujialuo. I used to have close contacts with the core pure land, but since five hundred years ago, everything has changed."

"First, the connection with the Buddha was cut off, and then even the road to the core pure land was cut off by an invisible force. I tried countless methods, but I couldn’t get rid of this force. I don’t know what happened to the core pure land."

Speaking of this, Yue Ji took a deep look at Xue An, "But in the dark, I have a hunch that this whole thing will be solved on your body."

After all, Yue Ji stared at Xue An with piercing eyes, waiting for his answer.

Xue An chuckled softly, "You have so much confidence in me?"

"Of course, because if even Guren-sama can't solve this mystery, then the heavens will be even more unsolvable."

Xue An was silent for a moment, and then suddenly asked: "Where is the moon brake, do you know?"

Yue Ji was stunned, and then shook his head with a wry smile: "I have been looking for my junior, but there has been no news."

"Then what did he do, do you know?"

Yue Jing sighed softly, "I've been keeping this secret. No one has ever said it to anyone. Since Master Gulian asked about it today, then I will tell you!"

As he said, Yue Ji slowly spread out her thin palm, and there was a rosary in her palm.

The rosary rose slowly, suddenly turned into a streamer, and flew in front of Xue An.

Xue An didn't even blink his eyelids, just watched quietly.

Then the information contained in this rosary poured into Xue An's sea of ​​knowledge.

Xue An was slightly startled, and then a strange expression appeared on his face.

Yue Ji laughed bitterly, "Does it feel ridiculous?"

Xue An nodded, "It's a bit weird."

Yue Ji sighed softly, "The dignified Golden Bodhisattva, but for a little obsession in the fixed state, ran to find his lover in the previous life. Isn't this absurd?"

That's right.

This rosary was left by Yuesha before it disappeared, and the information recorded on it was also very simple, with only a very simple sentence.

It turns out that after the moon has been immovable, he can break away from the mystery of seclusion, and he can investigate his past life cause and effect in the fixed state.

Then he saw his lover from the previous life in it. This was originally a normal thing, and this little cause and effect couldn't shake a big bodhisattva who did not move.

But what is unexpected is that this moon moment was moved by this, and even left Dingchan Temple desperately to find the reincarnation of his lover in the previous life.

This is crazy and unreasonable than finding a needle in a haystack.

That's why Yue Ji would use the absurd word to evaluate her junior.

But Xue An didn't mean the slightest sarcasm. He was silent for a moment, and then said lightly: "Maybe he has his own plan, maybe he will suddenly have an epiphany in the process of searching."

"I hope so!" Yue Jing sighed, then looked at Xue An quietly, "Master Honglian, would you like to help me find out about the core pure land?"

Xue An smiled faintly, "Of course, because I was going to the core pure land to ask the Buddha about something."

Yue Ji put her palms together, and exclaimed with joy: "Good and good, thank you Lord Honglian for your help, I am indebted to Dingchan Temple."

"Don't be too busy to thank you. It's unpredictable to go to the core pure land. Naturally, I can't take others with you, so you have to make proper arrangements for the few people I brought!"

"Gu Lian-sama, please rest assured, I will put those female donors properly, but are you sure you don't allow the donors who live in your sea of ​​knowledge to stay?"

Xue An was not surprised that Yue Jing could see through An Yan and others in Fubao's Xiaolou, he just shook his head.

"No, in that case, it should not be too late. I will leave for the core pure land now, and I will leave it to you!"

Having said that, Xue An did not delay even a second, and stood up directly.

Yue Jing couldn't help but nodded, "Well, then I will send Master Honglian over first!"

After that, Yue Jing stretched out her dry finger and stroked in front of her.

A gate of time and space emerged instantly.

Xue An smiled and stepped into it.

When a brilliance flashed, there was nothing in front of him.

Moon Ji put her palms together, "Good and good, I hope Master Gulian goes all the way here."

At the same time, Xue An only felt dizziness for a moment, and then an invisible barrier appeared in the void passage in front of him.

This barrier is invisible and innocent, but it is extremely hard. Even the void channel is cut off. It is impossible to reveal a trace of information. It is no wonder that Dingchan Temple will lose contact with the core pure land.

Xue An's eyebrows gradually rose, and an inexplicable chill appeared in his eyes.

Because he felt a familiar breath from above this barrier.

Then he took a deep breath and slowly raised his hand to press on this barrier.


Xue An suddenly yelled, and a majestic force rushed out, directly smashing the barrier in front of him.


The violent turbulent time and space roared in, strangling everything they encountered.

But these turbulence in time and space did not even move the corners of Xue An's clothes.

Xue Anmai took a step forward and then disappeared into the turbulent flow.

At the same time, in a hidden and indescribable place somewhere.

A faint demon breath suddenly rolled, and then there was a cry of extreme coldness.

"Someone broke in, kill!"

This time crossing obviously took a long time. After the turbulence had completely dissipated, Xue An slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing that came into view was an extremely barren desert.

But this is not the main thing. When Xue An raised his head, there was a huge Buddha statue in the huge sky.

This Buddha statue occupies a full one-third of the sky, with supreme majesty and compassion in its drooping eyes.

At the same time, you can also see obvious traces of artificial carving from this Buddha statue.

That's right!

This miraculous Buddha statue is actually an artificial creation.

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