With the words, this boundless darkness suddenly became magnificent, because a giant centipede exuding golden brilliance suddenly crawled in.

Then the centipede turned into a beautiful, charming and charming, and looked over with winking eyes.

But for such a scene that was supposed to be pleasing to the eye, the demon's eyes grew colder, and he said coldly: "Queen Thousand Feet, what are you doing all of a sudden to come to me?"

"Chuck chuck!" The Queen of Thousand Feet smirked her mouth for a while, and then glanced at the big demon in a coquettish manner, "Three-legged crow, what are you so afraid of me for? Can I still eat you?"

With that, the Queen of Thousand Feet licked her red lips.

"Hmph! Queen of the Thousand Feet, you and I do not offend the river water, and I will naturally not be afraid of you as the king of dignified birds, so you'd better give me this set less!" Three-legged Wu sneered, with brilliance in his eyes. .

As the heavenly **** bird in ancient legends, this three-legged crow speaks naturally with full confidence.

"Yeah, I'm turning my face to deny people? You and I have been under the same person anyway, so why don't you have the water in the water?" The Queen of the Thousand Races said with a smile.

As soon as the words came out, the three-legged crow couldn't help but change in sorrow, and said grimly: "Qianzu, what do you mean by this?"

"I don't have any consciousness, just want to remind you that the master we used to be loyal to has now returned, and as a betrayal of him, how would you say that he will deal with us?" The Queen of Millenium said indifferently.

Sanzuwu's face turned dark, "I don't need you to remind me of these things, and I'm not afraid of him, so you should take care of yourself!"

"Oh? I'm really not afraid of him?" The Queen of Thousand Feet smiled and said, "Then why did you hide in this barren land?"

The three-legged crow was angry, "Thousand-legs, what do you mean?"

The Thousand Foot Queen said indifferently: "It's meaningless, but suddenly I heard a news that Xue Anye has appeared in the ancestral land of the dragon clan!"

The three-legged Crow trembled, and his complexion suddenly became pale, "What? He has come?"

The Queen of Thousand Feet sneered, "Didn't you say that you are not afraid?"

The three-legged black face gradually became gloomy, but he did not speak.

The Queen of Thousand Feet did not care, and said to herself: "As his subordinate, I believe you should be very clear about his temperament. You feel that he has returned from rebirth, and just after proving the Dao Immortal King, he will kill the Five Elements Evil Emperor. Have you passed us?"

The three-legged crow thought for a while, and finally shook his head with a green expression, "I guess not!"

"It's not that I won't, but I definitely won't, because you and I know what happened to the Yutu clan back then!"

The words of the Queen of Thousand Feet made the face of the three-legged Wu look more ugly, and couldn't help but say: "What are you trying to say?"

"It's very simple. The reason why I came to you is because if we want to survive now, there is only one way, and that is to join forces to deal with Xue An, otherwise, we will definitely die!" The Queen of Qianzu said solemnly.

The three-legged Wu lowered his head and began to think carefully.

The Queen of Thousand Feet was not in a hurry, she just waited quietly, because she believed that as long as the three-legged crow was not a fool, she would definitely make the right choice.


After thinking about it for a long time, Sanzuwu finally made up his mind, then raised his head and said: "I can cooperate with you, and I have a way. Not only can I live, I can even kill Xue An directly and replace it!"

"What?" This time it was the Queen of Millipede's turn to be shocked.

The three-legged Wu took a deep breath, "But the premise is that you must obey my command and take me as the master, otherwise everything will be abandoned, understand?"

The Queen of Thousand Feet took a deep look at Sanzuwu and found that he was not joking, and finally nodded hesitantly.

"I can agree to your request, but if you trick me, I will kill you at all costs!"

The three-legged grinning grinned, "Don't worry, this matter is absolutely reliable, and once the two of us join forces, the odds of winning are definitely big enough!"

"Don't sell it, what the **** is it?"

The three-legged black took a deep breath, "Do you know the emperor flow?"

The Queen of Thousand Feet was taken aback, "You said that legend that has long disappeared?"

"It's not a legend!" Sanzuwu shook his head, "It existed for real! Because I was fortunate to have the memory inheritance of an ancient great demon, so I can perceive this thing, but just now, I suddenly felt There is a breath of it!"

"Could it be that you made a mistake?" The Queen of Thousand Feet said with a shocked look.

Because this is really incredible.

A thing that only exists in legends suddenly appeared, it doesn't seem to be true no matter how you think.

The three-legged black said firmly: "I can't make a mistake, that is the aura of Emperor Liuzhu! And it is extremely clear, which shows that it will be born again soon!"

"And as long as we obtain this thing, we will immediately become the real powerhouse among the heavens, and then..."

A grinning smile appeared on the face of the three-legged Wu, "How can a Red Lotus Immortal Venerable who has not yet returned to the top, can be our opponent?"

The eyes of the Queen of Thousand Feet gradually became hot.

"How do you do that? Where is this thing now?"

"Don't worry? It's just a surprise now, and according to ancient legends, as long as it appears once, it will definitely appear again in a short period of time, and I already have an approximate position. It’s too late for us to rush over now!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up! Otherwise, if someone else gets on board first, then we will be all over! What's more, this Xue An is now in the dragon clan. Wouldn't it be more difficult for him to intervene in this matter? "The Queen of Thousand Feet said very anxiously.

The three-legged black chest smiled confidently, "Don't worry, no one can steal the Emperor Liuyou with me!"

"Even if he is Xue An, the result is the same!"

Just when these three-legged black mouths uttered wild words ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ the major powerhouses among the monster clan more or less felt a strange breath.

These people couldn't help but cast their eyes over, wanting to know what happened.

Only a few people perceive the unusual breath faintly, and then secretly prepare.

at the same time.

Xue An and his party have already rushed out of the sea of ​​stardust and came to the secret realm of the dragon clan.

Seeing the secret realm that had already returned to calm, everyone was a little dumbfounded.

"Where is the second sister? Where did she go?" Ao Shu looked around anxiously, but did not see any trace of Ao Yi.

The eldest princess Ao Qing also surveyed the surroundings with divine mind, looking for clues about her younger sister.

Only Xue An seemed to smell something strange, walked to one place, and then squatted down to look at the ground.

On the ground, there were a few shallow tears.

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