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After a while, the ancient and deep horn of war was sounded.

The Heavenly Dao Sect, which occupies a full star field, then boiled.

The reason why a master of the sky is called a master of the sky is that it must first have a super strong person, and secondly, it must have a deep foundation.

And these two points Tiandaozong have all.

Therefore, when the horn of war was sounded, countless disciples rushed into the air, and the glory was almost like a fountain.

In the void, there was a chariot with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles slowly driving out, and the icy muzzle was all shining with brilliance that could destroy the world.

A deacon with the least name and a top true celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial being lined up in the air.

Although it has been reinforced countless times, the power this time is really terrifying, so terrible that cracks in this extremely solid space have been shaken out.

The overwhelming crowd can't even see the edge at a glance.

The Hydra man stood on top of the largest chariot, and the pair of vertical pupils was full of cold light.

At this moment, he has changed into a black diadem suit, embroidered with sun, moon, stars, mountains and lakes on it, making his perfect cheek more and more majestic, even just standing there is a kind of The urge to kneel down and worship.

Tiansu stood behind him respectfully, and said proudly, "Master Demon Ancestor, are you still satisfied?"

The Hydra man's mouth grinned open, revealing his mouth full of triangular teeth. The prestige and handsomeness from before disappeared instantly, and he smiled **** and terribly.

"Yes, although it is a bunch of waste, but there is too much waste, it looks good!"

Tiansu smiled stiffly, but didn't know what to say.

"How far is it from Qingqiu Fox Country?"

"My lord, if you go forward at full speed, it will be ten days!"

"Okay, let's go now."


The Hydra man turned around and walked into the chariot. When he passed Tiansu, he suddenly stopped and licked his lips with his tongue like a snake.

"By the way, for these ten days, I have to provide me with ten women above the Golden Immortal level every day. The average women are too boring, and they die at random. They can't have fun at all!"

"Yes!" Tiansu nodded immediately.

The Hydra man smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and then left.

Tiansu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, turned around and shouted at the deacon in the distance: "Hurry up and catch ten golden fairies, then gather the battle formation and set off immediately!"


After the battle formation was assembled, countless chariots carried the crowd and set off into the void.

The Heavenly Dao Sect finally showed the full strength of a Starry Sky Great Sect, transformed into a ferocious war behemoth, crushing towards the Qingqiu Fox Country.

And this scene was spread throughout the heavens through various means.

"Hi! Heavenly Dao Sect can be said to have come out of the nest this time!" A monk exclaimed.

"The strength of Master Xingkong is really terrifying, and these chariots alone are enough to crush ordinary sects!"

"This country of Qingqiu Fox is over. It has just lost a peerless powerhouse and met an opponent like Tiandaozong. It is undoubtedly dead."

"You can't say that, isn't the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable in the Qingqiu Fox Country?"

"Hehe, what if he is here? He is just an immortal king now, not the invincible immortal strong at the beginning!" Someone sneered.

"Let's wait and see, I don't think it will be that simple! This battle will be very exciting."

There was a lot of discussion, but only a few people noticed the strangeness in the picture.

In an ancient and huge temple, a woman with a black veil looked at the picture in the water mirror, she was silent, as if thinking about something. 400 novels

After a long time, she raised her head, a look of doubt flashed in a pair of eyes that were as cold as autumn water.

"Master Saint, is there any problem?" a priest asked respectfully, kneeling on the ground.

The woman said lightly: "Sect Master Tiansu of Tiandao has been standing outside the chariot, waiting for something respectfully. It can be seen that there must be something in the chariot that makes him awed."

"You mean..."

"My prophet's eyes can't see through the mist that covers the chariot."

The priest was shocked, and his face looked horrified.

Even the Saintess could not see through the eyes of the prophet, so what is the origin of the other party?

"If I didn't guess wrong, it should be the legendary super powerhouse hidden in the Heavenly Dao Sect!"

The woman said softly and suddenly stood up.

"Preparing to set off, this battle is obviously not trivial. Naturally, I cannot be absent from the Temple of Slaughter.


At the same time, similar scenes are being staged among the major sects.

Everyone knows that, on the surface of this battle, the battle between Tiandaozong and Qingqiu Fox Country, to a large extent, was actually the first real challenge Xue An faced after his rebirth.

He had singled out the six immortal kings on Earth before and won. Although the results are amazing, they are far from being compared with this time.

After all, although the Five Elements Evil Emperor is powerful, it is still far behind the Heavenly Dao Sect.

Not only that, but many monsters who were about to move because of Xue An's rebirth also became active at this time.

Amidst the surging dark tide, a battle that shook the past and shone today is about to break out!

at the same time.

In the Qingqiu Fox Country, the atmosphere has obviously become tense.

Many elders, such as the fox and the fox penalty, entered and exited with solemn expressions, busy setting up a defensive formation.

Even the most ordinary little fox demon is doing his own thing as best he can.

Despite this, after the news that Dao Zong rushed forward with a mighty army, the faces of many fox tribes couldn't help showing despair.

They all knew that the current Qingqiu Fox Country could not withstand the offensive of Heavenly Dao Sect at all.

Could it be said that the Qingqiu Fox Country, which has existed for tens of thousands of years, will be destroyed like this?

In contrast, Fox Night is much calmer.

Every day, he would go around the entire Qingqiu Fox Country. Wherever he went, many fox races looked at his calm and composed look, and a glimmer of hope rose in their hearts.

Although faint, it is at least hope, isn't it?

But if it is said who is the calmest in the entire Qingqiu Fox Country, it must be Xue An.

He rarely even showed up ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and basically stayed in the room to drink tea and drink with Zhuge Zang.

Today is no exception.

Xue An raised his wine glass, after playing around for a while, he drank all the wine in the glass, and then said lightly: "Old way, what do you think of this... victory or defeat?"

Zhuge Zang shook his head, "I don't know!"

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, "Why don't you know? Haven't you counted it?"

Zhuge Zang smiled bitterly, "How can I calculate this kind of battle involving many causes and effects and related to the pattern of the heavens? But there is only one thing worth noting."


Zhuge Zang's complexion became awe-inspiring, "That is the super power of Tiandaozong in the rumors."

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