Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1834: Twin Phoenix, Lord of Sword Palace

"Really?" The Queen of the Thousand Races still didn't quite believe it.

"Of course it's true. Unless there is a strong player coming in, this emperor's slurry will definitely be mine! But now that even the people from the Qingqiu Fox Country are here, what strong player can there be among the Monster Race? Don't worry!" Sanzuwu said with a smug expression.

But as if it were in response to his words, the three-legged Wu had just finished speaking, and only heard a very clear hum that shook the entire void.

Everyone was shaken by it.

Because they all noticed the unusual hum.

Especially some demon races with a long lifespan are even more disillusioned.

"This call..."

As soon as the voice fell, a fire suddenly appeared in the void.

This flame is not an extraordinary thing. As soon as it appeared, the scorching heat wave forced many people back again and again.

Even the space was shaken by the grilled distortion.

But this is just the beginning. Almost in an instant, the firelight began to converge rapidly, and then it condensed into the shape of a firebird.

After the firebird, a cluster of long tail feathers slowly unfolded, beautifully, making people have an urge to worship.

"Huofeng... God, it's Huofeng!" someone muttered with a dull face.

No wonder he was so surprised.

It was really because the Phoenix clan had disappeared from the monster clan for a long time, and it had even become a legend.

Many people think that the Phoenix family has been completely extinct.

Unexpectedly, even today, this extremely mysterious ethnic group would also appear.

Three-legged Wu's mouth opened slightly, and finally he laughed forcefully.

"Hehe, it's just a phoenix survivor, don't worry too much!"

But at this moment, the giant bird transformed from fire suddenly condensed into a woman.

A beautiful woman with her eyes burning like flames, red lips and white teeth, wearing a flaming red dress.

As soon as the woman appeared, there was a burst of laughter like a wind chime.

"Yeah, it's really busy, sister, don't you show up yet?"

When the words fell, beside this woman, a group of extremely deep cold air began to emerge.

Although they are far apart, just a glance, the cold air made many people tremble, showing how terrifying its lethality is.

Later Hanqi also condensed into the image of a phoenix bird, and finally turned into a woman.

This woman, no matter her facial features or body shape, is exactly the same as the woman who first appeared.

There are only two differences.

One is that her eyes are filled with icy blue extremely cold air, and the other is that she is wearing a dark green dress.

In addition, the two are almost as if they were carved out of the same mold.

"Twin Phoenix! God, there is such a thing!" Someone sighed in shock.

Therefore, according to old legend, the Phoenix clan is different from the dragon clan, which is most fond of reproduction. This race is naturally noble and extremely difficult to give birth, so the Phoenix clan has been very small since ancient times.

When the Phoenix clan reaches the point of life and death, it will definitely give birth to a pair of twin phoenixes, one yin, one yang, one fire and one ice.

This twin phoenix will possess the unpredictable strength of ghosts and gods, and can even kill the existence of the same level in seconds.

Unexpectedly, this legend that sounds absurd is actually true.

When everyone in the audience was dumbfounded, the three-legged Wu Wu insisted: "It's just a pair of twin phoenixes. I don't want to put it in my eyes. Let me see if you have the ability to come and let me see it! I'm not afraid. !"

Today, the three-legged crow's mouth seemed to be opened, and he said whatever he said.

Because his voice just fell, from the depths of the distant void, there was a dull loud noise.

It was as if a giant beast was slowly approaching, and all the demons trembled.

Then I saw a man holding a skeleton in his arms, walking out of the darkness seemingly slow but fast.

Every step he takes, he will arouse countless sword intent, and his aura is so strong that it makes his heart broken.

And when he arrived on the court, the two phoenixes took a step back and bowed and said: "I have seen the master!"

The three-legged crow was dumbfounded.

He never expected that things would turn out to be like this.

When did the strong become the Chinese cabbage on the side of the road, unexpectedly one crop after another appeared.

At this time, the Queen of Thousand Feet said quietly: "Is it still sure now? Would you like to stop shouting and see if there are any strong ones?"

The sarcasm and anger in this sentence are almost overflowing.

The three-legged Wu couldn't even say a word.

Because he faintly felt that this matter had been out of his control.

At least compared to the powerhouses who came later, his own strength is no longer enough.

at the same time.

Xue An, who was in the secret realm, naturally felt the strangeness of the outside world, but he did not panic at all. Instead, he squatted down and smiled at the two little girls: "Missing you, go, go back to the Fubao building with your mother. "

"Ah, can't you play for a while? Just a while!" The two little girls on the head were a little unhappy.

"Hey, wait for a while to clean up, Dad will play with you again, okay!"


The two little girls also understood that Dad had a lot of work to do, so they simply followed Anyan away.

An Yan nodded gently against Xue An. "Husband, be careful!"

Xue An smiled freely, "Don't worry, I have my own measures!"

When An Yan returned to Fu Bao Xiaolou with two little girls, Xue An slowly turned around, and the smile on his face gradually converged.

"Master Honglian, did you perceive it?" The fox appeared next to Xue An and asked softly.

"Of course, Gemini Phoenix, I haven't seen such an existence for a long time!" Xue An said lightly.

"But I think the other one is the most important thing. After all, I have never seen such a powerful and crazy sword intent!" Hu Wan said with a serious face.

"He?" Xue An smiled and shook his head, "He is really amazing, but I happen to know him!"

"What? Then who is he?" Hu Jian was surprised.

At this moment, a flat, water-like voice spread across the barriers to everyone's ears in the secret realm.

"Xue An? Are you still alive?"

Xue An smiled faintly, "Of course I am still alive, why? Li Jingxing, are you disappointed?"

Li Jingxing!

When this name came out, everyone, including the fox vine, was terrified.

Because among the heavens, this name means absolute power.

That is the real immortal emperor!

Moreover, as the lord of the sword palace, Li Jingxing founded the Buried Sword Mountain alone, guarding the Throne of Ten Thousand Swords alone, and almost suppressed the Void Northern Realm with one person's power, making countless evil demons afraid to cross the thunder pond. Seeing the shadow and fleeing, eventually became an insurmountable peak in sword repair.

How can such an existence not be frightening.

It can be heard that he disappeared strangely three years ago, and for this reason, there was an uproar among the heavens.

There are rumors that he was dead because of a delusion while practicing.

But I didn't expect him to appear here today.

"Disappointment can't be mentioned, but I didn't expect you to appear here, why? The dignified Red Lotus Immortal Venerable was also bought by the Dragon Clan and became their thug?" Li Jingxing said lightly.

"Haha, the last name is Li, you haven't changed at all for so many years, and your speech is still so mean!"

With that, Xue An stepped forward and appeared directly outside the secret realm.

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