Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1899: What makes you feel qualified to follow me...

"Yes, although this Feihutang is still not up to the standards of Void Master, its strength has grown extremely rapidly in recent years, especially this Chu Xiong, who is known as the most talented person in Feihutang since a thousand years, so the last time He was invited to participate in the Thousand Sect Profound Society."

Speaking of this, Mu Wushuang's expression was a bit solemn, "Above the last Thousand Sect Profound Society, this Chu Xiong used extremely brutal means to kill three opponents, and finally achieved a relatively good term, Yubang Zhizhi Shang is ranked 78th and is a very strong opponent."

Xue An smiled, "No wonder it's so arrogant!"

Mu Wushuang said solemnly: "Yes, so you must be more careful when you meet him, after all... the strength of Feihutang should not be underestimated."

Mu Wushuang's explanation is very detailed, the purpose of which is to give Xue An a deeper impression.

But Xue An just smiled slightly at this, "Okay, I know! Let's go, watching this purple fog city is so lively, holding back on the star boat for so long, just go down to relax."

Mu Wushuang hesitated to speak, but finally lowered his head and responded softly: "Yes!"

This distance was naturally fleeting for Xingzhou, and soon it came to the sky above the Guest House Post, and then slowly landed on the dedicated parking lot.

This huge parking lot is also very lively now.

But seeing the star boat parked here is dazzling, all in any shape.

Some are as large as a mountain with a length of more than a hundred miles, some are small and exquisite and can only accommodate two people, and there are even all kinds of rare birds and animals.

For example, a giant beast with a body length of hundreds of feet, pure white color, golden eyes, and first-born unicorn is a famous golden-eyed water avoider.

This kind of beast is extremely rare and rare, and its strength is comparable to that of the Da Luo strong, and it is generally used by the major sects to make the mountain beast.

But now it is being used to pull a cart like a cow or horse. This can no longer be described as a violent thing, it is simply showing off.

Mu Wushuang explained softly beside Xue An: "My lord, that golden-eyed water-saving beast is the exclusive car of Prince Luo Rongjin of the East Palace of the Human Emperor Palace. It seems that he is also here."

Xue An smiled indifferently, but when he heard the three words Renhuangdian, his eyes flashed, and then he stepped off the Xingzhou.

At this moment, Xue An had asked An Yan to take his two daughters, Xiao Sha Chan'er and others into the Fubao Xiaolou, so now he and Mu Wushuang are the only two.

Just as the two of them got off the star boat and were about to go to the guesthouse post, there was a loud sneer not far away.

"Yeah, isn't this Saint Mu Dasheng? It turned out that you were on this starship just now."

As he spoke, he saw a burly man who was over five feet tall and came by.

The man wore a pair of trousers made of tiger skin, but his upper body was naked, revealing his rock-solid muscles, and on his chest he was embroidered with a red flying tiger with fierce eyes. .

It is Chu Xiong, the direct descendant of Feihutang.

After seeing him, Mu Wushuang's complexion changed slightly, and a faint anger appeared in his eyes, but soon he lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, "It turns out that it is Hall Master Chu, Wushuang is polite!"

At this time, Mu Wushuang had already put on a veil, even so, she could still see her beautiful and refined face.

When Chu Xiong saw this, a look of greed appeared in his eyes, and then he glanced at Xue An.

At this time, Xue An's breath had been perfectly hidden, he naturally couldn't see any clues, so after taking a look, he sneered.

"Tsk tusk, but I don't know who this man is? Could it be Saint Mu Da's..."

He didn't say what it was, but judging from the narrow smile on his face and the deliberately elongated tone of voice, he knew it wouldn't be a good thing.

A look of anger appeared on Mu Wushuang's face, but he quickly suppressed it, and said coldly: "This is my new direct disciple from the Temple of Slaughter, that is, my little junior, what's the matter? Do you care about this?"

"Little Junior Brother?" Chu Xiong glanced at Xue An again and found that he did have the unique mark of Slaughter Temple. He couldn't help but believe these words, and then he giggled.

"It turned out to be so, so it's not an outsider! I'm really embarrassed about what happened just now, I thought where the waste came from opening the star boat, slowly swallowing it, I can't wait! "

The anger on Mu Wushuang's face became heavier when he heard that, as he was about to speak.

Xue An chuckled, "It doesn't matter, anyway, I'm not in a hurry. After all, people who are anxious about everything may be more anxious than others to die."

As soon as he said this, Chu Xiong's expression instantly darkened.

"what did you say?"

Xue An smiled faintly, "Did you not hear what I said? Do you want me to repeat it again?"

"You..." Chu Xiong, who was irritable by nature, couldn't bear this breath, and he was about to break out in a rage.

At this moment, Mu Wushuang said coldly: "Chu Xiong, I think you'd better figure out what you are doing. If you do it privately here, be careful of your qualifications to participate."

Chu Xiong calmed down instantly after hearing this.

Knowing that there are so many people participating in the Qianzong Profound Society, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no enemies in it. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, it is strictly forbidden to fight in private before the Profound Society is held.

If there is any violation, the qualification to participate will be cancelled directly.

Despite this, Chu Xiong's eyes were still full of killing intent, staring at Xue An, and then sneered gloomily.

"Boy, it's luck for you this time. I hope you can still be so arrogant when you reach the Xuanhui."

With that, he stretched out his palm and made a handshake gesture.

Xue looked at him quietly.

When Chu Xiong saw this, he was sneered, "What? Don't you even dare to shake my hand?"

Xue An's mouth gradually raised, revealing a cold smile, "What makes you think you are qualified to shake hands with me?"

After that, Xue An turned to Mu Wushuang and said, "Let's go."

Then he turned around and left.

Mu Wushuang gave Chu Xiong a deep look, and then left.

Chu Xiong stood there, and after a while, an infinite resentment appeared in his The order passed on, and I was staring at the two people in the Slaughter Temple! "


There were orders to leave.

Then Chu Xiong said coldly: "A **** dare to pretend to be garlic in front of me, do you really think it can be done if you find a foreign aid?"

"Wait until this profound meeting, let's see how I clean up you two!"

And in the guesthouse station, there are many people who peeped at this scene in secret.

"Tsk tusk, I didn't expect the people of Slaughter Temple to dare to participate in this Thousand Sect Profound Meeting!" Someone sneered.

"It looks like a foreign aid was hired, otherwise Mu Wushuang would not dare to be so arrogant."

"Unfortunately, it's just an ordinary strong man, and it doesn't play any role at all."

"That's right, I dare to offend the young hall master of Feihutang. It is estimated that the Slaughter Temple will cost blood."

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