Many people are a little confused.

What kind of character is this Li Jingxing?

How can sometimes be paranoid scary, crazy and unhuman.

Sometimes so polite?

Only Xue An chuckled.

Only he could understand that there was nothing wrong with this Li Jingxing, it was just that his sword training was a little confused.

Many sword repairers have this problem.

Because they are accustomed to pure kendo, they can solve problems straightforwardly without knowing how to adapt.

But just as Nian Nian was about to do something, the thinking beside her shook his head, and then said with a serious face, Jingxing.

"Uncle, don't bother in vain, you can't be resurrected, because she is completely dead!"

These words caused Li Jingxing's expression to change wildly.

An Yan was even more scared to think about it, looking at Li Jingxing extremely nervously, for fear that he would go crazy again.

Many people can't help but take a breath, don't understand why they want to say that.

"You nonsense, she is not dead, she can definitely come back to life!" Li Jingxing said.

Thinking about it, he broke away from An Yan’s arms and said very seriously: "Uncle, I don’t lie to you. If you really don’t give up, you can try it, but it doesn’t make sense at all, because it tells me it is too If you are tired, let it go like this!"

"Tell you in person? Who told you in person?" Li Jingxing asked in surprise.

"That's it!" Think of the skeleton in Li Jingxing's arms.

"It... its Feng Ling hasn't dissipated yet?" Li Jingxing shouted extremely excitedly.

Think about it and shook his head, "I don't know what Feng Ling you are talking about. I just can see the essence of everything, and there is a breath that remains in it, which is what this breath told me. !"

Speaking of this, think about tilting his head and looking at Li Jingxing, "Uncle, is this auntie's hair red?"

Li Jingxing was struck by lightning and nodded tremblingly, "Yes!"

"That's right, this aunt's obsession told me that she wants you to let go, because...your kindness is the cruelest to her, so let her go."

As soon as he said this, tears came from Li Jingxing's eyes, and then he slowly squatted down, sobbing and crying.

Men’s tears are sometimes far more touching than words.

For example, now, watching this Li Jingxing crying like a child, the audience is silent for him.

Thinking about it, I thought I did something wrong. I lowered my voice and asked An Yan, "Mom, did I say the wrong thing? What did that sentence mean?"

An Yan sighed softly when he heard the words, and then gently stroked his thinking head.

"Nothing, just a cruel farewell!"

"Is it cruel to say goodbye?"

"Of course." An Yan said, and then softly sighed: "And sometimes it is more cruel than that sword."

Just as Li Jingxing was crying, Xue An didn't know when he came to him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Okay, it's better to cry, do you want to try?" Xue An said softly.

Li Jingxing gradually stopped crying, shook his head, then stood up, carefully wrapped the skull in his arms, and once more thought about giving a deep salute.

Now I was shocked to think about it.

Li Jingxing said with a serious face: "Little girl, thank you for telling me this, I understand!"

Speaking of this, the tears on his face have disappeared without a trace, and the previous madness has also disappeared, and he has changed back to the master of the sword palace.

Then he turned his head and said to Xue An, "Xue An, you have given birth to two amazing daughters."

"Hehe, that is, you don't see whose daughter it is!" Xue An said with a smile.

"I'll leave for a while and come back in two days. Will you still be here?" Li Jingxing asked.

Xue An nodded, "Yes, I happen to have something to stay with the Dragon Clan for a few days."

Li Jingxing nodded, "Okay, then wait for me to come back!"

After all, he held the skeleton soaring into the sky, joined the pair of twin phoenixes in the air, and then disappeared into the vast void.

Li Jingxing just left.

Hu Ye couldn't help but breathe out, "Huh, this big guy is finally gone."

Then he turned around and said to Niannian with a smile on his face.

"Niannian, while it's okay now, hurry up and treat your aunt's eyes first!"

Nian Nian nodded, "Okay!"

As she said, she waved her little chubby hand and pointed at Arou.

"Elves, help me heal her eyes."

Following the voice, the little elves flying all over the sky twitched towards Arou.

A Rou stood there nervously.

She can probably see the situation in the field through her hearing, but it depends on whether she can see the light again, which is naturally full of anxiety.

Hu Ye saw this, so he stepped forward and gently wrapped her waist.

"Don't be afraid, I am here!"


Feeling the comfort of Fox Ye, Arou, who was trembling slightly, immediately calmed down.

At this time, the little elves transformed by the emperor flow were dotted on A Rou's eyes like a tide.

A little bit of brilliance began to gather in A Rou's It felt like countless elves were igniting the fire in A Rou's body.

A Rou's eyes gradually glowed.

Fox night became more and more excited.

But at this moment.

A Rou's entire body suddenly began to twist at a strange angle.

Immediately afterwards, she let out a howl like a ghost cry.

In the harsh sound, Hu Ye was shocked.


As he said, he stretched out his hand to try to touch A Rou.

But he hadn't waited for his hand to reach halfway.

A Rou soared up, then raised her head in the air and opened her eyes.

The red beam of light rushed straight into the sky, and her eyes were as evil as a blood pool in hell.

Immediately afterwards, Arou let out a shrill laugh like a scraping iron.

"Jie Jie Jie, I didn't expect that someone could actually open her seal!"

Huye was shaking all over his body, then hissed sharply, "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" A Rou's eyes dripped with blood and tears, "I am the one who takes her vision!"

Huye was frightened and furious when he heard the words, "Give me to die!"

He said he rushed forward.

But as soon as he rushed halfway, Arou sneered, "Come here, believe it or not you take a step forward, I immediately let her die on the spot?"

Hu Ye stopped immediately.

Immediately afterwards, A Rou looked at the situation at the scene with an evil look.

"Tsk tusk tusk, it really is the emperor, it seems my luck is really good!"

With the harsh laughter, A Rou directly rushed towards the emperor flowing elves flying all over the sky.

The elves disappeared.

But at this moment, Arou suddenly opened her mouth, her tongue stretched out, turned into countless tentacles, and came straight to these elves.

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