Of course, the Fire Rat Clan elders contributed to this.

After all, the strength of Qingqiu Fox Country is obvious to all. If this marriage can be formed, it will be a golden opportunity for the Fire Rat tribe.

But Hu Ye was appointed by the elder himself, and concluded a marriage contract with the second princess of the dragon clan.

For this reason, the eldest princess of the Fire Rat clan secretly cried more than once.

But she didn't give up completely, but dreamed that one day she could succeed Princess Long Er.

As a result, before the dream came true, Hu Ye suddenly came out like this.

Not to mention the upcoming marriage, even the object of marriage is not the monster, but a little-known human woman.

How could this convince the princess of the fire rat patriarch.

I saw her complexion suddenly turned pale.

"Humanite girl? Haha, don't tell me if Fox Night is too dizzy, isn't even the Great Elder of Qingqiu Fox Country stupid? How could he agree to such a marriage?"

The little maid was like a chill, dare not say a word.

After a long time, the elder princess of Fire Rat clan raised her head suddenly and looked at the little maid with cold eyes, "When will the wedding be held?"

"The news says it's ten days later!"

"After ten days?" The fire rat patriarch princess couldn't help being even more surprised.

Because this time is too tight.

"Yes, after ten days!"

"Well, I will go to inform the elders now, and then go to the Qingqiu Fox Country. I want to see what kind of Human Race women have such great charm, and they can be recognized by the entire Fox Race elders!"

Then the whole fire rat clan moved after hearing the wind.

After hearing the news, the elders were also full of incredible faces, and then "filled with righteous indignation" followed the elder princess aggressively to Qingqiu Fox Country Xingshi to question the crime.

at the same time.

In that distant dragon ancestral land.

The princess Ao Qing also received the news.

But before she was surprised at this, the door was slammed open, and then the second princess Ao Yi rushed in violently.

"Sister, have you received the news?"

Ao Qing nodded with a wry smile, "Just received it!"

Ao Yi gritted his teeth and said: "It's really deceiving. My engagement hasn't been terminated yet. He actually dared to hold the wedding publicly. I have to ask for an explanation about this matter."

Ao Qing was shocked, "What are you going to do?"

"What are you doing? Haha, don't blame me for being unrighteous if he is not kind!" Ao Yi's eyes showed a cold brilliance, "I want to ask, what is so good about that blind girl? The princess is even better!"

Ao Qing opened her mouth and wanted to give some advice, but she didn't know where to start, so she finally closed her mouth helplessly.

At the same time, a trace of doubt appeared in her mind.

What are these elders from Qingqiu Fox Country doing?

Actually allow this to happen?

Don't they plan to maintain the purity of the fox blood?

These questions were mixed in Ao Qing's mind, and she was also puzzled.

Also unbelievable are the elders of the Qingqiu Fox Country.

For example, this fox vine.

She never expected that things would turn out to be like this.

"The Great Elder simply agreed?"

Huye nodded, "Yes! That's how I agreed!"

"I'll rub, what the **** does the great elder think?" The fox was plunged into deep self-doubt.

The same thing she thought was her pet.


The entire dragon temple has been swallowed, and the successfully evolved rune koi is sticking to the little fox like a piece of dog skin plaster, and can't avoid it.

Especially because of the successful evolution, this rune ball became large or small, and even temporarily transformed into a human form.

In this way, this little fox is even more unavoidable.

Can only accept the destruction of the ball silently like his fate.

In contrast, Fox Ye, the party concerned, was more calm about this.

Nevertheless, he asked Xue An more than once.

"Old Xue, what did the great elder say to you in the jade pagoda, just tell me!"

Xue An smiled mysteriously, "Do you want to know that?"


"Then you call a dad, let me listen!"


"Old Xue, you didn't do it like this. I'm not in the mood to joke with you now." Hu Yeyi said righteously.

Xue An said indifferently: "I didn't make a joke with you either. If you want to know, you can call Dad first, otherwise...you will know naturally when you wait.

"Cut, let alone pull it down, I don't want to know yet!" Hu Ye curled his lips.

Unlike the nervousness of Hu Ye, Ah Rou was rather calm.

There is not even much excitement.

Because this result is the best she can imagine, no matter whether it is successful or not, she actually has no extravagant hopes.

at last.

After receiving the news, the monster races from all sides began to arrive one after another.

Although the current Yaozu is in a troubled autumn, everyone who is disturbed by an emperor's flow is panic.

But the marriage of the grandson of Qingqiu Fox Country still shocked many monster races.

Basically all that can come have come, even if they can't come, they have brought generous gifts.

With the passage of time, the festive atmosphere of the entire Qingqiu Fox Country has grown stronger.

No matter how many opinions there are on this matter, but when the matter comes, all the planets in the entire Qingqiu Fox Country are lit up and ready to welcome this day.

Under this situation, when the fire rat clan people arrived, the eldest princess looked at the lively scene outside, almost bursting out of fire in her eyes.

"It's so lively, is this marriage true?" said the princess of the fire rat patriarch hatefully.

"Okay, now is not the time to entangle these things, the key is to figure out the details of the woman Fox Ye is going to marry ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ the fire rat clan elder said.

"Huh, it's just a mere mortal woman, what's the details?" The princess sneered.

At this moment, Fox Night also rushed to bring many people from the Fox Clan.

After all, the Fire Rat Clan is a big faction among the Monster Clan, especially the relationship between the elders of the previous generation, so after hearing of their arrival, Fox Night rushed over.

After seeing Fox Ye's back, the eldest princess's expression changed. She immediately changed from the previous bitterness to a gentle smile, and then greeted the fox night with a bow and said with a smile.

"Brother Fox!"

The voice dragged a long tail, Linghuye's hairs all stood up, and he almost wanted to turn around and leave.

But because the elders of the Fire Rat clan are all here, he is not good at it, so he can only bite the bullet and smile and say: "It turns out to be Sister Fire Rat, please come in!"

The eldest princess of the Fire Rat tribe looked around, pretending to be surprised, and said: "Oh, isn't the sister that Brother Fox is going to marry hasn't come? I really want to see her!"

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