Hearing this voice, the faces of the siblings, Hu Ye and Hu Ying, turned white.

"Damn, how come he came to greet him! It's over, this time is over." Hu Ye's expression was extremely ugly.

The Five Elder Fox Punishment is a supernatural existence.

And unlike the fox, the five elders are in charge of punishment, and he is selfless and doesn't pretend to anyone.

Qingqiu Fox Junior High School is not afraid of him.

Especially Hu Ye, because he was naughty, he had been beaten by this fox torture since he was a child, so when he heard that he was coming, Hu Ye was so scared that he was about to turn around and run away.

Even Hu Ying was shocked and inexplicably horrified.

She seemed to feel the trembling of Fox Ye, A Rou held Fox Ye’s hand from behind.

It was this silent handshake that made Linghuye calm down quickly.

At the same time, Xue An smiled slightly and said loudly: "I didn't expect the fifth elder of the penalty hall to come to meet him personally. It's so polite."

As he said, the door of Xingzhou opened slowly, and Xue An walked out.

Hu Ye took a deep breath, and then followed.

After everyone walked out of the star boat, they saw a group of people standing in the void not far away.

There are males and females in this group. They are not too old, and all of them are beautiful and well-dressed, but the tails of some people behind them show their identities.

It is the fox family of Qingqiu Fox Country.

The leader is a man in his thirties.

This man has a cold face and does not smile, but his facial features are very handsome, and he has a unique charm with the cold breath on his body.

It is the famous five elder fox punishment that made countless fox tribes fearful.

After seeing Xue An, this Fox Punishment first took a close look at him, and then a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

The news that Honglianxian respects the return of life can be described as the most explosive news from the heavens in the recent period.

Naturally, Fox Punishment also knows.

Moreover, the three elders also recounted what happened to the dragon clan after returning.

That's why Fox Xing said to welcome Xue An's arrival here.

But he never expected that he could not see Xue An's strength.

You must know that Fox Punishment is a master of the fairy king who has been famous for a long time.

Its strength can be ranked among the monsters.

But with this kind of existence, it is impossible to see the depth of Xue An's strength.

This is terrible.

Because this red lotus immortal respected how long his life was, but in such a short time, he not only re-certified the Dao Immortal King, but also reached an incredible height.

Fox Xing's heart was shaken, and Xue An's assessment of Xue An's strength also went up a lot.

At the same time, Xue An glanced at the greeted team, and couldn't help but smile: "For such a big battle, the fifth elders, did you know that we would be here?"

Fox Xing suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "After the three elders came back to report the letter, I led the people to wait here, and I really waited for you!"

Xue An nodded and said with a faint smile: "It's a good idea!"

At this moment, Hu Ye and Hu Ying stepped forward to bow and salute.

"Five Elders!"

Seeing these brothers and sisters, a weird color appeared in Fox Xing's eyes, and Xuan even raised his eyes to look at A Rou not far away.

As soon as her gaze reached, Arou was struck by lightning, her body was shaken, and her complexion turned pale.

Xiaosha sneered when he saw it, and took a step forward, directly blocking Fox Xing's eyes.

"Hey, old man, is it a bit too much to attack a mortal woman who has no power to bind a chicken?"

Old man?

This name Linghu Punishment is somewhat wrong.

"Dragon? Or a newborn baby dragon?"

Xiao Sha's face sank instantly, "You are the newborn baby dragon, my old lady is already an adult!"

These fangs and claws did not make Fox Punishment angry.

In fact, no one will be angry with a little loli who can make people cute.

I saw him chuckled, and then looked at Xue An, Hu Ye and the others with a deep look.

"Master Honglian, Fox Night, please come with me, the Great Elder has been waiting for you in the Fox Country for a long time!"

A cold sweat appeared on Huye's forehead, and he stammered: "Big...Big elder wants to see me?"

"Yes! Hurry up, don't let the great elder wait in a hurry!"

After all, he didn't wait for everyone to react, and he turned and flew into the fox field.

Huye was trembling nervously all over.

Although he had made up his mind long ago, it was inevitable that he was still a little out of control.

Upon seeing this, Xue An shook his head and sighed, "Fox Night!"


"Let's go, what you should see is always to see, and what you should come is inevitable. This matter has come to be faced!"

Huye's breathing gradually calmed down, and finally nodded, "Hmm!"

The domain of the fox race is very vast. This time they did not ride in the star boat, but urged their bodies to fly in behind the Fox Xing and others.

Unlike the dragons living on a huge planet, the foxes live scattered.

There are many dazzling planets in the domain of the fox race.

These planets are big and small, but without exception, they are full of foxes.

And when Fox Xing and others flew through the void, the fox races on these planets were also alarmed.

"Here comes, the fifth elders are back!"

"Is the famous Red Lotus Immortal Venerable that followed? He looks so handsome!" said a fox girl with bright eyes.

"Bah, I'm crazy about everyone, and don't look at who the other person is!" Another fox girl sipped, and then looked at Xue An obsessively.

"I have long heard that this Red Lotus Immortal Venerable is a young man like a jade. When I saw it today, it was really extraordinary. If you can develop a relationship with him, wouldn't it be a good story?"

This group of fox girls twittered and started **** with smirk.

As one of the best monsters among the heavens, the fox girl is famous for her enthusiasm and hotness.

This kind of unscrupulous talk about men can only appear in the Qingqiu Fox Country.

And the attention of these male foxes are all focused on Fox Ye.

"The old man is back, but I don't know if he can pass this level!"

"Yeah, it's unreasonable that the good old man found a mortal woman to be his partner."

"This Red Lotus Immortal Venerable should come back together for this matter too! After all, he and our eldest son are iron buddies!"

"Haha~www.wuxiaspot.com~What about the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable? If the elder is angry, it won't work for anyone!"

In addition, there are many young male foxes who have focused their attention on Huying.

"The little princess went out, her strength has improved a lot!"

"Yes, I look more beautiful!"

Just when the entire Qingqiu Fox Country was discussing in secret.

Xue An and others followed the Fox Punishment to the core area of ​​the Qingqiu Fox Country.

A tree that grows in the void, its height does not know how many miles, the branches and leaves even cover the front of a big tree that covers hundreds of thousands of miles of starry sky.

This is the most important holy thing of the Tianhu clan, the Sansheng Tree.

Fox Punishment stopped, stepped back to the side, and said in a deep voice: "Master Honglian, the elder is waiting for you, please!"

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