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The Saintess of Slaughter Temple did not say a word, but was hidden in the void, quietly looking at Xue An in the distance.

Different from the secret rejoicing of these melon-eating people, there are still many people who are simply full of panic at the moment and regret it.

That's right, these people just heard about the Heavenly Dao Sect and came to fight the autumn wind to take advantage.

Many of them have had holidays with Xue An.

I thought that this time the Heavenly Dao Sect used the power of the whole sect to destroy Xue An.

The result was just the opposite. The Heavenly Dao Sect's elite was wiped out, and it had existed in name only.

How can this not make these guys shocked and terrified.

In fact, from the time Huhuan blasted the Hydra with one move, these people began to quietly retreat.

Many people even tried to escape into the void, and quickly fled.

But because of the appearance of Huhuan, the entire Qingqiu star field has been blocked.

So these talents were horrified to find that they could not leave.


These people all tried their best to hide their body shape and breath, for fear of attracting the attention of others.

In my heart, I prayed silently, hoping that the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable could forget about himself.

But things were counterproductive. When Huhuan was talking to the fox clan of the Qingqiu Fox Country, Xue An turned his head and looked towards Void, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a cold smile.

"Since everyone is here, why don't those who hide in hiding dare to show up?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience instantly quieted down.

The fox tribes who had been noisy also followed.

There was a thoughtful smile on Hu Huan's face, and he whispered softly: "This kid is really a master who refuses to suffer!"

At the same time, the void was quiet, and no one dared to speak.

Upon seeing this, Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a smile, "What? Do I have to name someone to show up?"

The void remains quiet.

Xue An smiled coldly and said slowly: "Heaven Temple, Great Hall Master Hong Yihong, with your identity, it seems that you won't hide in the void and dare not meet people, or say... you are going to let me go and invite me personally. Are you out?"

As soon as this statement was made, there was a commotion in the void, and then a mighty and very pale middle-aged man in golden armor appeared.

Among the crowd of onlookers, a sharp eye recognized him, and it was Hong Yi, the lord of the Tianshen Temple.

After he showed his figure, his eyes were full of flinching colors, and then he seemed to be thinking of something, and he hurriedly bowed to Xue Anshen, "See...I saw Master Honglian!"

Xue An didn't seem to see the horror on his face at all, but said indifferently: "Hall Lord Hong, your Heavenly God Temple is very far away from Qingqiu Fox Country, why did you run over?"

Hong Yi trembled all over, and then forced a smile: "I...I'm not doing nothing, come over and see the excitement!"

"Oh? Watching the excitement? It's that simple?"

"Yes, it's that simple." Hong Yi said hurriedly, with a cold sweat on his forehead.

Of course he didn't come to watch the excitement, but came to seek revenge from Xue An.

Because there was a deep holiday between him and Xue An.

When Xue An was practising, he once ran into the young master of the Tianshen Temple, his son Hong Xi.

Relying on his father's power, Hong Xi was extremely arrogant and domineering. As a result, he clashed with Xue An.

But Hong Xi, who had never suffered a loss, was kicked above the iron plate this time. Xue An didn't eat his suit at all, and simply shot this Hong Xi to death.

This can be said to have stabbed a hornet's nest. Hong Xi is Hong Yi's most important aunt. In order to train him, Hong Yi spent countless energy, and he died like this. He naturally couldn't accept it.

Therefore, in a rage, he came to Xue An for revenge. 139 Chinese


At that time, Xue An, who was not even the Immortal King, defeated him with only three moves.

Originally, Xue An intended to directly kill him.

But Hong Yi is much smoother than his son Hong Xi, and when he sees the momentum is not good, he immediately admits.

When a guy who was much older than himself and whose son was still dead in his hands begged for mercy with his nose and tears, Xue An, who was still young at the time, couldn't help but waved his compassion. So he forgave this Hong Yi.

After Hong Yi returned, he naturally felt resentment and thought of revenge.

But since then, Xue An's practice has become more and more diligent, and the momentum has begun to break through all major realms.

In just a few hundred years, he successfully broke through the realm of the immortal emperor and became the first person of the immortal sovereign.

After this prestige spread, this Hong Yi was so scared that he immediately dispelled the thoughts in his heart, and he dared not even think of revenge anymore.


I am just a half-step immortal king's dregs, go find Xianzun to take revenge, what is that not to die?

I thought it would just pass.

But no one thought that Xue An would fall suddenly behind him. After hearing the news, Hong Yi was almost crazy. At that time, he feasted for three days to celebrate Xue An's death.

And then…….

Xue An was reborn, and the first news was to force the six immortal kings.

Now Hong Yi was dumbfounded again.

After so many years, he has not been able to take that step, he is still a small half-step fairy king.

But when Xue An was reincarnated and rebuilt, he proved the Dao Immortal King again.

The gap in this one is simply desperate.

But Hong Yi still hadn't thought of revenge at the time, until the news of Tiandaozong's aggressive attack on the Qingqiu Fox Country came, he moved his mind.

I thought that if I could take this opportunity to avenge my previous revenge, wouldn’t it be nice?

And after taking revenge, once his heart knot was untied, he might be promoted to the Immortal King.

With this idea, he ran over just to see if there was a chance to fish in troubled waters.

As a result, the fish didn't touch it, and he became a target instead.

So Hong Yi now regrets that he can't slap himself a few times.

Xue An said in a calm tone at this time: "Do you think I will believe what you said?"

Speaking of the last, a cold feeling instantly enveloped Hong Yi's body.

Hong Yi shook his body, and then screamed, "Guren-sama forgive me, I really just..."

But Xue An was obviously tired of his begging for mercy, so when he raised his eyebrows, a huge power instantly fell on his head.


Juli hits ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hong Yi's head burst open first, followed by shoulders and chest, and finally the lower body.

But no matter where it was, this huge force did not slow down at all, but slowly and firmly pressed down.

Bang bang bang!

But seeing blood splashing, flesh and blood flying across, the crisp sound of broken bones one after another.

It was as if a piece of paper was crushed to pieces, and in the blink of an eye, Hong Yi was crushed into meatloaf by this power.

As for his soul, it was also completely shredded.

The blood mixed with the shards of flesh and blood floating in the void, the picture was **** and disgusting.

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