Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 1811: Nothing to show your courtesy, you will steal if you do it!

When Huye just got off the Xingzhou, Li Shou greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Master Fox, we haven't seen you since we met you in Qingqiu Fox Country a hundred years ago. I didn't expect you to be so graceful and magnificent, and you are so extraordinary!"

These remarks sounded a little flattering at first, but speaking from Li Mou's mouth was like a spring breeze, without the slightest embarrassment.

This is how the great demon like Li Xu is so smart!

Because the relationship between Hu Ye and Li Mou and Li Xiaoling, the father and son, was a nodding acquaintance at best, but Li Mou felt like they had been friends for many years.

Huye could only smile at this, but he was secretly wary.

Nothing to show your courtesy, you will steal if you do it!

That's it for Li Xiaoling. This Li Mou is a master of the monster clan who has been famous for many years. Why should he be so polite to me?

It seems I should be more careful!

These old guys are the masters who cannibalize people and don't spit out bones. One is careless, and they don't know if they were sold!

"Elder Li is so polite. As a junior, how can you meet him in person?" Hu Ye said with a smile on his face.

"Young Master Fox is too modest. You are the future successor of the Qingqiu Fox Country. You are one of the best in the younger generation of the Yao Clan. It is only natural for the old man to come to greet him. In fact, if the patriarch is not busy with his affairs, his elderly may also Coming!"

Huye didn't even dare to say, his performance was impeccable.

The two met again in such a vain and polite meeting, and then Li Mou stretched out his hand.

"Haha, let's not talk about that, Young Master Fox, please come in!"

After speaking, he personally led the way.

Fox night walked behind, eyes flickering slightly.

Because he always felt that these guys were not well-intentioned, so he turned his head and looked at Xue An.

Although he could not speak, his eyes explained everything.

He really didn't understand why Xue An agreed to Li Xioling's invitation and ran into the white tiger clan to take this muddy water.

Xue An just smiled at this, and then nodded gently, beckoning him to stay calm.

At this moment, Li Mou led everyone to the door of a wide courtyard.

Needless to say, the magnificence of this courtyard, the key is that there is still a long walk of charming maidservants standing in front of the door.

Li Mou smiled slightly, "Master Fox, you can live here for the time being! You take a rest and wait until the evening to pick up the dust for you!"

After that, he turned to leave.

Hu Ye quickly stopped him, "Elder Li, let's stay first!"

"What? Young Master Fox is there anything else?" Li Mou asked with a smile.

"What happened to these... women?" Hu Ye asked with a dazed expression.

"Oh! You are asking these maids!" A mysterious smile appeared on Li Shou's face, "They are all specially assigned to serve you, how about it? Are you satisfied?"

Fox night was dumbfounded.

At the same time, Li Mou took a rather witty step forward, lowered his voice and said, "Master Fox, these maidservants took a lot of effort to get them together. They come from the big monster races, very rare! You! Enjoy!"

As he said, he blinked at Huye, revealing a man who knows how to smile.

Hu Ye almost wanted to cry without tears, because he could clearly feel that there was a scorching gaze staring at him behind his back.

You don't have to look back at Hu Ye to know that it must come from his sister.

But this is not the main point, the point is that Arou Ke is on the sidelines!

Don't look at this Li Mou deliberately lowering his voice, but to A Rou, who has amazing ears, it is of no avail.


Fox Ye felt an invisible pressure coming from his side.

But Li Mou didn't notice this at all, and still introduced with excitement on his face.

"I heard that Mr. Fox enjoys countless flowers, and ordinary vulgar powder is naturally difficult to see. So I specially found many new tricks for you this time, such as this pair of sister flowers..."

"Ahem!" Hu Ye coughed violently.

Li Mou was taken aback, "Master Fox, what's the matter with you? But is your body unwell?"

Hu Ye waved his hand, and then popped out a few words from his teeth, "It's okay! Elder Li, your love is distracting me, but you should take these women away!"

Li Mou's eyes widened, "What's the matter? Is Mr. Fox dissatisfied? It's okay. If you are dissatisfied, just bring it up and I will replace it immediately!"

Looking at the sincere Li Mou, Hu Ye suddenly had an urge to kill, but in the end she could only shook her head in pain.

"No, it's just that I'm not good at it, and I don't have countless flowers! So please ask Elder Li to take someone away quickly!"

Li Mou looked at Hu Ye with a look of astonishment, thinking he had heard it wrong.

He has heard of Fox Night’s anecdotes more than once, and no one among the monsters knows that this eldest son of the fox country is so beautiful. What he usually likes most is to look for flowers and ask Liu everywhere. Why has he suddenly changed his **** now? ?

But what a character Li Shou was. Although he was shocked, he quickly returned to normal. Then he gave a meaningful look at the embarrassed Fox Ye, then looked at Xue An in the distance, suddenly as if he understood something. , Nodded slightly.

"So that's the case, the old man is abrupt! I'm really embarrassed, I will take someone away now!"

After all, he winked at these maidservants, and they all followed him away.

It wasn't until Li Mou's back was no longer visible that Hu Ye let out a sigh of relief.

Then turned around, sister Hu Ying and Arou smiled with embarrassed faces.

"This old man is so enthusiastic!"

A Rou smiled without saying a word.

Hu Ying didn't care so much, she saw her coldly snorted, and pointedly said, "Is this enthusiasm? I think it's for someone's favor!"

"Don't talk nonsense, your brother and I are not such a casual person!"

"Yeah! Aren't you just being a human!" Hu Ying snorted, and then took A Rou's hand and walked into the courtyard.

Even An Yan looked at Hu Ye with a bit of hatred for iron and steel, and sighed, "You, you, really...what are you talking about!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

In the blink of an eye, Xue An and Fox Ye were left in front of the Xue An smiled and looked at the embarrassed Fox Ye, only to feel that he finally got out of the previous breath.

"Old Xue, what are you doing with that look? Don't even you believe me?" Hu Ye said very aggrieved.

Xue An nodded slowly, "Yes! I just don't believe you!"

"You...! Forget it, those who are clear will clear themselves, and those who will be muddy will be muddled! Leave all the merits and demerits for future generations!" Hu Ye said with a sad face, his tone was full of the world's drunk and I was alone. Lonely.

But as soon as his words fell, Xue An raised his hand and knocked on his head, and said with a smile, "Stop putting garlic in front of my eyes!"

Hu Ye clutched the knocked bag on his head, wanted to attack but knew that he was not Xue An's opponent, so he could only say with a grin.

"You can't just start lightly? My head almost let you knock it out! Hey, old Xue, why did you agree to come to this white tiger clan?"

Xue An said indifferently: "No, it's just a little fun!"

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