Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1912: Ruthless eating machine

But at this moment, someone blocked the way.

"Master, let's go slowly." It was a seductive woman who was speaking, and then said with a smile: "Master, is there a place to stay? If not, come to my mirror."

This sentence seemed to remind everyone that the arrogance of all parties stepped forward.

"Master, can I have dinner? Why not come to me for a light meal."

"Master...[Wowo Novel Network]..."

For a while, the whole audience was boiling.

People all understand that if they can win over this great Buddha cultivation ability, it will definitely help them.

But Yuantong just smiled and said nothing, and then moved forward.

But at this moment, a calm voice came from behind.

"If you don't dislike it, why don't you come over and talk about it?"

Yuantong turned around and looked around, but saw Xue An standing at the gate of the Guanyi and said with a smile.

He couldn't help but stunned slightly, then folded his palms together, "Good, good, thank you for the benefactor's invitation, then it's better to be respectful!"

After that, he strode towards Xue An.

Everyone was a little startled.

Especially the seductive woman who spoke at the beginning was full of doubts. She didn't understand why this great monk ignored herself, and instead valued a "normal" young man so much.

Even the little monk Huitong couldn't help being a little surprised, but he quickly followed.

When the two walked into the post with Xue An, people immediately began to talk.

"Who is this man? Why have you never seen it?"

"It seems to be the foreign aid invited by the Slaughter Temple."

"How can the Temple of Slaughter have anything to do with Buddha Xiu?"

People are all puzzled.

And when it was boiling in the guesthouse station.

In that white jade building.

Luo Rongjin and Gong Yunjun's dinner also reached a critical moment.

Luo Rongjin, who originally came from full of letters, his face was so gloomy at the moment that it was dripping with water.

Because just now, he also saw the Buddha's light that shrouded most of the city and even moved the sky.

Not only did he see it, but he also clearly felt that his six ghost guards had been destroyed.

You must know that he originally wanted to show his strength in front of Gong Yunjun.

As a result, the strength did not show up, on the contrary, it was his own loss.

How could this not make him angry.

Gong Yunjun was also a little surprised, but soon calmed down, and then sneered at Luo Rongjin: "His Royal Highness, is this the scenery you made me see differently? It's really amazing."

After that, Gong Yunjun stood up and said lightly: "Thank you for the hospitality, I'm a little bit tired, goodbye!"

Then turned around and left.

"Wait!" Luo Rongjin shouted coldly.

Gong Yunjun stopped, but didn't even turn his head back, just said indifferently: "Is there anything else going on after the palace lord?"

"Did I let you go? Do you dare to leave?"

"What?" Gong Yunjun turned around and said sarcastically: "Do I need your consent to leave?"

"Of course you need it!" Luo Rongjin's face gradually became ugly, "Don't think I don't know, are you secretly going to meet other men behind my back?"

Gong Yunjun's complexion changed, and anger appeared in his eyes immediately, "Hall Lord, I don't seem to have anything to do with you, do you want to take care of who I am going to see?"

"Of course I need to take care of it, because you are the woman I like Luo Rongjin, you can only belong to me!" Luo Rongjin roared almost hysterically.

Gong Yunjun looked sarcastically and said coldly: "I'm sorry, I don't belong to you!"

After that, Gong Yunjun turned around and left.

"You mean maid, stop for me!" Luo Rongjin was furious, suddenly got up and rushed over.

You must know that Luo Rongjin is the peerless Tianjiao of the Palace of Human Beings, and its strength is comparable to that of the Immortal King.

Gong Yunjun did not fear at all, but speeded up and walked out.

"Looking for death!" Luo Rongjin was almost mad, roared, and then directly blasted out a blow.

This blow seemed to break the ground, and the violent power went straight to Gong Yunjun's back.

Although Gong Yunjun's strength is good, he is far behind Luo Rongjin, so he didn't even have time to react, and the blow was already behind him.

But just when the power was overwhelming, the talisman she was wearing on her neck suddenly released a thousand rays of light, and then a light curtain was formed behind her, and the blow was blocked.


With a loud noise, the whole white jade building trembled.

Luo Rongjin was shocked and took a few steps backwards, a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

Because the power contained in the light curtain just now is so powerful that it is unbelievable.

If it were not for the quick withdrawal of his hand, even himself would be hurt by it.

And just after he was stunned, Gong Yunjun flew directly outside with this momentum, then broke the window, fell into the vast night sky, and disappeared.

At the same time, Teng Hongbo, who heard the noise, led many of his men and rushed over.

"His Royal Highness, what's the matter?" Teng Hongbo asked in surprise.

Luo Rongjin's face was pale, and he gritted his teeth and said: "The **** Gong Yun has run away!"

"What? Run away?" Teng Hongbo was shocked, and then immediately ordered his men. "Immediately seal off the surrounding area, and then try to search Gong Yunjun."


With an order, the entire Baiyu Building boiled.

At the beginning, people didn't understand, so when they heard that it was Oiran Miyayun-kun who had escaped, they couldn't help but feel an uproar.

"Fuck, Miss Yun Jun has such a strong temper, she ran away like this."

"Hmph, it must be Luo Rongjin's strong force, otherwise how could Miss Yun Jun run?"

There is everything to say at a time.

Gong Yunjun’s little maid Xier looked at the night outside the window blankly, and whispered softly: "Miss, you have to be careful!"

Just when the entire Ziwu City was boiling because of Gong Yunjun.

In the post, Xiao Sha Zhang Xiaoyu still missed the four people sitting in a row, staring blankly at the three people who were eating special food opposite.

That's right!

After the two monks Yuantong and Huitong came to Guanyi, the first thing was to feast on them.

And the greedy teenager was naturally "unwilling to be left behind." The three of them got together and turned into a ruthless eating machine, watching everyone.

After a long time, Zhang Xiaoyu couldn't help but whispered: "Are you looking for two more rice buckets?"

The voice just swept away the food in front of him, and then pushed forward, Baoxiang solemnly declared the Buddha.

"Nanwuwu Buddha, thank you for your hospitality."

Xue An smiled slightly, "You're welcome."

Then Xue An said calmly: "Is the great monk from Dingchan Temple?"

Yuantong smiled, "Good is good, the little monk is the 38th generation heir of Dingchan Temple, and his name is Yuantong."

Huitong on the side hurriedly swallowed the food in his mouth and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "The thirty-eighth generation of Huitong."

An Yan couldn't help but sighed, then smiled: "Yuantong Huitong... Is there still Zhongtong Shentong?"

Yuantong was startled when he heard the words, "How does the female donor know the names of my brothers and sisters?"

An Yan: "..."

Xue An smiled faintly, "Since it is a descendant of Dingchan Temple, do you know the moon temple?"

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